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People do not understand

bobbyfloyd profile image
39 Replies

Having posted a few times on the virus i must say again about the people who will not isolate or stay in, i do worry about those people who may contract the virus through being stupid, i have come to the conclusion people just dont want to be safe and ignore the safety of others including their loved ones, so my main priority from now on is to only worry about myself and my family and let the rest do as they wish, might sound selfish but that is the way people make me feel, stay safe everyone

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bobbyfloyd profile image
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39 Replies

Good idea. I don’t worry about what anyone else is doing or where they’re going. I don’t know their circumstances so they may appear not to be taking care, but that isn’t necessarily the case

sassy59 profile image

I’m with you bobbyfloyd, the message won’t be adhered to by all sadly.

Our son was telling me today (by phone) that police officers had to go to the local beach today to break up gatherings! Really!

You stay safe xxx

in reply to sassy59

Not good sassy, its unhelpful to stop the virus spread, unhelpful to the NHS and unhelpful to the police who to break up such gatherings put themselves at risk. These people should be fined that do not observe safe distancing.

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to

Totally agree Bkin. Xxxxx

in reply to sassy59

there was a young woman of 21 with no underlying health conditions who has just lost her life to coronavirus, devasting for the whole family and surely must start to help those people who gather in groups to stop and think and take preventative action on spreading the virus.

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to

Let’s hope so Bkin. That poor young woman and her family. So sad. Xxxxx

Caspiana profile image
Caspiana in reply to

I read this. 😓 I felt so sad for her family. xx

COPD123491 profile image
COPD123491 in reply to

Sorry Bkin, but you and I both know that these "people" are nothing other than selfish louts and the proposed paltry fine of £30 is a joke and I have yet to hear that any fines have been levied. When I hear of elderly people being forced to endure yobbos coughing into their faces my blood boils. While I am not a fan of authoritarianism it is time the government cracked down hard on these people.

Rather drastic, but a few water canons (with dye) patrolling the streets and parks of London might just dissuade people from gathering in large groups and we know that Boris, when mayor of London, bought some from N.Ireland.

I had to go to hospital in Belfast last Friday and while in the canteen - firmly distancing myself from others - I noted the doctors/nurses/medics coming in and pulling the tables together and having a chat, elbow to elbow. I also saw nursing staff putting their bare hands on the rubber rails of the escalators. What an example.

Anyway enough ranting.

Keep safe and healthy



in reply to COPD123491

The sad thing is Kevin, we none of us can control how other people act or behave, nor what they say, the most we can hope for is the medical profession and the police will do the right thing and enforce protection for others.

I hope you reported the situation you witnessed to the hospital head or PALS.

The picture seems to be evolving and showing the world (at least in UK and possibly in the US as well) that all those young folk who didn't have restrictions ( as the high risk groups ) are the ones now who are ending up critical and losing life in hospital. Over working the NHS services.

Those of us and families practising the safety measures are actually safest at this time.

Stay safe and well Kevin,

I hope you don't have to attend any hospital appointment again in the foreseeable future and can safely stay at home, away from the large groups. I would be reporting large gatherings to the police too whenever I saw them. For me though highly unlikely I would be anywhere near them to see such activity.

( I didn't think there were large gatherings in London of late, its amazing to see pictures of London without the volume of people)

Smoggy1990Boggy profile image
Smoggy1990Boggy in reply to COPD123491

Please make those aware at the hospital of this as that behaviour from healthcare professionals is unacceptable and not promoting social distancing which the government did not either thus senior politicians ending up with Covid 19

Spacecat1 profile image
Spacecat1 in reply to

It needs to be a bigger fine £30 is nothing.

in reply to Spacecat1

didn't know a fine fee had been fixed.

in reply to Spacecat1

The fine hasn’t made it into law yet - hoping to pass the emergency bill containing it today.

Davegt profile image
Davegt in reply to

I understand Parliament ceased yesterday for an extended Easter break due to Covid-19.

in reply to Davegt

I know, I’m a bit confused, too, but if it’s been passed, I’m not seeing any mention in the media, and for once google doesn’t seem to be my friend. I know it went to the Lords yesterday, so in theory it could have obtained royal assent before Parliament broke last night...?

in reply to

It was passed and granted royal assent at 5:30 last night. Fines of £30 *are* applicable.

bobbyfloyd profile image
bobbyfloyd in reply to

i seen 60 for first offence and then 120

in reply to bobbyfloyd

Reduced to £30 if paid within the first 14 days, same as parking fines etc. I’ve ended up spending most of my day reading the bill after seeing this thread this morning....👀🤦‍♂️ Kept me busy though! 😁

bobbyfloyd profile image
bobbyfloyd in reply to

and is 30 all for possibly contaminating and killing them, to me it is a joke

in reply to bobbyfloyd

I know. Hardly a deterrent, is it? Although we can only hope that the fines doubling each time after that might help prevent repeat or serial offenders.

Caspiana profile image

Hmmm..... bobbyfloyd , 👋

You are definitely not the one being selfish here. I think it's those people who couldn't give a toss about others by going out. So yes, you look after yourself and your loved ones. There is no cure for stupid. So I suggest you don't worry about them and keep yourself well. xx 🍀🌿🌼

hypercat54 profile image

I think the majority are being sensible and I am heartened at all the wonderful folk who have volunteered to help others. x

the video explains for those that don't understand:

Spacecat1 profile image

Read about fine con line. By were we live Police are stopping cars to see why they are out..

in reply to Spacecat1

I know in the US (some States) employers are providing employees a letter to carry with them stating they are required at work to help with ongoing needs and demand caused by the coronavirus. It would have to check out of course. No silly teenager forgeries etc. wasting police time.

Badbessie profile image

I had a conversation with my niece yesterday. She is a care coordinator for the elderly in our area. She works for the council. She told me that she had just attended a very uncomfortable meeting. Sadly it was to decide how they would acquire land for burials should the crematories become overwhelmed. Obviously this is the worst case scenario but the very fact that they are considering these options should be a wake up call for any idiot that thinks they can do as they wish.

in reply to Badbessie

Just Awful - I sure hope it doesn't come to that, yet another disease would be born too many dead bodies back logged for burial or cremation. I would have thought cremation would be compulsory with this disease really.

kibera profile image

People (those who have not been told to isolate for three months) are allowed to go out, once a day, for 'exercise' provided they keep to the two metre apart rule

On BBC Breakfast on Tuesday, Michael Gove, said it was ok for people to go to their allotments, as 'given the nature of allotments' people are well apart. Our Council issued a notice to go on our field gates about keeping two metres apart and a number of people have been on their allotment plots the last two days, they are well apart on their own plots and more than two metres away from each other.

Chezz123 profile image

As you are so worried it is maybe best to concentrate on the positive at this time. 250.000 asked to volunteer to help our beloved NHS staff and 504.00 applied in 24 hrs. NHS staff who stay at work despite the awful inevitability of catching the virus. We OWE it to those wonderful people to STAY AT HOME.

The one`s that insist on contravening the advice of everyone in the world will meet their reckoning. How ? By exposing themselves to contracting the Conavirus.

The un just ramifications being the other innocent folk they infect. As my mum would advise God bless her (no longer with us). It will all come out in the wash

Stay safe stay alert take care bobbyfloyd

love and hope to you and your family.

Phil & Rona

Chezz123 profile image

sorry 504,000 applied in 24 hrs

Bronchi1 profile image

I can remember being young and not caring much about anything or anyone. It's why I have the lungs I do now!

Bevash profile image

Hi there. I am in NZ and we went into total lockdown at midnight last night. We are hoping that our govt has made the right decision by locking down quickly. I am lucky that my two children (one being 50 and the other 46) are taking this very seriously and their children between them are 2 x 12yr old and 1 x 15yrs old. The children are old enough to understand the seriousness of this horrible virus and are still at an age where parents have control of their movements. The families I feel for the most are those who have children ages 16yrs (sometimes younger) up until the early 20s who think they know it all, couldn't give a damn about anyone other than themselves. This must be heart breaking for the parents to see the disregard for others and there is little they can do about it. We have only been in lockdown for one day and from midnight we had police stop vehicles and question people as to their intentions. (This was in the valley I live in) Some may call this a police state. Our govts intention is to save lives and the majority of kiwis agree. I have asthma and copd, in my 70s and are happy to stay in my little bubble for however long it takes to get this under control. Our only gripe is, the govt should have closed our borders earlier or been stricter on border control as 95% of the cases in NZ have been bought in by tourists or travellers returning. Lets hope this virus is contained as quickly as possible and the loss of life minimal. I feel for everyone living in the UK, Europe and all other countries at the moment. May god protect you and all your loved ones.

Chezz123 profile image
Chezz123 in reply to Bevash

🎁Hi Bevash

New Zealand hey ...have you seen the Mayor of Bergamo programme ? A sky news special aired on Sky Atlantic Thursday last think His names Giorgio Gori look what he has to say about Coronavirus !!!!! Frightening xx

Bevash profile image
Bevash in reply to Chezz123

Hi Chezz123. Thanks for that. Have had a quick read. We are now just passed our 2nd week in lockdown and it appears to be working. To date 4 deaths which is very sad, all elderly with underlying health conditions. 15 in hospital throughout NZ with 5 in intensive care and 1 critical. 29 new cases today with a total NZ wide of 1350 (or approx cases). Recovery rates now outnumbering new cases and all new cases related to 13 different clusters throughout NZ. We still have 2 weeks to go in lockdown then govt will look at reverting back to level 3. We still have the odd idiots that think the lockdown doesnt include them but overall kiwis seem to be abiding by the rules. Hugs to everyone.

Inamoment profile image

My daughter's bf is a gardener. Yesterday he went to a local retirement home, loads of old people wandering round the garden in groups having a nice chat. These people are the ones who are going to bung up the hospitals. Just looking after yourself doesn't work, everyone has to cooperate

Izb1 profile image

It is best not to worry about these people bobbyfloyd, some brits just wont do as they are told no matter what, its the same mentality when they are abroad and wont behave. I feel ashamed of them but we cannot change this so we must get on with our own life, we have enough to worry about getting through each day, so as Chezz123 says look for the positive each day x

snow4drop profile image


Lulu9 profile image

Totally agree , the general public well I cannot say what I think, keep safe.

Our local police force are doing on the spot fines £250 according to their post on our town Facebook.

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