Winter draws on.: Now is the winter of... - Lung Conditions C...

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Winter draws on.

37 Replies

Now is the winter of our discontent

The summer came and suddenly went

Hereto we'll cough and wheeze away

Why oh why can't the summers stay.

The days get shorter day by day

The heating bills get hard to pay

Christmas comes all too soon

It won't be long before it starts in June

Soon the snow will start to fall

Our pipes will freeze and that's not all

The children and younger folk

Slip and slide and think it a joke

Whilst we oldies see no fun

In risking falling on our bum

I wish I could do like my hedgehog mate

And just hide away and hibernate

37 Replies
CDPO16 profile image

I have thought for quite some time that I would love to hibernate.

Hope you have recovered from your fall.

sassy59 profile image

Oh me too Don! I’d be a very happy hibernator. Xxxx 😘

RoadRunner44 profile image

That is so special Don, You put it so well, our memories of when we were young but now it's what we've become. Oh! Ive made a rhyme.

in reply to RoadRunner44

It's an infection I've despatched.

One of the better one's to catch

skischool profile image

I used to love the winter and every year i would ski

Now mucking around on icy slopes would make me want to pee

So like the little hedgehog who has a very wise head

I shall curl up in a ball and spend the winter in my bed. :)

teenieleek profile image

I’m sure you remember the Winter of Discontent, Don, and I don’t mean Richard lll’s one because you’re not quite that old, haha. The mountains of rubbish bags piled in the streets; luckily(?) it was such a cold winter that it didn’t stink and we weren’t tripping over rats. The rota power cuts; you had to time your dinner (tea up here) for when you’d have electricity, pals round to huddle round a paraffin heater in candle light, drinking too much and having a laugh (on week nights too!), hoping you didn’t get ill because the ambulance service was also on strike. But, despite how grim it was, we all supported the strikers. Clydeside was still red (well, pinkish) back then.

SORRELHIPPO profile image
SORRELHIPPO in reply to teenieleek

I recall the petrol crisis the best and when there were electric cuts by areas, so when driving home often the traffic lights were not working. Lucky that I worked in a hospital at the time, so could have a hot meal there.

Pantani profile image

Brilliant as usual Don, as good as anything written by Byron and his cronies.

pegbl profile image

I don't like winter the dark cold lonely nights are the worst. Can wait for the spring to burts through and lift my spirits. Xxx

in reply to pegbl

That's when loneliness tends to strike

On those dark cold winter nights

It won't last long so never fear

December Solstice almost here 🙂

lorianxiety profile image

Another super tale ,love the hedghog,is it a spiky as you!

in reply to lorianxiety

They tend to describe me as prickly. 🙄

hypercat54 profile image

Lovely Don. I hate the winters too but I console myself that at least the cold stops insects taking over! x

SORRELHIPPO profile image

I think I part hibernate anyway, once I am going from 3 layers ( vest + long sleeved T shirt + fleece top. Thermal long johns and knee socks) to 4 layers, when I have to add floor length very thick dressing gown, I snooze all night with cricket from wherever and sleep all day. The brain certainly takes a holiday.

Ergendl profile image
Ergendl in reply to SORRELHIPPO

Great image, that.

kpm346 profile image

Wish I could hibernate in the bedroom with the aircon at 18 deg. While expected temp is 42 on Friday.

joyce74 profile image

I’ve been saying we should hibernate like hedgehogs 🦔 in the winter for years Don.

in reply to joyce74

So why hasn't it happen, Joyce?? 🤔x

joyce74 profile image
joyce74 in reply to

Things have always got in the way x

I AM hibernating. I have cancelled my hospital con appt because I can’t see the point in sitting in all of the germs onlyto come home not having needed to change anything. I am doing all of my xmas shopping on the internet and I have bought a smart tv and new dvd player so that apart from my weekly stint in Shakespeare’s Schoolroom and two visitis to the theatre I am staying away from the virus spreaders and talking to my friends via these lovely decices. One of your best poems Don! X

in reply to

Why does everything have to be 'smart' these days? I suppose it's to draw attention to the fact that most owners are stupid without actually saying so.

Gladwyn profile image
Gladwyn in reply to

I don’t mind admitting I’m stupid ! I am when it comes to all the ‘smart’ gadgets as most of the time I can only scrape the surface with them not understanding all the other stuff I’m supposed to be able to do with them.🥺

in reply to Gladwyn

Well I tried to keep up with it all but gave up recently. The result is I have a lot of smart things that only a fraction of the stuff they are capable of is in use.

in reply to

Well I know I'm stupid with tech. I had John Lewis set it up and I have actually managed to watch dome of the 'smart ' things.

in reply to

It's when they go wrong that the trouble starts. Then Mr Lewis will want to sell you an even smarter one. 😉

SORRELHIPPO profile image
SORRELHIPPO in reply to

I have just bought a replacement electric tooth brush, excellent value in the sales. In the box was a peculiar gubbins with a suction cup at one end and little holding bars at the other. In the booklet it stated this was to be attached to the mirror, and it was to hold my "smart phone" apparently I was to open an "app" and my tooth brush would talk to it whilst I was cleaning my teeth!!!! HELP

Shirleyj profile image

Love it Don, I also would love to hibernate x

Lyd12 profile image

I think I am hibernating - going to bed earlier and getting up later. Can't seem to work up any enthusiasm for doing anything except watching tv, doing puzzles reading books, with breaks for food and drinks in between! And still don't put on. weight. Love Iris x

in reply to Lyd12

You are definitely not on your own!

Aingeful profile image

Oh I so identify with this Don!! I think I suffer from S.A.D syndrome. I hate winter!!! I could well sleep from October till March!! I'm glad its not just me!!

in reply to Aingeful

I bought a standard S.A.D lamp from Amazon that somebody on here recommended a year or two ago. At £35 it was a bargain and I use it a lot in the winter. (£40 now.)

Aingeful profile image
Aingeful in reply to

I'll put it on my christmas list!!x

Gladwyn profile image
Gladwyn in reply to

Does it help?

watergazer profile image

Wonderful Don. I think hibernating is a good thought though I think I’d like to hibernate through the rain too. X hope you are recovered from your fall

in reply to watergazer

Just rolled around on the lawn a bit, no problem thanks. 🙂

Corin1950 profile image

Enjoyed reading that Don

Shakespeare would have been impressed!

Take care and keep nice and warm




Dilly2 profile image

No fun in Being old. It doesn't seem to long ago that I loved the snow couldn't wait to wrap up and go. Having fun snow ball fights.slipping and sliding everywhere. How did I get old so fast.😬

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