Hi, I am going in for a CABG (sternotomy) in 9 days time, I had a double bypass via a midcab 5 years ago which didnt fully work so here we go again. On my previous op I was discharged with large dressings which I wore for a few weeks, but reading the paperwork I have been given it says I will be discharged with no dressings on the chest or on the leg wounds is this correct. I'm a bit concerned of clothes rubbing on the wounds does anyone find this an issue. TIA.๐
Bypass next week: Hi, I am going in for... - British Heart Fou...
Bypass next week

I had triple bypass and when discharged now dressing chest or leg. No external stitching. Glued together. Will not attach chest photo but leg attached
Thanks gilreid1 for showing me the picture that looks pretty good after 4 days, I hope everything is healing nicely and all is good with you now. ๐
Hi, good luck with your op. I had triple bypass in December and came home with dressings on chest and leg. Took them off after about a week and that was it. Hospital said if there was no problem with the wounds no need for any dressing.
I was discharged with no dressings on either chest or leg. I had endoscopic (minimally invasive) vein harvesting which left two small wounds on my leg which were clipped. A practise nurse removed the clips and stitches from the chest drain wounds 2 weeks after discharge.
I was discharged after 6 days with dressings on chest and leg told to take them off next day only put back on for travel home to make sure was comfortable . I had cabg and minimally invasive vein harvesting which left two small wounds on my leg which one had a stitch GP practise nurse removed after 7 days the and stitches from the chest drain wounds luckily was ready to come out on discharge day
How long did you live with symptoms before bypass?
I had chest pains 2014, they done a stress test then angiogram diagnosed angina and said my arteries were diseased but treated on medication 2 years later after a few admittances to hospital they done another angiogram to see the arteries were diseased more and I needed a double bypass, march 2017 I had that done. Although everything went well and there was enough blood running to the heart i was still having angina attacks and after an MRI it showed I'd had a heart attack, another angiogram in october 2021 showed my arteries were diseased and needed operating on hence here i go again. ๐
I had endoscopic leg vein harvesting for my triple bypass in February this year - two small wounds, one under my knee and one just above my ankle, with one dissolving stitch in each with a non-waterproof sticking plaster dressing on each. My chest wound was closed with dermabond (my sister joked I'd been sellotaped up!) so no additional dressing there either. Two small wounds under this for chest drains one non-dissolving stitch each and covered with a non-waterproof sticking plaster. I removed the sticking plasters as soon as I got home and stitches and dermabond removed by a practise nurse at home 5 days after discharge (10 days after op). I wore very large, loose fitting t-shirts at home for a few days after the stitches and dermabond were removed as it did tend to 'sting' a bit! Good Luck with your op.