Hi I'm newbie i started feeling unwell beginning of November 3 visits to doctors and getting worse in December woke up in night with chest pain sweating like I had been in bath and needing loo i remember going toward bath room andThen getting back into bed.in morning I got up and went to work I could not do a thing by 12 midday I came home wife phoned 111 next thing I know chewing on a tab and having spray under tongue wenta&e blood test xt'ay 12 hrs later told yo go home come back first thing in morning. Anyway lunch time i woke and after being nagged by wife went back I had missed 7 missed calls from cau department had another xray blood test and told i had had a heart attack and was lucky but then gave me a bag of pills and said I had angina ? And needed a scan i checked my nhs app wife set up only discharge note saying in message new meds I now have a ct heart scan appointment on 21st of March .I am currently so tired I have been sleeping all different times .
Don't know what is truly wrong dull constant pain in chest spray works but have pain lying down sitting up . Out of breath trying to get up stairs.
Don't want to go back A&E feel like wasting there time . Question is could I have had a heart attack and be treated for angina if i have not made sense please don't beat me I just don't know and my head all over the place I found a code xarfo myocardial infarction quality indicators informed dissent.,??
Looked it up eventually don't understand but dissent means disagree or refuse i thought. Not refused anything just want to know every twinge think its my last Hope i have not waffled just so worried not knowing.