Time for the morning roll call - Lung Conditions C...

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Time for the morning roll call

holly17 profile image
37 Replies

Morning all its wet and windy in this part of Devon, hope some of you are getting a bit of sunshine.

I decided we needed some help to smarten the house so I hired a European cleaner to help , but she was so slow she took hours just to hoover. Turns out she was a Slovak. (Think about it ) xx Fred :)

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holly17 profile image
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37 Replies

Oh Fred that's mad, you funny man! Love LeeLee. Xxx

holly17 profile image
holly17 in reply to

Morning LeeLee have a good day xxX :)

rubyred777 profile image

Ha ha Fred I can do better than that with mustard! 8 degrees here. Frigid she is that new jersey. Have a good day


holly17 profile image
holly17 in reply to rubyred777

Ruby its good to know its catching, I keep expecting to be told that's enough give it a rest, but until then I will keep going xx :)

Sokrackers profile image

Well I was all set to go surfing this morning but no good there was only microwaves! Sorry and good morning all.

holly17 profile image
holly17 in reply to Sokrackers

OK smarty I am with you on that one, keep going your cooking well xx Fred :)

huggs profile image

Morning Fred,

lol Good one. Its wet and windy here too. Your hoover joke reminded me of another, which I think was voted funniest one liner at the Edinburgh Festival last year.

" I have decided to sell my hoover....... well, it was just gathering dust anyway!"

You have come up with far better one liners than that Fred. lol

hugs from Huggs xxx :)

holly17 profile image
holly17 in reply to huggs

Your dead right Huggs it was voted the best one liner, it was a clean sweep xx Fred :)

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to holly17

Hi Fred,

lol :d

hugs from Huggs xxx :)

holly17 profile image
holly17 in reply to huggs

That's great Huggs I needed some extra hugs this morning seeing its so cold xxx

Love to see your posts - and have a morning giggle. Have a great day and a lovely weekend. xxx

holly17 profile image
holly17 in reply to

Hope the weather cheers up for you XX :)

pollyjj profile image

Keep em coming Fred, hubby now waiting in a morning for me to read it to him. :-)

polly xx

holly17 profile image
holly17 in reply to pollyjj

Hope it brings a little smile to his face polly, get well soon pal. :)

dall05 profile image

That could explain why things are so dusty around my house Fred, my wife must have a little eastern European blood in her. :) .

Wet and windy here on the Malvern's and n n no he hea heat heating Brrrrrrrr in the house as were having a new radiator fitted today and the Boiler serviced.


holly17 profile image
holly17 in reply to dall05

Tony as we said in the navy "Your sailing to close to the wind " or you will be if the wife reads your comment mate lol. Mine would say "Well you know were the duster is" :)

sassy59 profile image

Very funny Fred! Dull here today on the South Coast but popping round to see grandson and daughter plus granddaughter because daughter is babysitting. Hope you got that.

Have a good day and keep smiling. xxxxx :)

holly17 profile image
holly17 in reply to sassy59

Yes I got that sassy worked backwards and got there in the end, hope it clears up later for you all. xxx :)

It's wet here too boss. Yuck! x

holly17 profile image
holly17 in reply to

Hi pal we havhad it all here today, I dare say you have had the same down the road there. xx

butter-fly profile image

Thanks for my morning chuckle Fred. Hope you are okay today and not had any backache during the night. The weather is not doing much for you either but maybe it has changed by now. We are still overcast here but it has tried to brighten up in the last hour. Keep well. Enjoy the rest of your day.

holly17 profile image
holly17 in reply to butter-fly

Hi there butter-fly the backache is following me around but when I turn around I can't see it, but its still there again when I turn back, oh well that's life, I can stick that I just wish I could find out what they are going to do about these tumours. Sorry for the moan got carried away, back to smiling :) :)

butter-fly profile image
butter-fly in reply to holly17

It's good to be able to offload our worries too Fred. It's a strain having to be cheerful all the time especially when we are not feeling too chipper or are frightened. That's what's so brilliant about this site, serious health issues can be talked about and we are never alone. it's my oasis. Yours too. xx

holly17 profile image
holly17 in reply to butter-fly

Thanks for that, I slipped I have been living with cancer for the last eight years and each time its been sorted, but its always been only in one lung but now its decided to be in both which is a different kettle of fish, I know there is nothing I can do other than try and remain positive, I am just hoping that I am able to have the RFA treatment again and not end up back on chemo, which takes ages and I find it rather off putting to say the least, and it makes life quite restrictive every time the blood cells change levels, other than that, I am fine thanks and by morning will be ready for the parade. Once again thank you xx :) Fred

butter-fly profile image
butter-fly in reply to holly17

I did read your earlier posts Fred and understand to some extent what you have been going through. Of course no one ever really knows except the person with the condition or others who have the same thing and after 8 years of treatment I'm sure you could give lessons on the subject! The effects of chemo can be pretty dire and as a bystander I can understand why you don't want to go through it again. I have watched family members go through chemo in the past and am currently trying help my brother in law cope with his. Not a subject that carries many jokes I'm afraid.

With cancer as with late stage Copd it seems each day can bring a new slap in the face and I agree that being positive is the only way, hard as that may be to achieve. Sorry for wittering on Fred and I do hope that the consultant offers RDA versus the chemo when you see him next . Until then positive thoughts and all good wishes are winging their way to you. Sara xxxx

holly17 profile image
holly17 in reply to butter-fly

Once again thanks Sara, hope your brother in law is baring up and with your help I am sure he is, as with my girls they keep me going and will not let me wallow in self pity. I am so pleased I have this site as well xxx :)

lollollol funny :D

Wet windy and overcast here in Wiltshire :)

holly17 profile image
holly17 in reply to

Hi there we have had winds, showers and really heavy rain and now we have the sun out. Cheers eyes I will keep one out for you :)

CornishBrian profile image

I don't know what drugs she was on but it certainly wasn't speed....

holly17 profile image
holly17 in reply to CornishBrian

Good one Brian you were a bit slow in coming on. cheers :)

CornishBrian profile image
CornishBrian in reply to holly17

Only come on here once a day.

holly17 profile image
holly17 in reply to CornishBrian

You broke that habit today pal, keep it up, as the actress said to the Bishop, sorry no idea where that came from :)

onamission profile image

Oh Fred you put a smile on my face

holly17 profile image

I see your onamission well hello to you and glad you have a smile, what you got me thinking is what is the mission you are on lol keep that smile going xx Fred :)

Jolyn profile image

He heeeeeeee. :-D ;-D xxx

holly17 profile image
holly17 in reply to Jolyn

Morning Lyn :-D :)

Jolyn profile image
Jolyn in reply to holly17

Morning Fred :-D x

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