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25 day post lung TX.

Tricity125 profile image
34 Replies

Hi I've been pretty lucky so far so good. There was incredible pain 2 week both drain tubes broke so double numathrox so this my 3rd week been really ok. Been completely of o2 9 days walked furthest in 6-7 years about 120 meters. My Dr is all smiles and I could be home I hope within 10-12 days. Doing my own meds. Which is no problem This. Hospital Harefield just. So so good I can't speak highly. Enough outstanding Thank you all well wisher. And. Like wize you takegood care. If your thinking of maybe lung TX I would say. In my case. It's saved my life and changed it beyound belief I was ill so long and decided about 22 months ago to try for TX just so relived I made it last yr I was given up on and in a hospice but I thought it and would not let go of hope that I get a set of lungs it took 9 months and 7 attempts. So. The fight was. So so worth it I feel just. 🦋🦅🦋🌈☃️🆒✅. Never say never.

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Tricity125 profile image
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34 Replies
sassy59 profile image

Such great news Tricity and I’m really pleased for you. Hope things continue to go well and you will be home again soon. The hospital seems to be caring for you really well.

Take care, onward and upward. Xxxx😀👍🥰

Tricity125 profile image
Tricity125 in reply to sassy59

Hi. 59. Thanks. Yea early days. And. I have to learn to be really tuned in on possiable. Infection and company I keep. , foods I eat. But so relived I couldn't have gone on much longer. I had a German surgeon and he is brillant he was there when I came out of ICU he looked so concerned. And worried I think he knew I was fighting for my life and he really was rooting I would make it I gave my all moved to Transplant unit after 6 days but soon became psychotic from no sleep for 7 days and amount of drugs to knock. Out my immune system. I. Got from my top. Dr. On my 1 st morning. of a rough nite from hell. And beyound A. Major talking like I was in the army and 10 other medical persons. Standing around my bed. It was like my mind was outside my head His. MTT did little and got a even tougher one 24 hrs later this I think did pull me out of my state of mind. Then both my chest drains broke so had to use. c- paps machine was tough and much pain from air in chest. This was a long week and. They had. to give a lot pain relief 1st week. So 2nd slowing it down so. Really painful plus I morpine does not help breathing in large amounts . So I knew I had to go though it I was fighting to live like I have for a long time Now it's like such good feeling my family and friends. Stunned they had given up on me 3 yrs ago so for them now a lot of guilt and they not said to much. I alway knew it would be a tough one I say now I was at about. 95 % max so near enough gave it my all post I had about 10 steps in me and then really breathless I was more or less done 9 yrs ago Drs decussed. Possibility of Transplant. So getting to now. Is just. Beyound. Words how I feel. Who knows there tomorrow s. It's all about. Staying focused. And. Self belief. Well. 59. Take care. Bye Tricity from Hackney I think. 1 st person to have. TX. In area

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to Tricity125

I’m just so pleased for you Tricity and you now have a future. One day at a time though. Take care xxx

Yatzy profile image

So pleased for you ❤️ Sounds as though you’ve turned the first corner from the painful stretch after the op. Well done you!! Onwards and upwards now into a much easier life 🤗🥳 xx

CDPO16 profile image

You've had a tough time both before and after the surgery but you now sound to be making gradual progress. Best wishes for your continued recovery while still in hospital and for when you return home xx

SquirrelsHolt profile image

Great,great news to read how well you're doing Tricity125 and that you have come through all the pain after such a huge operation. I can only imagine how you must feel,walking about without the dreaded "nose hose" traipsing along side you! Then to be mobile under your own steam is quite marvellous. You have for sure been in one of our very best hospitals for TX's and its good to read you praising all the marvellous nurses,Doctors,Surgeons,in fact, everybody that makes the magic happen! Are you in contact with dear Caspiana ,as maybe you could compare notes lol!

As I've not caught up with all the posts yet,I'm certain Cas is continuing to push herself and like you,wants to be home just as soon as its safe.

All the best and keep up the good work.

peege profile image

That's absolutely wonderful! I'm so pleased for you 😀

soul-123 profile image

Very pleased for you take care .

Gingerboy1960 profile image

How fantastic so pleased for you, it must feel amazing!

Hacienda profile image

Hi Hun, Well Done, You seem to have gotten over the Hurdles Now, and can continue to gain your Strength and Stay Positive to see you Joining in The Transplant games for Next Year, Like so many others have this Year. Cas has been doing well and hopefully will be Home this Weekend? Waiting to Hear from Her. One day at a Time Hun, Your a Hero. Love n Hugs, Carolina XXX

What wonderful news! Wishing you love and best wishes for a continued recovery and a great life ahead. Xxx

chubby2x22 profile image

Good luck jane

Lemon7 profile image

All good wishes to you.

HungryHufflepuff profile image

It’s so good to see you and hear your news. Thanks for letting us know how you’re getting on. You seem so positive, it’s really uplifting! It’s good to know things are going better for you now after those difficult early days, what an awful time for you. Hopefully you’re sleeping much better now. And not in too much pain. It’s so wonderful you’re able to walk further already. Very best wishes to you for your continuing recovery 😊

Hi Tricity125

Glad thangs going well and walking of oxygen

All great stuff pleasure to read sure won’t be long before out enjoying yourself

Tricity125 profile image
Tricity125 in reply to

Hi Jeff. Yea. Still early days but doing my best. 1 st year the most riskiest so must take great care and do my day clinics. Meds and really look after myself. Just. So relived I made it was told I really was end stage Hope you and Dad are ok as can be. and you take good care Bless you. Bye.

in reply to Tricity125

Hi tricity125

Glad doing best AM sure over worse and given positive attitude think you will sail through challenges.

My dad think doing better than me CURRENTLY am losing kg in weight a week AND even my basic understanding of maths outlooks not great

Guess it’s going to be time to test my positive attertude

I’m alpha one as well. It’s been very interesting to me how you are doing.

Izb1 profile image

Such fantastic news Tricity, you have been through such hard times so really pleased to hear you are doing well, it seems like you are in the best possible place, just take good care and look forward to getting home x

jackdup profile image

It is wonderful that things seem to be progressing well after what sounds like a pretty rough start. Will pray your recovery continues without issue. Thanks for sharing your story and let us know how things are progressing.

Fircone profile image

So very happy for you Tricity, hope you are soon home and ready to start a new chapter in your life. Xxx

Croydonia profile image

Great news! Post op sounds rough, but this time next year, when you’re fully fit, I’m sure you’ll think it’s worth all the pain. Best wishes for a good recovery

Ergendl profile image

Great to hear you've come through the worst. Hope you continue to improve. All the best.

Collie4 profile image

That’s good news. Well done, stay brave, i wish you well.

timCHP profile image

Hey Tricity, I must have been on the ward with you!

I’m 2 months post transplant at Harefield with same surgeon. Was discharged last Friday, 9 weeks after surgery. Was in ITU on ECMO for two weeks before TX waiting for an organ and it was a close call, but the transplant team at Harefield really fought to find me some lungs and they came just in time. As you said, the staff at Harefield are amazing, fantastic care. When things were tough (I had to have a tracheostomy which is pretty awful until you get used to it - which you do - and I also had a couple of pneumothoraxes) they were so patient and supportive. Hope things continue to go well for you.


Tricity125 profile image
Tricity125 in reply to timCHP

Hi TimCHP. Close call welldone so lucky to be in the best TX in the country. I bet that was pretty tough waiting them 2 weeks prior how you finding the medications how's your memory now. How far can you walk I feel really well over the moon just unsure where Iam going. Not like I was making any plans. Pre. TX So. Now got a lot going on and not sure where to start. But got though my illness so. Feel there's not a lot that I can't do 1 st thing. Get strong again. And get past first year. Well I must get moving. Take care. And good luck. Tricity.

Bingo88 profile image

Wow Tricity125. You have had a journey. With you problems, you obviously have great will power. Hope everything goes on the up for you now. Take care BRIAN

2greys profile image

Congratulations on your TX. You sound like you are doing exceptionally well, long may that last. No doubt you will be making the best of your new lease on life, doing all the things you never thought you would be able to do again.

Dedalus profile image

Great news. So glad it was all worthwhile. May I ask how old you are? x

Tricity125 profile image
Tricity125 in reply to Dedalus

54 in November.

Corin1950 profile image

Wow Tricity you have really been through it but you are obviously a really tough, determined person.

So hard to believe you were in a hospice with little hope of a future and now you have your life back again.

Keep doing what you're doing -it's really working well for you and well done the surgeons at Harefield who have done such a fantastic job.

I'm sending you my very best wishes,

Take care and let us know how you get on in the next few weeks,


Tricity125 profile image
Tricity125 in reply to Corin1950

Thanks Iam doing fine very drained and shaky but over joyed to say the least it's been like for ever. Fighting it and last year was beyound words but I refused to just lay down and say to myself that's it your done my father was very tough very strong my mum. Tough as old boots. No one would ever confront her cos she was ferocious so. Maybe they made me do it from beyound. They would of been so let down if I had not give it my all You. Take care. Bye. 🥃

Caspiana profile image

Keep going. It gets better. xx 🙋

goat-lady profile image

You're one incredible person. Every wish for plain sailing now on . M

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