Spring Is Surely On It's Way... - Lung Conditions C...

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Spring Is Surely On It's Way...

16 Replies

If I was to spend less time on the Internet poking my nose into interesting sites, I'd have finished the blanket I'm crocheting and be half way through the next one...

Mind you I did venture into the front garden today...not for long. Just to top the bird feeders up...we have two hanging in front of the sitting room window where the Tits and Goldfinches spend hours eating peanuts...and squabbling.

The sun was lovely but there was a bitter wind blowing...though I paused for long enough to get some moss to put in the pot of Hyacinths...bought those from Tesco's a couple of weeks ago having quite forgotten to plant any in the Autumn.

The daffodils down by our part of the river are in bud...they have such a cold sweet perfume...a tributary of the big river races it's way down the backs of our cottages...that's where the horrid mink live...in the gaps between the enormous rocks on the riverbanks. There are

little plump Bank Voles as well and sometimes a Heron will perch patiently waiting for an unwary fish...though they'll usually take to the air the minute they're disturbed...great wings flapping.

In mid-summer the water level drops dramatically exposing the rocks on the river bed...then we see fresh water Crayfish clambering about like elderly gentlemen with rheumatism...young mink poke their noses out of the dens and scurry back hastily...

I once saw a Mallard with a string of babies behind her...paddling frantically when she saw me, with her little ones squeaking as they struggled to keep up.

There are Dippers as well...bobbing up and down while my cats lean as far as they dare over the river bank and watch them with a gleam in their eyes...when I scold them, they stalk away with their tails in the air, as if they'd never had any intention of actually catching one...then they race straight up a tree and bat each other with their paws...

Soon the grass will be adorned with Celandines and after them the bright yellow of the Dandelions scattered along the road sides...there'll be Coltsfoot flowers, used for cough syrups even now and can be bought in herbalists stores sweetened with honey or as pastilles for a sore throat.

Spring is surely coming...

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16 Replies
england profile image

Mmmmmm can you make me a nice walm one them vash a rainbow one big long

Jolyn profile image

You've painted a beautiful picture Vashti....roll on Spring and lets have some warm sunshine. :-)

RibvanRey profile image
RibvanRey in reply to Jolyn

In the mean time can i settle for some spring rolls Jolyn

Jolyn profile image
Jolyn in reply to RibvanRey

Lol....holding out my plate...is there any for me? :-)

in reply to Jolyn

And me please...

in reply to Jolyn

Not too much longer....!

scorpiolass profile image

Hi Vashti, You make the countryside really come alive; it's great. Close to us are lakes, Rhododendrons, meadows & silver birch areas; all grown over from old Ballast pits & an estate adoped as a wild life park by the council, but at one time it belonged to Lord Liverpool. We moved to this area when i was about 7ish; I hunted newts & grasssnakes, built dens, climbed trees, played rounders & swam in the pits, which was of course not allowed & dangerous. I was a bit of a tomboy.

Even though we have lived all over England, we moved back about 9 years ago & it is home. Although as we get older, I think I long to return to the cliffs & sea.

When my dog, now 8 this year was a pup, every day we picniced & played chase with him; he particularly enjoyed hide & seek & of course the begging of scraps.

I have missed doing all this for about 5 years but now I am so much better, we again plan to visit again come Spring.

Love Margaret x

in reply to scorpiolass

Oh do go again Margaret...it'd be lovely for you xxx

clematis5932 profile image

If I was to spend less time on the Internet poking my nose into interesting sites, I would have put our tea into the oven. Good job I prepared it this morning so will not take long. New to this site I have been reading a few posts, well I was until I found yours, have spent the past two hours reading your posts what a clever lady you are I would love to be able to express myself as you do. I have laughed felt sad for you then laughed again. I have decided to start at the beginning of your posts instead of going backwards I intend to read them all. I to have lost a lot of weight now a size 6-8 I am lucky I have a grand daughter aged 15 who has sorted me out giving me all the clothes that she no longer wears. I also buy clothes that are reduced in sales. It has taken two years for me to convince friends and relatives that I was not anorexic the consultant told my husband whilst I was in hospital it was all due to my Emphysema. Its just as hard to put weight on as it is to lose it. Looking forward to another little read a little later.

in reply to clematis5932

Hi clematis5932 nice to meet you and welcome to the site. Yes vashti is a talented writer and brings joy to us all with great tales. I read them all as well and thoroughly enjoy them.

You do need to try and put some weight on and I hope you are seeing a dietician. Have you tried the build up drinks? My mother who got very thin had Ensure and liked them so it might work for you. But you do need more weight otherwise an infection has more chance of being life threatening. Please take it seriously. x

in reply to clematis5932

I see Coughalot is scolding you already...lol...but I'd suggest the same as she has done and see a dietician...the girl I saw was very good indeed at suggesting various ways to tempt your appetite and increase weight.

Thank you for your kind remarks about the articles...glad you enjoyed reading them xx

clematis5932 profile image
clematis5932 in reply to

vashti and Coughalot I am on Fortisip fruit drinks the plain fortisips did not agree with my tummy. I have three a day. I am going to spend another hour this evening reading your posts vasti. I have seen a dietician, my problem is that I have always eaten very healthily I much prefer chicken and salad to chips etc. The hospital are now transferring me to there dietician instead of the community dietician that I had been seeing for the past 12 months.

bulpit profile image

Morning Vashti. How lovely, Yes signs of spring are beginning to show. I haven't seen any goldfinches this winter,the Niger seeds hang in the tree untouched,such a shame as they are so pretty, Does the Mink population increase, are they still a problem with people's poultry. Didn't know that Coltsfoot has medical properties. Best wishes Bulpit

in reply to bulpit

The mink are a real pest...too many places for them to have their dens and their babies that's the problem...

Coltsfoot is still in use...it probably wouldn't work with the sort of coughs we have though...lol

barnowl1 profile image

Thanks Vashti, lovely to hear about you and easy to picture as you write so explicitly. My garden too is coming alive and now that Feb. is nigh we know that 4 weeks and the warmer weather will be with us. Best wishes barnowl

in reply to barnowl1

It does seem to have been a long winter...which is silly 'cos it's probably been no longer than any other winter...lol

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