Job application with reasonable adjus... - Lung Conditions C...

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Job application with reasonable adjustment

frose profile image
12 Replies

Because I work with reasonable adjustment I work two of my five days from home. There is a job I'd like to apply for (headship) but have no idea how to deal with this aspect of my application/interview if I get one. Do I tell them about it? Damned if I do ... Do I keep quiet about it? Damned if I don't ... Would this prevent them from employing me? Not that they would give that as the reason! Would welcome views from those who may know better than I how to deal with this.


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frose profile image
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12 Replies
SecondLife profile image

Headship, does this mean you would in effect be employed by the County Council, if that is right then tell them. Even with all of the current cost cutting exercises they would make every assistance available to you for interview/work.

helingmic profile image
helingmic in reply to SecondLife

SecondLIfe, I think teachers, head teachers are all appointed by County Council. But I think heads depend directly from it, while he has a say whether a teacher will be sacked or no.

Bevvy profile image

Quick reply because off to work! I have reasonable adjustments plus only able to work part time. When I apply for new jobs I always mention it and that am disabled but don't give details of disability on application form. I also put positive spin on my circumstances. I was successful at job app 2 yrs ago even though they wanted full time worker and I only part time.

Is difficult but believe you have to be honest from outset. If they don't want you due to your disability do you really want to work there!

Jettace profile image

Hi struggle ...I like u have copd ...This is only my opinion but I wouldn't be putting any pre existing health condition on any paperwork when it comes to applying for a job ...this is confidential information between you an your acting practitioner an keep it that way ...unless of course if there sending you for a Medical i would find it hard to believe they would be testing for copd ...So in lay men's terms it's none of there business ....Good luck an I hope your successful with your application ...regards Wes

helingmic profile image
helingmic in reply to Jettace

I was a teacher once and was incapacitated with my COPD. I found it hard. When I had to go for a fairly long stay in hospital, the head didn't like it and did not renew my contract (This was my first year with them).

frose profile image

Thanks all, I knew I'd find some good views here!

tigershay1 profile image

I echo above. It is actually against employment law to ask for specific health issues on application forms now as it is to request age. Personally if you can meet the job spec then it shouldnt be an issue as you can do the job. It seems to be small individual employers who get away with dismissing people and asking unauthorised questions!! I would however discuss it during the interview if it comes up. You could ring the HR dept of Council todiscuss or ring an employment lawyer who will know this type of thing in relation to the e law. It depends if you are classed as "disabled" as this is a different set of employment law best speak to lawyer who knows . Best wishes xx

Offcut profile image

My problem is I seem to pick companies that want a 9 to 5 5 day week people that have no flexibility to them at all. I was even accepted for a job that was sold to me has a home based position. But I was not allowed to even get access from my own home computer or given a laptop they promised. It was a 50 min journey on a good day to get there and no guarantee of a parking space near by. (disabled bay was used for their van!) Their attitude stank it was a case of if you want to stay in a job do what we say. They had 6 leave in one week! which summed them up. They had a commission process that meant all of the targets had to be met to get your money but it was near on impossible to get one of the targets so they never paid anyone.

happyfeet59 profile image

Generally I would say not to disclose your health condition. It should not be a requirement on the application form.

However, you say you currently work two days from home. If you are wanting to be allowed to do this in the new job then you must bring it up at the interview. Spend some time beforehand considering how you will present it in a positive way, as they may not have come across this before. If you put it on the application they may choose not to interview you and you won't have the opportunity to let them see how brilliant you are for the job.

They will then have to consider how 'reasonable adjustment' would work - you could perhaps outline how you see it working, show that you have given it some thought, lead them to the right conclusion - that this can work. If you are the best person for the job they should consider this positively. But they may consider it and decide that flexibility wouldn't work for them. This is allowed.

Stun them with your knowledge, skill, confidence and personality. Good luck.

frose profile image

What a helpful bunch you are, thank you so much!

You're right, I don't have to mention it on application. One question asks if I consider myself to have a disability to which I can only really respond 'yes', but that's it. But even that information doesn't go through to the interview panel. I'd be quite happy to try the job without reasonable adjustment initially but couldn't guarantee I'd manage it, especially in the winter months, so am not sure how that would pan out. Besides, as soon as they realise I've been in hospital and then off sick for a minimum of 6 weeks each time, every year for the last 3 years, it's bound to give rise to questions! I could ring their HR Department to discuss these matters but feel that if I do so I may really just as well not bother applying!

My bigger concern was that as I currently work from home 2 days a week to help deal with fatigue, I would feel it only fair, if something of that nature arose during interview, to mention it, but could then be pretty sure I'd rule myself out of the position. I suppose I'm thinking along the lines of whether they might mention that it's a high energy job (the application details do mention this). Equally, if I didn't NEED this reasonable adjustment, then I wouldn't be taking it so that then begs the question of whether I could cope with this new job if reasonable adjustment were not applied. If the answer is no, then perhaps I shouldn't actually go for it ... But if this is so then it effectively bars me from applying for any jobs outside of my current employer!

Oh, I don't know, maybe I should just apply and see what happens, playing it by ear (my usual approach anyway!).

I do thank you all for your most helpful and thought-provoking responses.

happyfeet59 profile image
happyfeet59 in reply to frose

I can relate to your problem and it sounds like you thought it through. I am assuming you are currently in a responsible position and need two home days to cope with fatigue. A headship (school?), can be an enormously exhausting job, as I have seen through all my friends who took this path.

So you rightly are considering whether you could cope taking on a high energy job without adjustment. I think you know the answer - someone once said to me, if you need to ask that question - you already know the answer.

I was also advised - don't apply for it if you're not sure. ie don't play the 'I'll see what happens' card. With a high powered job you must really want it and feel that you are up to it.

Good luck in your decision. And let us know what happens.

frose profile image

Happyfeet, you're right! If in doubt, don't, and I decided not to! :-)

Thank you.

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