I thought I could put things behind me - British Heart Fou...

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I thought I could put things behind me

Dshadzz07 profile image
23 Replies

Hi guys, I’ve messaged before and thought I could move on with things after a great stress test results. Male 21.

Yet again though, after a chiropractor session the day before. Yesterday I was having dreadful chest tightness at around 10:30am so I panic and give in and head to A+E. I was hot and sweaty too, but it’s obviously hot atm, they ran an ECG but apparently V4 looked off on the first one so they did another and all good said nil acute the doctor wrote but also RBBB? So idk about that.

Zoom towards 1:30pm they take my bloods to do the troponin, got called in by doctor at 2:45. Examined me I explained the tightness/pressure he said he wasn’t worried. My High sensitivity TnT came back <3 which apparently is great. I then had a nice chat with a cardiologist consult, he said I shouldn’t worry all the tests were fine today and have been for you and not to worry till I’m 50 but to lose some weight. I was calmed a little bit but like still questioning what’s happening as I felt so crap. Moving on today still same symptoms and feeling crap and nauseous.

Then I Google and I’m like was there enough time for troponin to go in my blood stream as it was only 3 hours from when the pain started. Just keep question myself and if the doctor/cardiologist are right. It’s rough. Getting shooting pains in my thighs too. My CRP bloods were fine also.

Long story short. Rough.

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Dshadzz07 profile image
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23 Replies
Dshadzz07 profile image

thank you for the response. Trying to get help and start medication still just really afraid that what I’m feeling is real. Like I want to go back to hospital today to just incase check. But that’d be stupid.

Tos92 profile image

Hey, I’m sorry you’re still feeling like this.

The good news is that your tests have come back okay more than several times from what I can see from previous posts.

If you’re in the U.K., you can refer yourself to your local NHS Talking Therapies service. You should be able to locate the number online as it varies from area to area.

This will also give you a chance to join group sessions if you wish to opt in for it where you can hear the stories of other people with health anxiety and how they cope with it on a daily basis. This type of interaction might be useful for you and you can learn some techniques on how to manage your health anxiety along the way.

I’m sorry I couldn’t be of more help.


Dshadzz07 profile image
Dshadzz07 in reply to Tos92

I can’t expect much more as I guess what I have is anxiety issue not heart. It’s just when I post in the anxiety ones I get no response or help. At least people message here.

Tos92 profile image
Tos92 in reply to Dshadzz07

I wouldn’t take it personally if people do not respond on the anxiety forum. Anxiety is one of those things that can make people withdraw from being social and completely shut themselves off to the outside world. Everyone copes with anxiety differently, you just need to find what works best for you.

I hope you have friends and family nearby for support. Just remember, you can’t let anxiety determine every aspect of your life.

BlossomsInSpring has given you some good advice.

Let us know later on here how your day went and what things you managed to do today.

Dshadzz07 profile image

Thank you for the compliment of me writing smart aha . I’m looking at house currently to buy which is helping it’s just the constant tightness is there maybe it’s muscular . I’m going to try distract myself.

BeKind28- profile image

Hello :-)

When we are trying to move on we can take so many steps forward and then out of no where so many back again till we keep moving forward and the steps back get less and it takes time

You must keep of Google it is your worst enemy it really is ask yourself that lovely Consultant examined you not Google so who are you going to believe I would believe that Consultant and stay away from Google

I am sure you have health anxiety which can focus on one health issue or several yours seems to have picked on the one your heart and you have to try and now get help for this and I know the waiting lists can be long to get therapy but get your name down by talking with your Doctor and get a referral :-)

You know as you have said before you are overweight and so you need to either join slimming world or a gym or something like that as I feel losing some weight will help you mentally as well as physically I know it can be easier said than done but it can be done and I have faith if you put your mind to it that you can do it :-)

Start taking steps forward again get things in place and keep of Google you can start right now and maybe you will not have to worry about your heart even at 50 if you do because you will have looked after yourself when you were young enough to make the changes you needed to make :-) x

Yumz199725 profile image

Sounds rough and can definitely sympathise that sounds like my night on Monday I'm still waiting for confirmation on my ecgs from heart hospital. Glad everything came back good it's only natural to worry when you get pain like that glad they did ecgs and bloods they checked my tropinin levels didn't actually end up telling me the levels of it if there even was they just blood were fine. Hope your able to get to the bottom of why your feeling like this? I think anxiety dosent help either 😳. Did you have pain in your arm??

Dshadzz07 profile image
Dshadzz07 in reply to Yumz199725

to be honest I always have pain in my arms but it’s unrelated I think just don’t want to have a heart attack at 21

Yumz199725 profile image
Yumz199725 in reply to Dshadzz07

Anxiety can really do a number on you believe me I know! 🙈😳

Dshadzz07 profile image
Dshadzz07 in reply to Yumz199725

yeah it’s rough like I’m still getting symptoms trying to say to myself that they tested me my troponin was great why would it be worse now

Yumz199725 profile image
Yumz199725 in reply to Dshadzz07

Yeah anxiety is horrible really messes with you like I know I'm fine but still can't stop convincing myself that I'm not that's anxiety for you unfortunately. I find being on medication has helped alot but I still get really anxious have to wait 6 months before I really notice the difference. I would definitely recommend speaking to someone at your gp about your anxiety it sounds bad like my sisters ( mental health issues run in my family so I consider myself a bit of an expert, I'm a carer for my brother is who suffers badly with mental health.

Dshadzz07 profile image
Dshadzz07 in reply to Yumz199725

I’m so sorry to hear about your troubles also, like it’s hard when you feel like why is this happening to me and j completely understand a lot of these people have had huge heart issues including you. But like my anxiety makes it feel like these issues. It’s really scary.

Yumz199725 profile image
Yumz199725 in reply to Dshadzz07

Yeah it's hard your very fortunate to not have any heart issues and anxiety on top. Did they mention what could be causing the chest tightness??

Dshadzz07 profile image
Dshadzz07 in reply to Yumz199725

muscularsketoral, nerve, costochondritis, fibromyalgia, anxiety, dehydration. They just gave me like all non cardiac things I guess

Yumz199725 profile image
Yumz199725 in reply to Dshadzz07

Yeah that's good then. Anxiety and dehydration was probably the cause I would of thought. Hope your able to get to the bottom of this I can imagine how much that plays on your mind. I'm having a few routine tests done in the next few months so that's gona be reassuring for me! Take care and all the best mate.

Dshadzz07 profile image
Dshadzz07 in reply to Yumz199725

I wish you the best too and hope things feel better a bit soon after the tests and all. Come out on top👑🫡

Yumz199725 profile image
Yumz199725 in reply to Dshadzz07

Aw thanks mate. Take care. 😊☺️

Dogloverxthree profile image
Dogloverxthree in reply to Dshadzz07

I feel so sad for you I have bad anxiety and know how it makes you suffer keep talking don’t bottle it up

Dshadzz07 profile image
Dshadzz07 in reply to Dogloverxthree

yeah it’s the hardest couple years I’ve had in my life questioning everyday if I’m dying. Cry a lot.

Dogloverxthree profile image
Dogloverxthree in reply to Dshadzz07

are you alone or do you have a family to support you

Alison_L profile image

All good advice above re your heart and anxiety, but just a thought - you were at a chiropractor the day before. Could the tightness in your chest actually be stiff muscles from that visit? I know when I see my osteopath when I haven't been for a long time, I really stiffen up overnight.

Dshadzz07 profile image
Dshadzz07 in reply to Alison_L

this is a thought that I’m really considering they worked a lot on my upper shoulders and neck so idk

Smitty1956 profile image

Hi, Dshadzz07,

It is so difficult and disabling to have anxiety disorder. I was finally diagnosed in 2017, but I realize now that I have had it all of my life. I work everyday to try to keep it in control, but it is very hard and makes me feel tired.

In dealing with my anxiety, I have learned a couple of things. First, we tend to have what are called intrusive thoughts. We may worry some about many different things all day and night, but we tend to have one or two topics that are constant. These are the intrusive thoughts. These thoughts can just be overwhelming and even lead to all out panic attacks. It sounds like a possible heart attack might be one of your intrusive thoughts, or triggers. People can tell you all day that you are not likely to have a HA, but that doesn’t make a difference in the intrusive thought for you.

Secondly, the words that we use when we talk about our anxiety trigger(s) tends to be similar across people. We will talk about our intrusive thought as something that will possibly kill us. Everything that we have as a fear, or trigger, is something that we believe will likely cause our death. If you can, try listening to yourself explaining your fear to your doctor or family member or friend. You will start to hear certain patterns in your speech when you talk about the trigger.

These two criteria are possibly the defining characteristics of anxiety disorder. I think that it was Tos92 who stated that people with anxiety disorder will sometimes shut themselves off from others—-not because they don’t like people, but because it causes too much stress to do small talk or to put on a happy face. If some of this sounds like you, then you may have anxiety disorder.

Once I did get my diagnosis in 2017, I did get some professional counseling for my primary intrusive thoughts. You may laugh at me, but my trigger was air bags in cars. I was diving over 140 miles each day to teach at two small elementary schools. The hours spent driving and stressing about air bags and dying were causing me what I thought were heart problems. The counseling did help me improve about the air bags—-so, counseling can help some.

Since then, in March 2022, I did have a HA. Now, my heart and the fear of dying from a new HA is a new trigger. I notice every skipped beat, every ache and pain, every little thing about my heart. I think that this reaction is probably normal for most people—-even those without anxiety disorder.

I also am trying these things as well:

1) prescribed medication for when it is needed. I take a small dose of Xanax when I am especially anxious. This can help to avoid a full-out panic attack.

2) breathing apps and thoughtfulness apps on my phone. I find that the breathing app helps most, and can help me to calm my thoughts.

3) sleep apps for relaxation. I use rain and thunderstorm apps to help me go to sleep at night and to stay relaxed.

4). Walking. Exercise such as walking can help us to relax and it can help with weight loss too.

I think that it is good that you have any needed tests and physical checkups to help determine whether you might have any heart health problems. If you can rule out heart issues, then you might want to discuss possible mental health issues such as anxiety disorder or depression with your doctor. These issues tend to get worse as we age so you would benefit by trying to get some control over your anxiety as soon as possible.

I wish you the best in sorting out all of these health issues! 😊

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