Terrible night!: Went to bed as usual... - Lung Conditions C...

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Terrible night!

41 Replies

Went to bed as usual, woke in the middle of the night waking as I was breathing in, except the air wasn't getting into my lungs, my reaction was to gasp as I had no air getting to me thought my time was up (vaguely remember hearing my partner jumping asking if I was ok) after a huge gasp I was breathing normally again. Apart from my lung issues I'm healthy😀, I have no cold etc and had a normal day. Any ideas what this was, I'm too scared to go to sleep tonighte☹️ I have had similar to this a few time b4 where I wake gasp and jump up to catch my breath but this time I just laid there I didn't seem to fight for my breath.

41 Replies
stone-UK profile image


Have a look at.


I can’t sleep lying flat, being using a device that raises the pillows. But not very comfortable. Recently tried raising the bed by six inches. Upto to now working with no problems.

in reply to stone-UK

Thanks. I will have a look. Seems like lots of us go through this alone at night, but it stays with us all day as well.

Patsylady1959 profile image
Patsylady1959 in reply to

Hi it sounds like youv had a laryogospasum I get them and there quite terry

Was it hard for you to breath in


in reply to Patsylady1959

I was breathing in but the air was ant getting to my lungs 😳

music profile image
music in reply to stone-UK

Thanks for this info stone

Has i have a lot of wheezing when laying down in bed of a night so will try this out instead of useing inhaler and see how i get on


stone-UK profile image
stone-UK in reply to music


There’s a good post on it.


2greys profile image

From reading your past posts you have copd. That means that you have trouble emptying your lungs/breathing out.

What has happened is that in your sleep you have been breathing slightly more in than breathing out, thus you have ended up with full lungs, of stale air. You cannot breathe in any more, they are full. You must concentrate only on breathing out, the in breath will take care of itself without you thinking about it.

Sit on the edge of the bed, lean forward legs apart and place your elbows on your knees, cupping your hands together while doing so. Then gently blow into your cupped hands with your lips in the same shape as if whistling, or blowing out all the candles on a cake. You should then be able to inhale gently. Do not try to breath too fast, keep it at a normal rate.

When you have recovered you can lie down and go back to sleep. In time you will learn to breath out fully even when asleep. Tell your partner to read this too so they can coach you if you are disorientated and panicking if it happens again. It is very frightening to wake up in a panic, it has happened to me.

in reply to 2greys

Thanks for your reply, normally I do try the breathing in through your nose and out like blowing a candle but in the middle of the night in a deep sleep there was no time to relax my breathing. Every thing feels worse in the dark!

Lizzric3 profile image
Lizzric3 in reply to 2greys

I had similarly to problem I have copd. The hospital gave me a machine that I wear overnight and it helps I retain to much breath I think they said so the machine helps to control it. If you are seeing your consultant soon or doctor speak to them.

Lizzric3 profile image
Lizzric3 in reply to Lizzric3

It's called a Niv machine

roz38 profile image

Hi. Have you thought of having a test for sleep apnoea. My husband has long term copd but his sleep apnoea has only just been diagnosed. He also used to wake up gasping for breath.

in reply to roz38

Not sure I want to be diagnosed with anything else😬

Pauk profile image
Pauk in reply to roz38

If it is sleep apnoea you will be given a machine to help you with your breathing at night . I worked with someone who was diagnosed with it and his life has been transformed. If you are so concerned about it see your gp it might even just a case of you need to meditate to help you relax which in turn will help you breath properly .

Ern007 profile image

I have had a similar episode this week. I have COPD but i don't think it had anything to do with that.

For years on and off I have had sleep paralysis from time to time. It happens when you are waking or not in a deep sleep.

Some say sleep paralysis can't affect your breathing but it has affected mine, I thought it was Sleep Apnea,but by GP did not think so. If it is sleep paralysis it is harmless but frightening. You say in your post "(vaguely remember hearing my partner jumping asking if I was ok" - Sounds like you was asleep or half asleep if you are 'vague' about what your partner said.

I find sleeping on my side wards of this phenomenon - Just a bit of lateral thinking on my part, I am not attempting to diagnose.


Sjf129903 profile image
Sjf129903 in reply to Ern007

I get that sleep paralysis thing too but what wakes me up is I'm dreaming I'm in a claustrophobic situation and I wake up VERY short of breath

Ern007 profile image
Ern007 in reply to Sjf129903

I have had it for many years, not as bad these days. It can vary in it's symptoms, it used to be full body paralysis - Shout as you will, you will not be heard because no sound leaves your lips.. Off late I I had scarce attacks, but they affect my breathing only. A very unpleasant but harmelsscomplaint.

Sjf129903 profile image
Sjf129903 in reply to Ern007

Yes you feel if you could make some kind of conscious noise or movement you could wake up but your completely FROZE

in reply to Sjf129903

I felt like that I was not completely froze it was my air I was breathing in wasn't getting to my lungs, think I was chocking due to lack of air

Hayley_ profile image
Hayley_ in reply to Ern007

Oh, sleep paralysis is the worst. It’s so hard not to panic. I think most people with copd suffer from some form of sleeping disorder. It makes you want to stay up all night.

Ern007 profile image
Ern007 in reply to Hayley_

It is hard not to panic - You have two choices fight the paralysis or leave it to do it's worse. The outcome is the same, but it's so hard not to panic and fight to get away.. I used to stay up after such a dream/episode as it could return.. Now I watch TV until I have to go to sleep, and sleep on my side and I am 90% better,

hypercat54 profile image

Do you have asthma too? I wondered coz this could be an asthma attack. x

in reply to hypercat54

I supposedly have chronic asthma but like I say I was fine all day nothing different at all just occasional breathlessness through out the day which is usual for me. I'm hoping not to have a repeat episode as it has played in my mind all day.

Thanks for your reply

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to

Asthma can cause asthma attacks and they are frightening. It feels like your throat has swelled up and you can't get any air in. Often you can breathe through your nose but not always so try that if it happens again.

You need to remain calm (much easier said than done) and concentrate on trying to draw a breath. As soon as you can use your ventolin up to 10 puffs if you need to. Your breathing should settle down but if it doesn't after using your inhalor then don't be afraid to call 999.

To put your mind at rest I have an attack every couple of months or so and haven't pegged it yet! :) x

in reply to hypercat54

That's good to no I'm not alone but I don't fancy anymore of these, every couple of months would be too soon. Do you ever feel when yours is coming on?

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to

No never get any warning. Mainly they come on in the middle of the night but fortunately they, apart from once, never last longer than a minute or 2.

The once that didn't it took me around an hour to get my breathing under control and I came in here panicking. Fortunately there were a couple of members still up though it was the early hours of the morning and one especially was brilliant and talked me through it. She isn't on here now unfortunately. x

judg69 profile image

Hi Nik72, try sleeping semi-erect in a chair , ideally with legs raised and upper torso tilted slightly to the back. I absolutely cannot lay flat. I have not slept prone on a bed or sofa in 6 years. This should help you considerably. Best Wishes, judg69

in reply to judg69

Thanks for your reply it's something I will think about.

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to judg69

This is a bit extreme for it happening once. I am sorry you aren't able to sleep flat and hope you do get some good quality sleep. x

in reply to hypercat54

Last nights episode was my worst, I have similar episodes but no where near as bad as the latest , I'm normally very in control as I'm not a paniker I'm never anxious and I don't feel stressed until now.

hypercat54 profile image

Oh another thng Nik72 many asthmatics are triggered by dust mites which is one of the most common ones. To kill these you need to wash your bedding, bed clothes and towels in at least 60 degrees otherwise it doesn't kill them.

Pillows are a big attraction for them and you must either wash or change them at least every 6 months. x

in reply to hypercat54

I always use dettol in my wash, does that help?

Hello Nik

It sounds like my nights!!! Asthma, and/or sleep apnea when your breathing stops and you wake up gasping for air, I take 2 puffs of Ventolin and 2 puffs of Atrovent or Ipratropium for the generic name. I did the sleep test, I do have apnea, I need to get the right machine and get adapted!!

I know you don’t want to be diagnosed with something else but it is important because as your breathing stops, which it does, you are not getting enough oxygen in your blood flow..

So I would suggest you go to the GP and see if you can do the sleep study.

Good luck with everything xx


BSA-3 profile image

Hi, you could could ask your resp. nurse/ physio. for a wedge pillow or bed frame. I use the bed frame and it really works for me. It's just a metal frame that you adjust to suit, sort your pillows and...night- night! ( Hopefully! )Alternatively, you can buy wedge pillows on Amazon or EBay from £5 to £50. Good luck. P.S. They are sometimes called "reflux pillows".

in reply to BSA-3

Thanks. All this info helps 😀

Sandyeggo profile image

Scary although if you’re feeling ok I’d chalk it up to maybe you were having a dream of something breath taking or perhaps it was in your subconscious thoughts. My reason for the guess on subconscious mind was due to the fact no matter how hard I try to relax I know subconsciously my mind is thinking”ok body get ready you catch pneumonia every March”. Is it cold in your bedroom? Cold defineately could also have woke you up in a gasp. Go to bed tomorrow will present itself with new obstacles or surprises. Don’t worry I know for fact that WONT help

in reply to Sandyeggo

I always sleep with the bedroom window open as the germs won't breed in the cold!

Lindy-loo1949 profile image

Perhaps sleep apnea? Ask your doc to send you for testing that sounds serious! All the best to you

punkyb profile image

THAT SOUNDS LIKE IT WAS SCARY. I hope you find out why it happened.

Cakelady74 profile image

oh poor you.... Only just caught up with this for you had a better night.

in reply to Cakelady74

Much better night last night, although went to bed at about 2.34am. Thanks for asking 😀

Alfiebax2 profile image

Maybe you have sleep apnea ,i would go to the doctors and see what they say .Good luck .x

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