DOESN’T DO TO GET TOO COCKY! - Lung Conditions C...

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After a winter of no viruses and no exacerbations on Monday I had the dreaded onset of a fever. 39 ish inbetween panadols.

Bad headache,wiped out but no cold symptoms and chest much the same.

So I have been playing our favourite game

Do,I,don’t I start the abs?

Hoping that it is just a flu like virus which the jab has diminished somewhat and that it will work its way out.

Decided today that I had better hedge my bets so just started the horrible cipro.


Serves me right for 2 sessions in the overheated theatre last week and working with over 100 children in Shakespeare’s Schoolroom

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41 Replies
sassy59 profile image

There’s a lot going around. Hope you feel better soon. Xxxx

in reply to sassy59

Thanks Sassy.xx

2greys profile image

A right bummer,I agree. The same happened with me, after saying I had been infection free for 14 months, I ended up with a two week infection and still have not recovered back to where I was. Working is almost too hard to do, relying on my reliever inhaler full time to get through the day now.

in reply to 2greys

That’s horrible for you. ‘Normal’ people don’t appreciate what it is like for us with the sword of Damacles hanging over us all the time. When they get an infection they bounce back after a week or two. For us the debilitation goes on for ages.

Whitechinchilla profile image
Whitechinchilla in reply to 2greys

Hope you soon feel back to your usual energetic self 2greys.

Yatzy profile image
Yatzy in reply to 2greys

What a pity! Hope you’ll soon be feeling better, 2greys. I’m up to 12 months now on my ‘record’ without rescue meds....longest in years. I’m putting it down to moving house to a less polluted area. Good luck to you, and fingers crossed for me 🌸

Izb1 profile image

Oh! No, after doing so well. It seems to take ages to get your immune system back after infections, and antibiotics rob you even further. Hopefully this will pass quickly, take good care x

in reply to Izb1

Thankyou Izb1

Patsy164 profile image

What a shame I was lucky to have 6 months off but had an infection still not great either. Get well soon x

Thank you x

rsmrsnl profile image

I was also lucky to be 6months infection free until Boxing Day and have had 2 further exacerbations since then - merry go round time again . Hoping with the warmer weather and less bugs around things will improve and we can all begin to feel a bit better. Chin up xx

Hopefully you will soon feel an improvement it's annoying when this happens. Wishing you well. 🌼Majt x

Caspiana profile image

Oh no Hidden . 😱 How awful for you. I hope you are feeling better by now. *HUG* 💐☕🍋🍊🍏🍎🍈🍇

Thankyou Caspiana. Twinkle has spent the days lying on my bed and looking after me.

Caspiana profile image
Caspiana in reply to

Never fail us do they? 😁

in reply to Caspiana


Rattle profile image

That was bad luck,hope you are feeling better by now x

in reply to Rattle

Thank you

Ergendl profile image

Get well soon.

in reply to Ergendl

Thank you, temp down considerably today. Anything to do with having started cipro yesterday?Who can tell.

Shirleyj profile image

I was exactly the same as you this week, haven't had a chest infection for over a year, started getting really chesty, the colour and taste were awful, but I didn't have a temperature, but I started to feel rough, took my cipro and started to feel better after about 4 days, so definately stopped an infection in its tracks.

You take care x x

in reply to Shirleyj

Thankyou Shirleyj xx

Whitechinchilla profile image

That was miserable for you Missyscarlet. I don’t mean the theatre!!!!

Hope you feel better very soon.

It’s hard not to feel down after such a long spell free of flareups

The other side of that coin is that your health must be dramatically improved to have gone for so long without one. So well done on that.

in reply to Whitechinchilla

Thankyou Whitechinchilla.

cofdrop-UK profile image

So sorry to hear you have an exacerbation. I know we are all different but if I get ‘the taste’ it’s with HI or strep p, depending on how it develops. My latest exacerbation following a stream of them from IVs at Christmas I got the taste on the Monday and Tuesday felt dreadful but gunk my normal green. From then on during the evening fithy gunk and temp just climbed and climbed 39.6 I was trying to last out until the next day re sputum sample, but I knew it was strep p and started Doxy. Put in a sample next day - strep p.

Was just getting over it a bit when we looked after my Granddaughter who had a cold and a bit of a cough, so I explained it was best if we didn’t hug. I went to the loo and noticed my toothbrush on the side of the sink. I never leave it there but I know who does! I asked if anyone had used my toothbrush and left it on the sink. ‘I did. I didn’t know it belonged to anyone and I have used it the last few times I have stayed. I love green”! Well that put paid to my cross contamination plans sharing a toothbrush - not any more.

Good to hear your temp is down a bit and I hope it’s not spiking. It’s a shock to the system when you have had a free spell. I hope you start to improve very soon.

Love cx

in reply to cofdrop-UK

Thanks cofdrop. I am sure you are right about the emergence of the other bugs. I have never had doxy and don’t know why this is. Maybe because of my heart problems because I can’t take azith now because of that. I am seeing my con on 24th so it will have gone one of two ways by then. I am going to ask her about strep and HI although they have not shown up in any of my tests for years. Knowing these hospital labs maybe they don’t even look for them.

We were all together with my son on Sat who went on to develop a nasty high temp virus on Sun and my grandaughter who was also with us has also had it all week, developed on tues like me. Of course, 2 theatre outings and 100 children inShakespeare’s Schoolroom on my last day in can’t have helped. I think that I had just better sit in the wardrobe!

cofdrop-UK profile image
cofdrop-UK in reply to

It’s so difficult to avoid problems for us, especially with children. I expect with you the pseudo has usually showed to be prominent and the more common bacteria don’t get the chance to be ‘top dog’.

I can’t take Azith either as I’m doubled up with the GI stuff, nor can I take Cipro. I am limited to doxy and coamox (which would have worked just as well) in the orals. Always ok with IV Mero but problems with IV ceph. Weird how different we bronchs all are.

I hope the Cipro kicks in soon for you and your lungs start to behave and you feel much better.

Let us know how you get on.

Love cx

in reply to cofdrop-UK

Thanks, never heard of coamox, another question for the con. Oh yes I have co- amoxiclav. Worked a couple of times but the next seemed to have encouraged the growth of something and I ended up pouring out gallo s of lime blancmange. If no better I will put in a sample on monday. Problem is my GP receptionists react as though I have given them a plague sample. I will also call my con’s sec to prepare her. Oh isn’t it tedious. When I’m ok I’m flying, when I have no control the black fog descends.

Shazrab profile image
Shazrab in reply to

Hi missydcarlet im sorry to hear your feeling I’ll again, I do hope it clears up quickly and you can get back to the theatre, well done for 2 trips to theatre you must have enjoyed it pity it’s ended up with you being unwell I wish you all the best and your feeling better soon 🌹🌹. Could you tell me please what is

Strep and HI ? Iv never heard of these things thanks just when you feel up to replying I know how hard it is to even come on the site when you’re feeling so ill. Take care of yourself I’m thinking about you and hope you’re a lot better soon 💜🌹🌹

in reply to Shazrab

Hi Shazrab, strep is treptoccocus and HI is Haemophylus Influenzae ( excuses for the spelling please) they are two of the most common bugs that laid us long term bronchs low before pseudomonas got in there and became ‘top dog’. They tend to give you a high fever and feel really poorly but easier to treat. Occasionally it seems that when we might have the pseudo down to low numbers one of these others sees its opportunity to party and take over. What a drama!

Yatzy profile image

Found you at last, littlepom...sorry, Missyscarlet! 😃 Hoping you feel well again soon 🌸

Penny aka Yatzy aka Breathezee! xx

in reply to Yatzy


SquirrelsHolt profile image

Hidden ,I hope that today you may just be starting to feel a little bit better as I'm hoping that the antibiotics are kicking in now? Sending you gentle hugs and hope you're soon on the mend.

in reply to SquirrelsHolt

Thankyou Squirrelsholt. Well temp is down rather. Not sure about the chest. It wasn't actually too bad but since starting cipro has reduced from its nirmal amount but become difficult to move. Only second day of 14 so better just keep going.

cofdrop-UK profile image
cofdrop-UK in reply to

Have you got any hypertonic at all to use temporarily?


in reply to cofdrop-UK

This is my fault. Every time I go my consultant offers me a trial but because of the distance to go there and the fact that most of the time it is quite runny, I have stuck to isotonic. Temp down and breathing better this morning. I suspect this was HI having a party because I have got the pseudomonas down quite low. Chest felt ok, colour was quite light but you mentioning the taste and the high temp rang a bell. Hopefully the cipro will sort it.

cofdrop-UK profile image
cofdrop-UK in reply to

Again bearing in mind we are all different. I used to be able to tell by the taste and the presentation of symptoms the difference between HI and strep p, but such is bronch I don’t seem to be able to do that straight away any more! I do find with HI my temp doesn’t usually go higher than 38+ but with strep p it shoots up to the 39s and has reached 40. I have been caught out mind and ended up with moraxela!

Whatever the little sodpots are Cipro should do the trick and I hope it sorts them out quickly for you. Wondering if steam inhalation will help to loosen up the gunk. Worth a try.

It’s early days and hopefully you will bounce back soon.

Love cx

in reply to cofdrop-UK

Thankyou for spending all of this time supporting me. I am still nebbing saline bd and funnily the gunk is quite pale now (paler than my usual) and I didn't get the overwhelming amount and nasty colour one wd expect. Still I suspect that it was strep p or HI.

I have a steam room but too exhausted to sit in it!

stamford1234 profile image

What a shame and so close to the warmer weather too. Hope you start to feel better soon. Be careful out there!

Phoenix778 profile image

So sorry you're not well. Similar thing happened to me in January. Went to choir on Thursday, felt OK, by Thursday evening I was lying on the settee unable to move. Started my cipro on Friday but I felt horrendous. Sore throat, headache and I never get headaches, couldn't eat. Phoned 111 on Sunday, ambulance took me to hospital. Started iv antibiotics ceftazidime then announced on Tuesday that I had type a flu. In spite of having the vaccination. I actually improved very quickly on tamiflu and the iv but it took a while to completely get back to normal. Hope you are feeling better Susan x

in reply to Phoenix778

I'm glad that you had the right meds to get you better. I am feeling a bit better now thankyou.

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