myocarditis medication. : hi can anyone... - British Heart Fou...

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myocarditis medication.

Biggles33 profile image
26 Replies

hi can anyone please advise on taking ibpruofen with myocarditis? Recently diagnosed and given very little information and basically told to take ibpruofen and that things should improve over time??? However have read several articles saying not to and that it could be dangerous?

Any advice welcome, also any others experience with myocarditis would be really appreciated. Can’t help feeling GP is not that interested ☹️

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Biggles33 profile image
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26 Replies
Milkfairy profile image
MilkfairyHeart Star

Hello Biggles33Usually heart patients are advised not to take Non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs , NSAID, however sometimes they are advised for short periods for some inflammatory heart conditions.

Both Cardiomyopathy UK and the BHF have helplines and I suggest you give them a call.

Captain_Birdseye profile image

Hi Biggles,

I was diagnosed with myocarditis last year, initially I was taking blood thinners and a baby aspirin (initially treated under ACS protocol) as well as colchicine (anti inflammatory but not a painkiller) so didn't take ibuprofen at first.

Once I was off all the other medication, I cycled between aspirin and ibuprofen for a while (as well as paracetamol) and was advised by my doctor, cardiologist and pharmacist that it was ok. I now tend to use the long lasting ibuprofen as this is a much smaller dose overall (same 2 x 200mg dose, but only taken twice a day at most) with paracetamol when I need it.

This is only my experience and what was recommended for me after consulting health professionals, so do double check with your doctor if unsure, or your cardiologist if you can. Ibuprofen isn't recommended for patients showing signs of heart failure.

In terms of experience with myocarditis, if you click on my profile and read through some of my posts (and replies) you'll see my story - or if you type myocarditis into the search bar, there are others here with their own stories and experiences... you are in good company here and I've found this forum to be a great support during my more anxious times.

OpenMind1 profile image

Hi.. sorry to hear about your diagnosis.. I'm 5 weeks after a diagnosis of myopericarditis. I was prescribed asprin and colchicine for 3 months and ibuprofen and something to protect my tummy for 2 weeks, but everyone's different so I wouldn'tsuggest that's right for you.... are you only being looked after by your gp or have you seen a heart specialist? The cardiac nurses on the bhf site might be worth speaking to. Good luck with your recovery.

Biggles33 profile image
Biggles33 in reply to OpenMind1

Hi, thank you everyone for your replies. I am finding this site very helpful with dealing with the anxieties and reading other people’s experiences. As I feel so alone and the Gp has given me little to no support at all. I will add my original post so you can see my experience so far. I was diagnosed in A&e and told things should resolve within weeks and that I’d don’t need a follow up unless things got worse.

Captain_Birdseye profile image
Captain_Birdseye in reply to Biggles33

If your original post mentions the name of the virus that caused the pandemic it'll be blocked... it's frustrating as there are a lot of blocked posts that I'm sure contain good information, but rules are rules - avoid that word where possible.

Sadly, GPs are not cardiac experts and they tend to refer to the cardiologist for the less common heart conditions. Genuinely I've found the support forums more enlightening so if you've any questions do pop them up!

Biggles33 profile image
Biggles33 in reply to Captain_Birdseye

thank you, I’m definitely finding this helpful talking to people who have same diagnosis/similar experiences. X

Biggles33 profile image
Biggles33 in reply to OpenMind1

Have recently been diagnosed with myocarditis this last week after experiencing chest pains. I would consider myself a healthy, active 37 year old female. Non smoker and no underlying health issues. Had covid quickly followed by the flu December last year, had experienced mild left side chest pain on/off for a couple of months, however the pain got progressively worse and I ended up in A&E. ecg, bloods and chest x Ray all ok, however apparently heart sounded muffled and I was diagnosed with myocarditis and sent home with little to no information. Was just told that I should start to feel better in a few weeks. I am now off work and I am only taking paracetamol. Barely sleeping as it’s so painful/uncomfortable on a night time. looking for any advice or questions I need to be asking my doctor? And more importantly other people’s experience with myocarditis?? also now very anxious and uncertain what this means for the future and do the majority of people make a full recovery? Would be grateful for any advice/feedback. thank you 

OpenMind1 profile image

Oh it's so disconcerting isn't it... you don't know what to think... i go from thinking 'it's fine just a bit of rest and I'll be back to running' to 's**t could this kill me?' I couldn't read your first post for some reason, but do share and get all the support you need, anxiety certainly won't help your heart to heal. Are you still getting pain?

Biggles33 profile image
Biggles33 in reply to OpenMind1

Thank you for the reply 😊

Yes I’m in constant pain with my chest and waking constantly through the night. I’m currently off work as I feel so exhausted. Went back to Gp other day and they did another ecg which was fine and said it could take weeks/months to recover. I think I’m just shocked at the go away and live with it mentality. I’ve not had an echo and I’ve not been offered one. I am back at doctors in a weeks time for more bloods. Just really scary isn’t it as people seem to be living with this for a long time. I’m scared it going to cause long term damage to my heart.

Have you started to tell better since diagnosis?

OpenMind1 profile image
OpenMind1 in reply to Biggles33

Omg that's just how I feel. I'm really trying to get a grip on my thoughts but it's not easy. I've not had a scary bout of pain for a week and a half now but have a constant level 2 ish pain/ sensation pretty much all the time. I do feel tired but if i didn't know i had this I'd probably just be getting on with my active life.. I'm just so frightened to do anything that might result in long term damage.. but what's too much?? Arrhhh i was lucky enough to get pretty much all of the tests going which rimedout a heart attack but nothing actually showed myocarditis... just going on raised troponin and symptoms so all feels very disconcerting.. I'm not quite as a young as you but am a fit, slim, non smoking 46 year old so just all feels a bit of a shock. I really feel for you. X

Biggles33 profile image
Biggles33 in reply to OpenMind1

thank you for sharing your experience. I was an anxious person before but now my anxieties have gone through the roof. I’m worried when I will be able to return to work. My job is mainly office based so it’s not so much the physical side, however I find it quite stressful! Exactly like you I’m wondering …what’s pushing it too much? I’ve gone from being an active mum, who works full time enjoyed gym/running to now pretty much nothing and have spent the last week pretty much in bed as scared to do anything. x

OpenMind1 profile image
OpenMind1 in reply to Biggles33

I think you're right to think about emotional stress as well as physical exertion.. anything that causes our heart rate to increase means our heart is not able to rest... i have to say I'm trying to balance that with keeping my mental health ok.. so am doing some gentle walking. I think we've got a bit of a mental challenge as well as a physical one on our hands. Really glad we can help eachother through. X

Biggles33 profile image
Biggles33 in reply to OpenMind1

it’s definitely going to be a mental challenge and I feel for anyone going through this. Please keep me updated with your recovery. X

Biggles33 profile image
Biggles33 in reply to OpenMind1

do you have any follow up appointments to check your heart health?

OpenMind1 profile image
OpenMind1 in reply to Biggles33

Yes I'm going to see one of the hospital consultants next month... had to ask for it though. 😞

HHH2017 profile image

H Biggles, Im so sorry you are going through this at the moment, it is a horrid condition & scary but most importantly it will getbetter in time. It's good that A&E discharged you as it must have been picked up quite early - well done. I was in hospital for 3 weeks with it. But if pains and occurrences increase do go back. REST is the best cure so please take at least a few weeks off to literally do NOTHING! I cannot take ibruprofen with the diagnosis i was left with after my illness as I have some permanent heart damage. I think you need to ring the BHF nurses and get some medical advice and perhaps questions to go back to your GP with. Seriously REST is as important if not more so, than any meds with myocarditis. Your heart has had a dreadful shock and needs to be looked after. Just as being non weight bearing with a pulled muscle in your leg, your heart muscle needs some non effort/strain time. Hope you get some rest and answers soon .

Biggles33 profile image
Biggles33 in reply to HHH2017

thank you. Yes this definitely seems to be the general opinion is to rest. What’s scary is that the doctors didn’t even tell me to rest. They seem to know very little about this awful condition. I have taken my own decision to be off work and listen to my body! I will definitely give the bhf a call for advice. Thank you so much and thank you for everyone’s replies. 😊

HHH2017 profile image
HHH2017 in reply to Biggles33

Its terrible that you didn't receive this very basic & essential advice. Will have added to your worry and slowed your recovery ❤️‍🩹 Luckily you are obviously listening to your own body and have the intelligence to think 'hang on a minute!!' Take care & do keepnus posted with your progress. Im over 5yrs on now and doing well 👍🏽

ParrotLover22 profile image

Hi. If ever I'm in doubt about any Medication, I always ask my Pharmacist. They are pretty clued up :)

Catkin-blake profile image

I was diagnosed mid November after 10 days in hospital where they thought I had had a HA turned out to be myopericarditis. Basically was given beta blockers, ACE, Colchicine for the peri , lamprazonale for my tum and 2 weeks of ibuprofen. The only advice was don’t exert yourself for 3 months bar that have just been left to get on with it and now back under the gp who said he isn’t an expert on it. Just to reassure you you aren’t by yourself emotionally- It’s such a frightening thing especially as if you over do it it can really hurt, so scary. It really is a case of REST I’ve learnt the hard way. Don’t read all the statistic stuff on Google it will play on your mind, and every case is so different. If you do feel bad or it’s got worse go back to A&E to get checked. I think reading some of the posts a few of us were repeat visitors to A&E, it’s really best to get checked if in doubt. It might not seem like it at the moment but it will get better, just takes time.

Biggles33 profile image
Biggles33 in reply to Catkin-blake

hi, thank you so much for your response. I’m so grateful for everyone’s responses/experiences it’s definitely reassuring. Have your symptoms started to settle since diagnosis?

Catkin-blake profile image
Catkin-blake in reply to Biggles33

yes, but its very slow progress, my t wave as now returned to normal it was inverted, my troponin levels are normal, I get the odd daily discomfort now, which my consultant thinks is MVD as result of my Myo, so now being told to start exercising 30 mins a day ... its difficult really as every pain makes you think its coming back, and what if... but we will get better! keep telling yourself that, it helps to keep you positive

Ethel14 profile image

I have been told by my Gp and Cardiologist not to have Ibuprofen because of contraindications with my other heart medication, hope this helps and you’re ok soon.

Kwakkers profile image

Hallo and welcome to the `club`. Every tablet/operation/procedure carrys a risk element - just read the leaflets in the tab boxes. It`s a lot to do with how you feel.

Your GP comment brings a smile to my face. My daughter and son are doctors so I get the other side of the jokes/comments/criticism, haha.

Since my cardiac arrest (and five heart attacks) my medication has changed many times (new drugs, blah, blah) and my diet has altered. Ask the ones who care for you. Make a list as if you were going for an interview, which it is.

My wife and I know when we mention a new drug (we`re taking). We get "O MY GOD" from one, or both of them. It makes for lively get-togethers......Duh!

Anyway, 11 years after 5 heart attacks and a cardiac arrest I`m still swimming and going to my Support Group. Damn good laugh.

Be lucky,


Valentina98 profile image

Hi Biggles

When I first had my heart attack and was diagnosed with myocarditis. My Cardic Nurse told me not to take ibuprofen. I was put in Aspirin among other medications.

A few months on I've been told I can take ibuprofen for pain relief but I've been sticking with paracetamol.

Valentina x

Whateverheart profile image

your story is the same as me! How are you doing now x

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