Update on specialist visit today - Lung Conditions C...

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Update on specialist visit today

Tidge profile image
24 Replies

Hello everyone visited my chest specialist this morning he has now diagnosed me with Copd least I have an answer for my chest problems

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Tidge profile image
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24 Replies
sassy59 profile image

I hope you get all the help you need and you will live a good life. Take care of yourself. Xxxx

Tidge profile image
Tidge in reply to sassy59

Thank you sassy specialist asked me if I would b interested in a rehabilitation programme to help of course I said yes I'm only young so every bit of help I will take..take care

Ergendl profile image

Hi, Tidge. I looked at my COPD diagnosis in 2015 as a wake up call to start living a healthier life. I was always a healthy eater, but I had turned into a couch potato, walking only 2500 steps a day. Over the years I have gradually increased that to 10,000 steps a day. It helped doing a Pulmonary Rehab course, which I found out about on this site, and asked my GP to refer me to one. I also avoid my triggers (smoke, exhaust fumes, perfumed products, very humid places) and try not to catch other people's infections (wear gloves, use Nasal Guard and Vick's First Defence, try not to touch my face especially my eyes, etc). Hope this helps.

Do let us know how you get on.

Tidge profile image
Tidge in reply to Ergendl

Thank you for reply my specialist offered m to go on rehab course yesterday to which I said yes of course as I'm only young thanks for advice this will help me so much...

Will kept updated I also have to have another Ct can in six months to kept eye on lungs with the nodules they found

Ergendl profile image
Ergendl in reply to Tidge

I'm sure you will enjoy the rehab course, and it should be a great place to ask questions and learn more about your condition. Though, by the time I got on a course I had already learned most of it from the good people posting on this site.

All the best, M.

Tidge profile image
Tidge in reply to Ergendl

Yes will be interesting to meet other people with the same condition & getting more information on the condition.....ah when I have a bit more time I will look through on here for information....

Thank you

Take care W

2pray4us profile image

Hello Tidge,, sorry to hear of your situation. I have copd stage 4, so I know how you felt when you first found out. I pray that your situation is not that serious. Get a good support group and family members willing to go the extra mile with you and just be ok. Don't stop living, continue to live life to the fullest.

Tidge profile image
Tidge in reply to 2pray4us

Thank you not sure what stage im at as consultant didnt say & i didnt ask with the shock i think he offered me to go on pulmarory rehab to help which I'm going to do...I aim to carry on with my life as best my health will let me specially on bad days..least I have an answer to why my breathing etc is so bad....thanks for support

2pray4us profile image
2pray4us in reply to Tidge

someone is always here to help, that's what makes this such a great thing. Have a blessed day. I will be praying for you. Keep the faith.

Tidge profile image
Tidge in reply to 2pray4us

Yes what i need right now

Thank you

Redders55 profile image

Hi Tidge. I’m just at the beginning of the copd journey, it’s been found in an x Ray I had when I had flu.

I have yet to have the spiro test and learn exactly what I’m dealing with but as far as I know it’s the beginning stage.

I hope all goes well for you xxx

Tidge profile image
Tidge in reply to Redders55

Hi Redder dont know what stage I'm at he didn't say when u saw him yesterday I'm going on a pulmoray rehab he help with this, no idea how far I am into it but my breathing ect is bad I've another Ct scan in six months too ....good luck hope all goes well

Redders55 profile image
Redders55 in reply to Tidge

Hi Tidge. It’s really good to go on the rehab thing, you will most likely learn a lot from other people there.

From my X-ray they said it was mild but I am very breathless after doing the slightest thing so I guess the real test will be the spiro next week. Good luck with everything and take good care of yourself xxx

Tidge profile image
Tidge in reply to Redders55

Hi Redder yes I'm glad I said yes to go on it as will give me more information too...Yes I get very breathless going upstairs & also after some walking get very tired easily too but silly me forgot to ask what stage I was at, that will be question when I see my gp next I have a 24 hour ECG tomorrow .....Good luck with your test it's not easy to do just a bit of advice for you be prepared for any questions they may ask I was not prepared.....take care let me know how you get on xxx

Redders55 profile image
Redders55 in reply to Tidge

I will do thank you. It’s on the 27th the spiro test and then an app with the go on the 6th of April.

I think what is worrying me at the moment is how breathless I get doing the simplest of things, the fact it is meant be be mild is making me concerned over what it will be like as it progresses. It will be good to get proper medical advice on this.

I hope you ECG is good and you get good results from it.

Take care xxx

Tidge profile image
Tidge in reply to Redders55

Good luck hun hope all goes well...Yes understand that it is worrying I'm the same....thing thst bothers me the most I lost my mum last April to this...Yes it's the progression that worries me the most trying to explain to my daughter it's not going to get better...Yes definaltley will help hun I've joined a group on fb to try understand more.....

Thank you I'm sure it will

Take care hun xxxx

donut43 profile image

All knowledge is a good thing .you will find new friends to share your problems with at these meetings and we all wish you the best for the future.


Tidge profile image
Tidge in reply to donut43

Yes will be a good thing...

Thank you

Hi tidge, sorry to hear about your diagnosis. Can I ask what your symptoms were/are? I myself am having breathing difficulties with no answers yet.

Kind regards


Tidge profile image
Tidge in reply to

Hi Luke, thanks bit of a shock to the system....I've been having weird episodes of collapsing so I'm guessing some of this has been down to my Copd which was diagnosed last Friday I had really bad breathlessness wheezy, fatigue, no energy ect also had pluericy for two months which didn't help.....hope you get answer soon I was persistent knew something wasn't right....Good luck

in reply to Tidge

Thanks for the reply Tidge, did your breathlessness come on all of a sudden?

Mine came on for 5 days in January, then went, then came back 4 weeks later, and that was 6 weeks ago. I'm an avid runner, I can't understand it. It came in literally in say 30 minutes. And hasn't gone since... weird

Tidge profile image
Tidge in reply to

Yes but I'm also asthmatic but that was well controlled but with this it's different even getting up stairs is a struggle sometimes.....that sounds weird I would ask your gp for more tests if not happy I've also had ct scans because of lumps found in my lungs

in reply to Tidge

Ah right, do your inhalers not help with your copd? They're doing lots of tests, pft and spirometry next month, the nhs are really good to be honest. Like i daid though, my chest xrays were clear, but i could barely take a lung full of air.

Tidge profile image
Tidge in reply to

Yes they do gp put me on new one but it's part of the Copd unfortunately nothing will change in that sense....that's good sounds like your getting the help you need spirometry tests will determine wether you have Copd or not I found it difficult to do....Good luck

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