mitral clip: Hello all. I am new here... - British Heart Fou...

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mitral clip

6 Replies

Hello all. I am new here. I have severe mitral regurgitation and have been referred for a possible clip procedure. I am equally frightened about having it done and not done. Can anyone please give me advice based on their experience,. thank you all,

6 Replies

Hello & Welcome :-)

I have not had this done but had a triple Bypass and I think we all worry whatever the procedure might be that has been suggested

All I can say is though these Consultants and Surgeons are the experts and if they think it should be done I would certainly go ahead

Hopefully someone that has had this will log eventually and be able to give you more feedback that will help you with your question :-) x

Larneybuds profile image

Good morning.....I too have severe mitral regurgitation. I have been reading about the clip but the only option I was given was replacement. It seems that different surgeons have their preferred way of doing things and the only thing I can recommend is to find out as much as you can, ask lots of questions so that you are clear about which is the best surgery for you. Can I ask how long you have been diagnosed and have they given you a timescale for any operation? I have had the fear element and still have it as my 'urgent' op was cancelled the night before and I am still waiting over 7 months later but I am remaining as positive as I can. I asked the surgeon about the risks of the op and he said it will be more of a risk not to have it done than it will to have it.....good enough answer for me!! Support on this forum is excellent but I am also doing my own reading.....reliable sources only....and am making myself as knowledgeable as possible about procedures and recovery. Make sure you ask your surgeon about anything that is a concern so that you are clear about it and remain positive that your surgery I am sure, will make you feel a whole lot better. All the best x

Beatles1956 profile image

Hi svpgirlI had minimally invasive mitral valve repair last year. At the time, repair or replacement depended on what they actually found when they went in. The valve was seen up, bits removed and a ring attached to keep it together, not the same thing as a clip.

My surgeon also told me I should be more worried about not having it done - and I am glad I took that advice.

Glad to tell you more if you would like it.

All the best.👍

in reply to Beatles1956

yes please I am very interested in everything you can tell me

Beatles1956 profile image
Beatles1956 in reply to

Hello again.I had discussed the options of repair/ replacement with my surgeon, he recommended a mechanical replacement if he found that was necessary, but would do all he could to repair in the first instance. I know some may scoff at this, but I was happy to take his advice - he was not some junior doctor, with no experience. It also meant I would not have to go through it again, which was likely with a tissue valve. I was put on the waiting list for regular sternotomy, but out of the blue, he phoned me one day with the news that an opportunity had opened up to have the minimally invasive procedure in the next few weeks. I had to isolate for 2 weeks before and after, so I had a lot of stuff to do before I went into isolation. My wife does not drive, so sorting shopping, etc., simple things like haircuts, all had to be crammed into a few days.

I went into Bart's on a Wednesday, 2 days of tests, op on the Friday morning. I remember waking up in ICU, must have been on Saturday, and feeling down the front of my chest, to check if they had opened me up. No sign there, so I asked the nurse if I had had my operation. The minimally invasive procedure had worked, HDU the next day, then the ward, out on Tuesday. The hospital staff were all magnificent, they know exactly what they are doing, but never blasé about things. They inspire confidence.

Very apprehensive going home, had bought a V pillow, glad of that, enabled me to be propped up in bed. Did not sleep well for about 6 weeks, but gradually improved. Started walking, very small distances at first, gradually increased, used an app to track my walks and see my progress.

I was on warfarin for only a few weeks; if I had had the mechanical replacement I would be on it for life, but a small price to pay.

Hope some of this helps you in some small way. Overall, I would say it is only natural to be apprehensive about this - it is a major thing for us , but trust in your surgeon to give you the best advice for you and your circumstances.


Antique50 profile image

Hello svpgirlI have been offered a Mitral Clip procedure as well so I studied everything I could find on it. There is an American study and a Dutch one. It is hard to find any results for patients beyond 3 years as it is a relatively new procedure. The gold standard for severe mitral regurgitation is repair not

clip. In the end I paid for a consultation with a well known cardiologist who said that if you have the clip you cannot then have a repair. However I cannot have open heart surgery because of multiple spinal compression fractures. I was also told there is 8 to 12 month wait for minimally invasive repair unless I paid privately (£30,000). I have an appointment with the Mitral Clip repair surgeon in September to discuss all this. I hope this helps. But in the dark a bit because it is a new procedure .

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