Door 18: Learning about ADHD - HealthUnlocked Blog

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Door 18: Learning about ADHD

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Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can affect different aspects of a person's life. See our most recent blog to learn more from the CHADD organisation:

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EEG biofeedback to normalize the neurophysiological brain activity of inattention, impulsive, learning an ADHD or ADD. It can teach you how to activate your own brain especially in the areas that you are having difficulty activating or have slowed excessively. Brains will reorganize the functions that were responsible in that area of the brain to new still healthy functional areas.

For more information, visit or call 1-604-730-9600 where you can view videos and scientific publications on how recovery can be achieved! Feel free to call me for more details. There are home training units available with a remote therapist/trainer.

Teresa de La Boursodiere, BSc, Masters in Health Care Management

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