Hi: Well still in hospital! Sats low at... - Lung Conditions C...

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valm profile image
50 Replies

Well still in hospital! Sats low at 82 continuing with the IV antibiotic's, asked this morning why the sats are so low he said due to cavities in my lungs containing the infection it is difficult for the antibiotics to penetrate! Can't really concentrate and tired all the time urgh.

Give me some multi vitamins to get me going ha ha :)

Hope you are all healthy and well this morning Val x

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valm profile image
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50 Replies
pedantic profile image

keep on keeping on Val.best wishes x

valm profile image
valm in reply to pedantic

Thank you :)

Hi Val, so sorry you are still in the hospital, I'm visualising the cavities closing so the antibiotics can sort out the infection :) Keep on resting, as you sleep your own body's natural healing process kicks in. Wishing you feeling better soon with sats in the 90s before long :)

I'm doing good today - just off to exercise.

Hugs Zoee x

valm profile image
valm in reply to

Enjoy your exercise zoe should have been my 1st day back at work ha ha :)

in reply to valm

Thanks Val, I did :) Hope you are feeling a little better today and getting ready to flex those biceps ;) x x

valm profile image
valm in reply to

Ha ha not quite ready yet :)

wendym0302 profile image

hopefully antibiotics will start workin soon, not gd today myself just goin bck 2 docs with chest infection not clearing up at all antibiotics n pred not workin so scared that im goin 2 b admitted 2day.xx

valm profile image
valm in reply to wendym0302

Look after your self x

MrsShimmy profile image

just keep resting, then your body has a chance to heal. Lots of love, J x

valm profile image
valm in reply to MrsShimmy

Thank you x

blimey val - your milking that a bit now - some people will do anything for free board and lodgings :)

Hope you feel better soon Val - nothing worse than being in hospital coz that gets you down and slows your recovery, hopefully those antibiotics will kick in soon and you can get home .


valm profile image
valm in reply to

Would be better if it was 4 stars in Windermere ha ha could do with that :) They are talking another week hope your feeling better and resting :) x

in reply to valm

jeez Val - is the food that good you squeezing another week out of it !! lol

seriously, that's not funny Val, bet your bored to tears in there and another week will have you climbing the walls!

Slept on my lazyboy last night - has helped my chest a lot but still really tired.

Hate sleeping sitting up but have to admit it does help sometimes -

keep smiling tho ! :)

valm profile image
valm in reply to

Take it easy and rest,

I suppose I have the tv my lap top, tell you the truth just tired want to shut my eyes all the time ha ha told u I was a dozy bugger :)

As for the food hit and miss no Michelin Star here ha ha !

Better get looking for some offers for my next trip away.

Won't be long till I am on my way home, keep your fingers crossed Val xxx :)

Perce profile image

Poor Val, hope you are feeling better soon and can come home.

valm profile image
valm in reply to Perce

Me too :(

You can't keep me down will bounce back ya bugger if it's the last thing I do ha ha :) x

Hi Val wishing you well, and those anti-biotic's kick in asap, how long have you been in hospital ? I know from experience you will feel so much better when you get home, Take care Lynne x

valm profile image
valm in reply to

Will be 2 weeks tomorrow but they buggered about for a week before giving IV's, disregarded what the consultant had said! x

in reply to valm

Aww hope your home and better soon xx

jojam profile image

Hope your soon feeling much better Val

Jo :-)

valm profile image
valm in reply to jojam

Thank u x

pollyjj profile image

Hi Val, sorry to hear you are still in hospital I know its not a nice place to be but its the best for resting and getting your strength back because when you are home you will be tempted to push yourself, which is not always good.

Rest up hope those antibiotics get working so you can be home soon.

Take care


valm profile image
valm in reply to pollyjj

Thanks Polly doing what I am told this time ha ha x

Oh dear sorry to hear your still poorly val, what iv's are they pumping into you now and

How much oxygen, litres are you being given if you dont mind me asking, because sats at 82 is not going to be a good place for vital organs recovery etc.

lots of love to you

are you managing to get showered under your own steam or is it bed bath

valm profile image
valm in reply to

Still on 4L and 6L ambulatory the IV tazocin 3 times a day Graham helps me with a shower getting better its just very slow this time x

lavender1 profile image

Sorry you aren't home yet Val. Keep up that fighting spirit and you'll be fine.

Hope you're getting plenty of visitors and you can always keep up on your

laptop with the rest of the walking wounded here. xx

valm profile image
valm in reply to lavender1

My daughter has just been off she's gone to wash her car ha ha. I am on the mend slowly :)

Chin up Val, hope you are out soon. x

valm profile image
valm in reply to

Thank u :)

zube-UK profile image

Valm I hope you get home soon too x was just wondering if they give you any physio to move the pockets of infection ?.. like us with bronchi, we are given pep device to disslodge stuff in lung. I can't live without mine, would get completely congested in a couple of days.

su x

valm profile image
valm in reply to zube-UK

No physio's have been just told it is taking time to sort this time knocked me for 6 though x

libbygood profile image

Didn't know you could take your lap top into hospital, gives you something to look at and keep you in contact with the outside world. Just keep thinking - Windemere see you soon.

Libby x

valm profile image
valm in reply to libbygood

Oh yes Libby Windermere will be on the cards really enjoyed it :)

Keep fighting Val, we're all with you in spirit.

Take care

Dave xxx

valm profile image
valm in reply to

I am you can't keep this one down for long ha ha :) x

nannie63 profile image

Fingers & toes crossed Val, hope you home soon. Take care. Marilyn X

valm profile image
valm in reply to nannie63

Thank u :) x

blackbird profile image

Sorry to hear you are still in hospital - hope those antibiotics kick arse soon and that you and your fighting sprit and sense of humour will be back home soon, take carexx

valm profile image
valm in reply to blackbird

Thanx :)

terri-rose profile image

Best wishes to you Val x

valm profile image
valm in reply to terri-rose

Thank u x

get well soon Val. xx

valm profile image
valm in reply to

Will be home asap :) x

valm profile image

Another week on IV's should do the trick :)

swallow profile image

Sorry to hear you are in hospital Val, I'll say a few prays for you and a speedy recovery, not much fun being in hospital but it's the best place for you right now....take care and do as they say!!.....xxxx

valm profile image
valm in reply to swallow

Ha ha long time no hear from you :( Up and down like a flamin yo yo I am dizzy ha ha :) x

swallow profile image

Oh poor you, just as things was looking up, can't change much at the moment so take it a day at a time and take it easy.....I've been on holiday lol xxxxx

valm profile image
valm in reply to swallow

:) x

sassy59 profile image

wishing you well Val and hope you get home soon. xxxxxxxxxxx

valm profile image
valm in reply to sassy59

:) x

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