Journey home: Yesterday I was in London... - Lung Conditions C...

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Journey home

Janzo54 profile image
โ€ข22 Replies

Yesterday I was in London with my daughter who was having a spinal fusion. I had started my day very early as you do to get her checked in-she went to Theatre lunchtime so it was a long morning.

Waited 5 hrs for her to return-they had probs controlling her pain ๐Ÿ˜ข

Left her at 8pm to try to miss rush hour crowds on train home to Reading. Arrived Paddington-all trains to Reading cancelled-an incident-spoke to a station official-he informed me there had been a suicide on the track ๐Ÿ˜ข

Headed to underground-tube was seriously overcrowded due to cancellations-me trying to stay calm and breath-this is the last thing i needed and would have avoided if i could. Ive been coughing loads this week and breathless-

so; arrive Waterloo and get on the one train going to Reading-standing room only Ten mins into journey man becomes unwell and kind lady offers her seat-hes very sweaty and looks like over heating-then he falls against window-and collapses-at first no one quite knows what to do-then heโ€™s seriously not looking well-unconscious then projectile vomits everywhere-a lady takes control with her husband-puts him in recovery and he clears his airways-someone else pulls emergency chord and train stops between two stations! What now?

A Doctor appears as if by magic-what luck hes on same train-asks medical questions and decides the train ok to continue journey to next station and wait for ambulance.

GP leaves train with sick man and rescue lady receives applause! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

If I havenโ€™t contracted corona virus now i never will! ๐Ÿ˜‚

What a journey! I had taken all precautions initially with the outward bound journey to London the night before and tried to avoid crowds avoiding underground and using Ubers!

That was a journey I wont forget in a hurry!!


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Janzo54 profile image
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22 Replies
sassy59 profile image

Oh my goodness Janzo! That sounds horrendous but youโ€™re home thank goodness. Have a good weekend and Iโ€™m thinking of the poor soul who decided to end their life. Very sad. Hope the other man is ok.

You take care xxxx

Janzo54 profile image
Janzo54 in reply to sassy59

Thank you and Yes Sassy it really makes you think doesnโ€™t it?!! xx

O2Trees profile image

Wow! Just wow!!! Thank heavens you finally got home Janzo.

O2Trees profile image
O2Trees in reply to O2Trees

Strangely I knew of this suicide as I was talking to a friend and her friend had been delayed by it on his journey to Reading.

We live directly by a railway bank and not far from a pedestrian crossing where one year there were three suicides within 4 months. Awful that people feel that desperate but terrible too for the train drivers, some of whom never get over it.

Janzo54 profile image
Janzo54 in reply to O2Trees

Oh really! Thats so sad and as you say it happens way too often.

A young daughter of a friend of mine took her life in the same way, Reading Train. She was sectioned at the time but managed to get away and was determined to end her life.

To lose a young life like that was so traumatic for everyone. Its taken them 10yrs to piece their lives back together but it will never be the same.

O2Trees profile image
O2Trees in reply to Janzo54

Hard to see how that could ever heal. I didnt know the people who took their lives here so well but, being a small town, I knew them a bit and it felt quite personal. It was a bit like an epidemic for a while, so many lives lost. Then a few years later a young girl I didnt know at all died on the line and since then there's been a campaign by her parents to close the crossing but opposition from townsfolk as its a short cut into town and to the beach for elderly. So it goes on.

I feel sad for your friend, Janzo.

Oshgosh profile image

What a nightmare..make sure you rest and take care of yourself

Janzo54 profile image
Janzo54 in reply to Oshgosh

Yes thanks! It does all affect you in surprising ways as you replay it in your head.

How wonderful that that lady responded the way she did-wonder how many of us would?

Gladwyn profile image
Gladwyn in reply to Janzo54

I'm ashamed to admit it but I really wouldn't have known what to do to help ๐Ÿ˜จ

RoadRunner44 profile image

Oh, I really don't know how you managed everything. Worrying about your daughter and the problem of her in such pain to arriving home eventually, such a lot happened in between. It sounds a bit unreal actually what with the corona virus hanging over our heads too.

Anyway, I hope your daughter has recovered and you can relax.


Janzo54 profile image

Hi roadrunner,

Yeah was all a bit surreal!

My daughters still in London hospital and her pain relief is being managed as well as they can-but shes still in pain bless her. Hopefully tomorrow will bring relief.

My other daughter down from Manchester is visiting her today do i can rest before going again tomorrow.

Thanks for kind thoughts!


UHelga profile image

You did amazingly well, it sounds like such a long tiring and difficult day. Iโ€™m fairly close to that railway line and always dread the news. But hope your daughter is improving slowly and you get some time to take it easy too. x

Janzo54 profile image
Janzo54 in reply to UHelga

Thanku very kind words.

Yes she will get stronger each day-shes 29 and otherwise fit apart from the spinal problems.

Im having a rest today and looking after me a bit x

skischool profile image

"Let the train take the strain",wasn't that some advertising slogan dolled out by British Rail many years ago?

Well short of a hijacking and the odd triple murder i would say you had a pretty normal day and i do hope your daughter is comfortable now and well on the road to recovery. :) x

Janzo54 profile image
Janzo54 in reply to skischool

Ha ha its not easy standing for the whole length of the journey and i really feel sorry for commuters who do it every day!

Caspiana profile image

Hello Janzo,

I'm sorry your daughter had to have an operation. I hope she's recovering well. Wwll, your journey sounds dreadful. It won't be one you will forget in a hurry. ๐Ÿ˜ฃ I hope you are now more rested. You deserve a medal! ๐Ÿ†

Take good care,

Cas xx ๐Ÿ’™

Janzo54 profile image
Janzo54 in reply to Caspiana

Hi Cas,

Ah thats kind-but i didnt do anything really just supported my daughter like any parent. For me the worst bit was the underground to be honest eight stops being crushed against the doors-felt like i couldn't breath!

My daughters doing well it will be a long journey but shes young and otherwise fit so we are hopeful for the outcome.

Take care of you too x

Izb1 profile image

Omg what a trauma for you Janzo54, I would have needed a stiff drink after that kind of day, or a sedative. I do hope your daughter is ok and on the mend and hoping you too have managed to remain sane after the day you had x

Janzo54 profile image
Janzo54 in reply to Izb1

Hi Izb1

Yeah to be honest the first thing i did was hsve a glass if wine when i got home & that was before a very late dinner! ๐Ÿท๐Ÿ˜‚as to being sane who knows! ๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ˜‚x

Izb1 profile image
Izb1 in reply to Janzo54

Ha! ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„

Gladwyn profile image

What a nightmare of a journey you had! I am full of admiration for the passengers who helped the gentleman who was sick . I hope your daughters pain is now under control and that you have had a relaxing day at home to recover.

Janzo54 profile image

Hi Gladwyn

Yes it was indeed!

My daughter is still in hospital and her pain is somewhat better thanks. It was a big operation for her-they had to go in front and back so its hard for her to get comfy. Hard to see but shes been in pain since she was 17 so shes very brave to have the spinal fusion done and lucky to have a surgeon that believes in her and can do something to help as she wants to get off opioid meds and start a family in a year or two and that wasnt a possibility with her level of pain.

Im looking after me today and catching up at home and waiting for need about her homecoming today or tomorrow. X

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