I got myocarditis without finding any cause a month or two ago. I have been on a rollercoaster journey. In and out of hospital.
My ejection fraction dropped to only 25%. I was thinking the worst. I was in a low place. I remember dragging the drip trolley around in the hospital taking each day at a time. My mind can be cruel to itself sometimes by catastrophizing. I've have had incredible care by the nurses and doctors. I cannot thank them enough. They are my heroes. It moves me to tears what they've done for me.
A few months later after taking my tablets religiously, I am getting better. My ejection fraction is up to 45%. That is a great improvement. Yes I have googled and checked with AI everything and scared myself silly. The doctors (no surprise!) know what they're doing. Trust the medication. Follow their instructions and the chances are you'll get better. I'm not fully out of the woods yet but I'm on the right track. Don't give up. And don't over google like me! I justed wanted to give someone hope if you're suffering with myocarditis.