Excercise and end stage COPD - Lung Conditions C...

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Excercise and end stage COPD

Dietrech profile image
35 Replies

Has anyone discovered excercise they can do whilst on oxygen and with severe COPD THAT HAS ACTUALLY HELPED THEM PLEASE? My world is getting smaller by the day because I am unable to walk more than few paces without stopping.

Thanks a bunch

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Dietrech profile image
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35 Replies
stone-UK profile image


Can your ask you GP for referral to pulmonary rehabilitation, one hour exercise one hour education.

I did mine stage 3 borderline stage 4, with oxygen.

The exercise sheet given for home use.


I am now stage 4 19% lung function, I use a exercise bike, weights, and nebair 3 Ball Incentive Spirometer, from Amazon.

Dietrech profile image
Dietrech in reply to stone-UK

Hi Stone,

Have these actually improved your ability to walk and do other activities without such a struggle! My life is disappearing and I’m struggling with just the basics of life so thanks. I was offered pulmonary rehabilitation but it’s so early and I am much worse in the mornings, but I will call the respiratory dept tomorrow and request it and give it a go.

stone-UK profile image
stone-UK in reply to Dietrech


Yes they improve your walking abilities, by toning the muscles so make better use of the available oxygen. Requiring less energy. Only don’t expect to do any marathons. Plenty of pursed lip breathing exercises help as well.

Dietrech profile image
Dietrech in reply to stone-UK

Thanks so much, now I have a plan to try, will let you know how I get on. Have printed out your excercise sheet but will still request a course of rehab. Thanks again for your time and advice.

barbs47 profile image

Hi Dietrich BLF have a great exercise DVD which is free and will help you start exercising whilst on oxygen and if necessary whilst sitting. It’s a great place to start. Barbs x

Dietrech profile image
Dietrech in reply to barbs47

Thanks Barbs47 I will get one and start ASAP. XXX

barbs47 profile image
barbs47 in reply to Dietrech

Your quite welcome they also do a large booklet which costs £5 with the same exercises in Barbs xx

HungryHufflepuff profile image
HungryHufflepuff in reply to barbs47

Hi barbs47 I have ordered the book, unfortunately the DVD and some other leaflets were out of stock. But the book was the main thing I was wanting anyway. I don’t have COPD so I feel like a fraud even replying in this thread but I do have asthma and other health problems. Somehow along the line I’ve become very lazy I suppose, I don’t do any exercise at all, I don’t know when this happened. It’s only since reading all the conversations here and seeing what everyone else does that I realised... I don’t actually do anything. I will change my ways! Thank you for motivating me.

barbs47 profile image
barbs47 in reply to HungryHufflepuff

Your very welcome. I don’t think you are a fraud, this site is for anyone who has a lung condition (which included asthma) not just for people with COPD. If it has helped you to start exercising and having a healthier life that’s great. Enjoy the exercises Barbs x

HungryHufflepuff profile image
HungryHufflepuff in reply to barbs47

Hi Barbs the exercise booklet arrived today, and I’ve already looked at it. I must confess that my first thought was, I can’t do any of that! It looks such a lot. But I am determined to make a change and start exercising. I want to lose weight and get healthier and I’m only just realising that this isn’t going to happen by magic, I’m going to have to do something about it myself. So a big thanks to you for telling me about this book because without you I would not have had anything to get me started, no initiative or incentive. Thank you.

barbs47 profile image
barbs47 in reply to HungryHufflepuff

Your very welcome HungryHufflepuff. Start slowly doing as much as you can then as you start to get used to doing the exercises increase them by doing a little more until you really build up your stamina. Keep us updated on how you get on. Enjoy Barbs x

Catnip profile image


I'm at "end stage" -- 30% lung function, on 24 hour oxygen -- and I can still get about. The trouble is, Dietrech, that it's so easy to sit and let your world shrink, then end up with "death by sofa", because it takes less effort than getting up and walking.

It doesn't matter how often you stop, or how breathless you get. Breathlessness won't kill you. Stopping to catch your breath helps you to use your lungs. Walking is the best exercise of all. I do "laps" of my living room and kitchen -- until last week, when he took his last journey, our dog used to join me, and trip me up by standing on my tubes.

Just walking helps: one step at a time!!



Dietrech profile image
Dietrech in reply to Catnip

Thanks catnip. I don’t just sit about, I gently clean, feed 4 dogs x 4 times a day, washing, drying, cooking, but I alsohave brittle asthma with a constant chest infection, which antibiotics haven’t been able to rid me of plus bronchiectasis! I have had COPD FOR 30 years and coped well, but now it’s slowing me down so much I am struggling. I also do gentle excercise when I can. I was hospitalised last Dec with very low 02sats caused by brochiolitis, and my chest has been infected since, so just had a bronchoscopy to see if they I have aspergillosis, which my bloods suggest.

Hoping for some good news from the result. Take care.

jackdup profile image
jackdup in reply to Catnip

I’m so sorry you lost your dog last week unless I have misunderstood your post. It is never easy losing a pet.

Catnip profile image
Catnip in reply to jackdup

Greetings :).

Yes -- our beautiful boy took his final walk, over the Rainbow Bridge, two weeks ago. He had been with us for ten years: I chose to have a puppy so that when I had gone, my husky would have his mate to keep him company. Sadly, I didn't show Mag the rules. He was very poorly, and left us just a week before I had my valve implant surgery.

Mind you, I'd had to stop walking him a long ti,e ago. My lungs couldn't cope with the challenge.

Thank you for your kind thoughts. The house is so empty without our big black, dozy lump of a Lab filling the space!


Dietrech profile image
Dietrech in reply to Catnip

So sorry for your loss I know just how awful it is. We have a 7 ye old Rottie being treated with chemo for an aggressive Lymphoma and are just buying time, but he’s worth it and the heartbreak. Take care

Caspiana profile image
Caspiana in reply to Catnip

I'm so sorry Catnip . *Hug* 🐕🌹

HungryHufflepuff profile image
HungryHufflepuff in reply to Catnip

So sorry for your loss. I’ve just lost a pet, it was totally unexpected and out of nowhere, I was utterly devastated.

I’m going to print Stone’s exercise plan and also look at the blf book that Barbs47 keeps recommending. I don’t do any exercises or breathing exercises, it’s about time I started doing something about doing something about it. 🤔

jackdup profile image
jackdup in reply to Catnip

Well if your house is anything like our house, they pretty much run things so there is a certainly a big hole when they are gone for sure. They sure work their way into your heart.

Did you have valves put in your lungs? If so how much difference did it make in your breathing and how are you feeling?

Catnip profile image
Catnip in reply to jackdup

Greetings, Jackdup

Yes, I had two valves put into my left lung. The original plan was for four in my right lung, but there is air seepage from the second lobe, so that was a non-starter.

I had it done only last Tuesday so it's going to be another couple of weeks before I notice any difference (I'm told), as the lobe will collapse slowly. Still, I did manage to persuade the recovery nurses to let me out of be there, to walk to the loo, and I went to my PR gym class last Friday.

I feel absolutely full of energy; my brain's a bit foggy, but I'm getting around quite well. The humidity is killing me!



jackdup profile image
jackdup in reply to Catnip

That is unfortunate about your right lung but do hope you have some benefit from the left lung. I hope you let us know what improvement or change you may notice as it can be encouraging for those considering the procedure.

Catnip profile image
Catnip in reply to jackdup

Maybe I should start a new thread!

jackdup profile image
jackdup in reply to Catnip

I think it would be great if you started a new thread after you’ve waited the two or three weeks and let us know how it’s going.


Collie4 profile image
Collie4 in reply to Catnip

So sorry about your dog. I know exactly how you feel. I have been through it myself. It is heartbreaking. Time helps us learn to live with it.

Collie4 profile image
Collie4 in reply to Catnip

I’ve just noticed that it was 7 months ago, sorry. I only joined recently so just reading through posts. It is a very good friendly site and helps to talk with people who understand.

Catnip profile image


I didn't mean "you" personally, Dietrich -- it was the general "one", "anyone" you which I was using. I'd never be so insensitive as to point a finger, I hope. On re-reading, it does sound pretty horrible. Many apologies. <hangs head>

If you have four dogs, you must be relatively active -- however gentle. You probably do more than me, since I had to give up walking our Labrador.

Fingers crossed that the tests send something hopeful your way and that you soon feel less exhausted,


Dietrech profile image

Hi Catnip

We rescue Rottweilers Boxers and Boson Terriers but I havent walked them in years, my husband does!

I’m just feeling a bit fed up because I have been really poorly with chest infections for so long now. Thanks for your apology, it’s just me being a bit precious. Take care

Catnip profile image

You aren't being precious at all. It's a very dark place at the bottom of the big black hole, when nothing seems to help and then someone with big feet jumps in...

Hope you get the meds that work and you feel better sooner, rather than later.


Dietrech profile image
Dietrech in reply to Catnip

Thanks very much, you’re very kind.

Caspiana profile image

Hi Dietrech .

I have a treadmill. It is fantastic because I can adjust it to any speed and stop and start as I want. I walk as much as I can. Take care.

Warm wishes,

Cas xx 🌸🌻

Dietrech profile image
Dietrech in reply to Caspiana

I tried a treadmill a few years back but it was too much for me at its slowest, but thanks very much for your advice.

Hacienda profile image

Hi Hun, I Agree with Everyone here, maybe Stone has the best advise as always. 30 years with COPD, you deserve a Medal. I too Exercise and Rehab was the Best . I have my Oxygen( level 3) on for all Exercise routines, Rehab, The Gym, Breathe East Classes and Home where I have my Static Back, I wear a Fit Bit to record my steps everyday and compete with myself. I still am Bloated although I can now Keep my Wait the same as I await the Call for Transplant. June I had 4 valves in my Right Lung as the Left is Mush. So my Dear, where there's a Will there's a Way. I always Plan ahead , so much to look forward too after waking up every Morning. good Look. Love n Hugs, Carolina XXXX

Dietrech profile image
Dietrech in reply to Hacienda

You have quite a bit to cope with yourself Carolina, so positive it’s lovely to hear. Thank you. Xxxx

bayleyray-uk profile image

Dear Dietrech,

You will be able to meet a new group of people and have a chance to chat I found it brightened my days, at the moment I am a health ad safety risk, double vision and Meniere's syndrome so tend to fall over or bash into things, but I do get visits from a resp. nurse who takes me through a few gentle exercises mainly for my legs and feet. But I do miss meeting up with folks.


Dietrech profile image

Hi Sue,

Oh you poor love, Meniere’s is really difficult to cope with. Thanks for your advice and care, hope you improve soon and return to the group you so enjoy.

Best wishes,


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