just looking for support -24yr old - British Heart Fou...

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just looking for support -24yr old

Atheondora123 profile image
8 Replies

So it all started back in May after I (female) turned 24 and had a scary palpitation turn. Went to a cardiologist who specialises in electric problems. I’ve had a 7 day holter, countles ecg and bloods at both gp and a&e, echo 2 weeks ago. Everything so far has come back clear but im terrified of my heart going into arrest or stopping. This has taken such a mental toll on my already severe health anxiety that i am basically bedbound (also scares me). Is there anyone else here who suffers with this fear? Im scared bc these tests dont show heart blocks but my cardiologist hasn’t suggested any more tests.

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Atheondora123 profile image
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8 Replies

Hello :-)

I think in your post something shouts out and it is when you say you have severe health anxiety

When I was your age and even younger I had dreadful health anxiety and for a long time it focused on my heart and the more I focused on it the more I was convinced I was having a heart attack

I think you are getting these palpitations possibly more to do with your anxiety than anything been wrong with your heart

You have had tests done all clear which says your heart is looking good

The Cardiologist has not asked for any more tests because they know none are needed from the ones you have had done already they are very clever in spotting any signs that need further investigations but in your case there is nothing there for them to do so but with health anxiety it will tell you otherwise so it can keep a hold of you and sounds like it is doing a good job of that

Also one of the main symptoms of anxiety are palpitations and as there is nothing they can find wrong with your heart it does point to the palpitations are anxiety related

You are so young you should not be stuck in bed but out there enjoying life and that is what I wish for you as I wished when I was your age I had been able to do

I think what you would really benefit from is some Counselling of some kind to get to the root of this fear and so you can start to deal with it

Unlike when I was young there was no help but now there is

Speak with your Doctor and ask for that help years fly by so quickly do not let your anxieties steal those precious years from you

Set yourself challenges everyday starting with getting up and getting dressed start taking those small steps

Please ask your Doctor for help and let us know how you get on :-) x

BridBoy profile image
BridBoy in reply to

Very wise words from BeKind28.

All I will add is that when you think that there is something wrong with a certain part of your anatomy every twinge that you never noticed before suddenly takes on a whole new menacing meaning that is completely unfounded.

Sounds like you've had a great set of tests and checks from your cardiologist, have confidence in them.

Best wishes

Qualipop profile image

I started having palpitations around 30 years ago. It took almost a yer of monitors, ECGs etc to actually catch and record an episode. FInally I had a stress test which showed absolutely nothing but after it, they sat me down to recover and didn't take the electrodes off immediately and lo and behold I had a long run of ectopics while sitting down quietly. They were able to see where they came from and that they we re totally harmless. They were caused by my health anxiety. it took a few months for it to sink in that they were nothing to worry about before they stopped. The tests you've had already would have shown up if it was anything to worry about so get a control of that anxiety and they will probably stop.

RG72 profile image

What you are feeling is completely normal and understandable. I would guess that everyone on this forum has gone through similar issues. Any heart related issues come with anxiety, and since they are often not helped by anxiety there can be a viscous circle.

First off - palpitations are normal and almost always nothing to be afraid of, the only problem is they feel awful! There are a lot of triggers that make them worse or can make you have some long or intense runs - these can be due to diet, fatigue, dehydration, alcohol and definitely, definitely stress and/or anxiety. So what can we do?

Well.. as others have said, your doctors have not recommended any further checks or medication. This is excellent news! This means that they think your palpitation issue is benign and doesn’t have any sinister causes. You have had a lot of good and long tests and if the doctors have picked up no heart structure, rhythm or blood issues, you can start to relax. I know it is hard to take your mind off things, but no news in this example is good news. Hard as it is, you have to try and stop focusing on your heart and get back to living, which I am sure you have every chance to do for many years to come.

Slidingdoors99 profile image

I’m so sorry that you’re feeling this way and as someone who also suffers from anxiety I can really imagine what you’re going through.

I would say though that (in my experience) the echos do show up an awful lot (as do the ECGs) and so perhaps (and hopefully) your heart is strong and the palpitations (although horrible) don’t mean anything serious?

I’m sure others on this site may have some good suggestions for you though…

SRDS profile image

hi there

So many people on this forum have given you such good advice. The only thing that I would add is that most people have known anxiety at some point in their life. I still struggle a lot. Do speak to your doctor about how you are feeling. Do not hesitate at all to speak to him/her about this. And do talk to us also.

People on this forum are very supportive.

Take care and let us know what happens.


DanniC88 profile image

HI there. First off dont panic. I was in the same situation as you in 2019. I was 36 weeks pregnant at the time and i began suffering with ectopic beats/palpitations daily. It was happening alot so I was referred to cardiology and, like you i wore a 7 day holter, Ive had an echo scan, an MRI scan and an exercise ett test. I was told I have Sinus tachycardia which is where the heart beats fast but they didn't know why or where the ectopic beats were coming from. I was prescribed 2.5mg bisoprolol which helps to slow the heart a bit and in turn allows the heart to beat properly thus reducing the ectopic beats. It does help but its not perfect.

I know its scary. I still worry everyday but, the more you worry the more it happens. Try deep breathing etc.

I find increasing my water intake, leave off chocolate and only have decaff helps. Plus exercise helps so i walk everyday. Doesn't matter how much just walk more to strengthen the heart. Hope all goes well

RailRover profile image

65 year old man. Had palpitations since age 21. Try not to obsess about it which only makes it worse - I know that isn't easy. Eventually had heart attack, but not until age 62. Since then had stent and triple bypass. Still enjoying life, playing badminton until I crawl off the court, walking, gym etc. You are very young. Take lots of exercise and if you are overweight get it off - that's the best favour you can do yourself. Other than that live for every day and love your life.

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