lot of commotion in the ward last night - couldn’t get to sleep. Got anxious. Blood pressure went up, starting to go down.
anxious : lot of commotion in the ward... - British Heart Fou...

Hi. Sorry to hear you’re feeling anxious. When I was in hospital I could hear all sorts and started to get quite paranoid. I asked my husband to being me a notepad and pencil and I wrote everything down. It helped me cope and stopped me worrying about what was happening to me. I can say I felt paranoid now because I’ve read my notes. At the time I didn’t recognise my paranoia. It’s very difficult times in the hospitals now and the wards have always been very noisy. I hope you start to feel less distressed soon. Take care
It can be hard to rest in hospital wards with the constant beeping of machines in the background, chatter from the medical staff, and nurses coming to wake you every so often for observations and checks. You may find that ear plugs and a sleeping mask might help when being admitted to hospital. If you have an android phone or a smartphone, putting on a pod cast or some relaxing music using ear phones may also help with getting better sleep.
You do not say why you are in hospital but I hope your blood pressure continues to improve. Good luck for your stay and any procedures or tests you maybe having.
All the best.
I am sorry there was so much commotion on the ward last night sometimes we find this happening when we are in Hospital and for some of us it can make us feel anxious this will no doubt have helped your Blood Pressure to go up and now things maybe are calmer it is now going down again
I hope you are feeling a little better now
Let us know how you are getting on x
Wards can be extremely noisey and I am sorry that you had a disturbed night. As others will suggest, have you tried earplugs? They were a godsend when I was in hospital. The one night I forgot to put them in was my worst sleep ever and drove my blood pressure up due to sheer frustration of not being able to sleep.
I hope that your anxiety starts to settle soon. Good luck for the rest of your hospital stay. Take care.
Like others have said earplugs are the answer, or better earbuds so you can listen to your own music off your phone or music player. There was one poor man on a general ward I had the misfortune to be in after my HA and he had advanced dementia and was shouting all the time and in the end the nurse came round with ear plugs for everyone, although I was already sorted.
The wards can be very noisy and anxiety inducing. My medical team were aware if my hospital anxiety and when I was in ICU they moved me to a quiet corner to get me away from a machete attack victim and the police and family who were with him.What really helped me through was bouse cancelling headphones. I listened to audio books and couldn't hear a thing apart from that.
I hope that you have a calmer evening