Bisoprorol stopped and Rampiril reduc... - British Heart Fou...

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Bisoprorol stopped and Rampiril reduced.

alex1232 profile image
28 Replies

Good afternoon.

Last week I had to go to emergency room because I couldn't get up , stand up or walking without getting extreme dizziness. I was admitted for 5 days and my BP and HR were low so they decided to stop bisoprorol and lower rampiril from 5 mg to 1.25. Also I was given folic acid and iron tablets. My diagnostic was bradycardia. The thing is my situation didn't improve I'm still dizzy and having headaches. and it is very difficult for me to stand up or walk. Anyone else in my situation? An idea on how long the effects of bisoprorol remain in your body? When to expect an improvement?

Thanks for your time

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alex1232 profile image
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28 Replies
Taichid profile image

Bisoprol gave me dizzy spells which was originally diagnosed asBPPV. It has to be reduced very slowly, so I went from 5mg to 3.75,to 2.5,to 1.25. Resolved dizziness but because it lowers your heart rate this started to increase again. Now on a small dose again but with a pacemaker. Still have some side effects with bisoprolol but my Dr liaises with cardiologist.

alex1232 profile image
alex1232 in reply to Taichid

Thank you

in reply to Taichid

Good morning, with regards to you being fitted with a pacemaker what was your heart rate while on bisoprolol and what did it go to when you came off it? I'm being considered for one so trying to get some background from people on their own experiences and reasons for one.Regards


alex1232 profile image
alex1232 in reply to

Just came off it 5 days ago . Not so much difference.

Taichid profile image
Taichid in reply to

The first time I was on biso 2years ago I was getting g heart pauses and aheart rate of44. I was taken off it and I felt very well. I Have Af and a couple of months ago my heart rate went up to 133 refusing to come down. I was given Flecainide but did the opposite of what it was supposed to do and ended up in critical care. I had ecgs, blood tests, echocardiogram . Three days later it was agreed to give me biso again but with a pacemaker which stops my heart rate going below 60. Most of the side effects settled down after a few weeks but I still get some and biso reduced by 1.25 and am hoping can be reduced again.I have to say Drs and Cardiologists don’t always agree with each other. One said ablation and others pacemaker. The ablation recommendation was overruled and pacemaker fitted within 3 days. The procedure took about 45 minutes and went home the next day. This was my preferred option.

Hope you get sorted soon but why were you given biso .It’s given for high blood pressure which also reduces your heart rate,


in reply to Taichid

Hi, thank you for the reply and information and i hope you are well. Like you I have been on bisoprolol for around 2 years after having episodes of ectopic beats, with an erratic and irregular heart rate. After many test I was told I had mild left ventricular hypertrophy so put on 2.5mg of bisoprolol to ease the work load on my heart but this was reduced to 1.25 after a few months as I felt terrible all the time. My pulse was still be low even on 1.25mg around 38 bpm sometimes as low as 33. I was the diagnosed with bradycardia and mild mitral valve regurgitation. Around about 4 weeks ago I was still on the bisoprolol feeling dizzy and fatigued with a low pulse of 36 and two visits to A&E ,once being blue lighted with a heart rate of 30 on route. The cardiologist requested I come off the bisoprolol immediately and I'm having a 3 day holter monitor fitted next month to see what my heart rate is but he has told me that if its still low he will fit a pacemaker or I can just live with the irregular beats if my pulse goes up but I'm not going back onto bisoprolol apparently. Presently my heart rate drops and goes up for no reason while sitting still from 40 to 180 and my blood pressure has gone up at times to 180/103 but I have never suffered with high or low blood pressure before.

I think I may need a pacemaker unless other meds are prescribed to help settle things down.



Taichid profile image
Taichid in reply to

The pacemaker should do the trick. Mine is set at 60 so if rate drops below that it kicks in though you don’t feel it. At least you will know your heart rate will not go lower than that.Kind regards

Hi, like you I too suffer with bradycardia and also been diagnosed with mild lvh and mvp. While taking bisoprolol 1.25mg my heart rate would drop to 33 but average out at 42 while resting making me feel lightheaded and fatigued most days. After two visits to A&E because of this my cardiologist has stopped the bisoprolol so I can have a 3 day monitor fitted to see my actual heart rate without any meds. The first 48 hours I felt awful with an irregular pulse and high BP which then settled down slightly afterwards. I understand it can take upto 2 weeks for it to be out of your system but everyone's situation is different. I have now been off my meds for around 4 wks but my pulse now goes high to over 160 while resting and drops to 40 still at times with high blood pressure which I have never suffered with before so im still feeling dizzy sometimes still. Next month I'm getting the 3 day monitor fitted and have been told I may need a pacemaker if my heart rate still stays low as I still suffer with palpatations and irregular pulse so I will see what the test results are. Please note I have been on bisoprolol for 2 years to treat palpatations and ectopic beats due to lvh which is a thickening to the wall of the left ventricle and I have mvp which is a leaking mitral valve and bradycardia. The cardiologist has said he won't put me back onto bisoprolol and may have live with the irregular beats etc but if my pulse stays low then he will fit a pacemaker. I hope things settle down for you soon and you start to feel better and get some answers soon.Regards


alex1232 profile image
alex1232 in reply to

Thank you

Anxiouslifetime profile image

Hi Alex,

After 3 weeks on Bisoprol ( poison to my body 😄) , they took me off it, all be it was on a baby dose post HA Dec 21. I experienced dizziness, low pulse rate amd other weird sensations. I never got why I was on it, as I was also given baby dose of rampiril for a body that didn’t have blood pressure prevalent anyway. I accept taking the rampiril to protect me a little bit more post HA. My experience is that Professionals give standard drugs to all post HA attack and one has to badger the GP etc to tune it to one’s own body which is distressing on its own. Took a near collapse from fainting which I have never experienced in my life for them to take me off! Guess what? I haven’t had dizziness or fainting episode since. Also reduced my statin “donkey dose” of 80 mg after 2 months to 40mg as I insisted on a blood test which confirmed my LDL had nearly disappeared, not surprising to me. My advice to you would be to ask all the questions and be a nuisance as sadly that’s the only way you can get the life saving medicine tuned to your specific needs.

By the way this feed doesn’t mean I’m ungrateful to the care I have had, I truly am! It just means I want to live a bit longer and in some degree of comfort.

Good luck Alex 🤞🤞🙏

alex1232 profile image
alex1232 in reply to Anxiouslifetime

Thank you.

.The point is I'm off from Bisoprorol 5 days now and still dizzy among other weird sensations

alex1232 profile image
alex1232 in reply to Anxiouslifetime

Can you please tell me how was the difference between 80 mg and 40 mg of stating. Did it improve anything? Any side effects?

Anxiouslifetime profile image
Anxiouslifetime in reply to alex1232

Hi Alex,

I felt it improved my leg aches although it’s hard to be absolutely sure as the psychological effect of a lesser dose may have contributed . However emotionally I am much happier taking a lesser dose as statins affect blood sugar levels ( mine increased 10 per cent and no doubt at all it is statins as even the manufacturers acknowledge the effect on blood sugar ) and liver function. In saying that I’m not anti statins and accept the protection it gives one, I’m just happier to take a lesser dose when that keeps my LDL target in check which in my case it does.


alex1232 profile image
alex1232 in reply to Anxiouslifetime

Leg aches is another thing that is so annoying. I feel my legs so powerless.Also I do experience like a pressure in my chest in my diafragm to be more exactly it is a strange strange feeling . Did something like this happened to you? Also still dizzy, headaches, lightheaded and it is day 6 without bisoprorol

Anxiouslifetime profile image
Anxiouslifetime in reply to alex1232

Hi Alex,I have and still get pains all over upper torso, very confusing and scary. Pains travel to the chest sometimes and this of course freaks me out. I have endured it and only had one visit to A and E as relatives persuaded me to call 111. They came in 10 mins and was checked all over and my heart bloods etc were fine. So it settled me even though I do get repeats depending upon stress levels often. As I am an historical stresser it does confuse as if I had put my HA to stress and I nearly didn’t call I would have been in a lot of trouble and probably had a further life threatening HA. For me it’s all about ruling stuff out so I actually have a scan on my abdomen Wednesday, pains in this area lasted for weeks. Let’s hope it is stress/meds effect as I can live with that. It has vastly improved although I do get bad days now and again.

Dizziness! I’m sorry to say that I can’t quite remember how long it lasted after stopping Bisoprol and I don’t want to mislead you. I have no doubt though it was the Bisoprol in my case which was the chief culprit.

Still get headaches and for the first few months of recovery they were a regular companion, again I wasn’t sure of cause, I just did and still do try making sure I’m hydrated, practice relaxation, paracetamol when nothing else works.

Hope this helps, I understand how scary recovery can be and We are all individuals. What works for me doesn’t apply to all. I just hope my journey helps others.

alex1232 profile image
alex1232 in reply to Anxiouslifetime

Please let me know if they find anything Wednesday. I'm really struggling mentally. Wish you all the best.

Anxiouslifetime profile image
Anxiouslifetime in reply to alex1232

I will Alex,

Probably won’t be definitive but I’m hoping the technician will give me a hint, they don’t always so may have to wait 10/14 days for result.

As for yourself, ur struggle mentally is entirely normal, at your age and what’s happened to u then there would be something wrong with you if you didn’t feel a struggle. I have accepted step 2 mental health assistance and have had about 6 appointments over last 2 months. By telephone , it has without doubt helped me to cope with my mental health recovery. Without it I wouldn’t have made so much progress. I got it through my Cardiac Support Nurse who has also been fantastic. Recognising that the largest hurdle for me is the mental side of recovery She asked me if I wanted it. The fact you acknowledge the mental struggle is good and positive so please try not to be hard on yourself.

I can only describe what’s happened to me at 62 was terrifying so please try to get as much help as u can. Make a nuisance of yourself with the people responsible for your health, in the right spirit of course 😄😄🙏.


alex1232 profile image
alex1232 in reply to Anxiouslifetime

May I ask you if you take any painkillers other than paracetamol? And for mental health help can you recommend me your program pls

Anxiouslifetime profile image
Anxiouslifetime in reply to alex1232

My mental health programme is steps2change. I am about to conclude with it and I’m going on the waiting list for cognitive mental health therapy as my next step. It’s Lincolnshire, no doubt other Authorities do the same thing.

Only paracetamol for headaches only occasionally , use to take ibuprofen occasionally but that luxury has gone since heart attack meds don’t allow.

5 years ago when I did suffer extreme headaches for a 4 month period due to Stress and prostatitis I had to take paracetamol (500mg ) / codeine (15mg) combined 2x every 6 hours I seem to remember for a couple of months. But I’m not keen and would only consider this again if headaches became complete debilitating as I don’t like the constipation this drug immediately causes me and the addictive risk of opioids.

alex1232 profile image
alex1232 in reply to Anxiouslifetime

Thank you so much for your time and consideration. I was really helpful for me having someone to answer my questions. I wish you all the best and please keep in touch

Heather1957 profile image
Heather1957 in reply to alex1232

My dose was increased from 40 to 80 mgs of Statins in October after having 2 stents fitted. My Cholesterol was fine but the cardiologist wants it even lower and the double strength has worked. I was also given different blood thinners, I have been feeling so tired since the change but am unable to say what has caused this. I am trying to ride this out when I go back to my original blood thinners in October and I am going to ask to go back to 40 mg of statins and hope things get back to normal.

alex1232 profile image
alex1232 in reply to Heather1957

Thank you

Engineer46 profile image

Bisoprolol has a "half-life" in the bloodstream of around 12 hours, so its effects should rapidly diminish. Do you know what your resting heart rate and blood pressure were before you had the HA, so that you can compare before and after?

Both Ramipril (which dilates the blood vessels) and Bisoprolol (which reduces heart rate) will reduce your blood pressure and potentially cause dizziness and fainting on getting up. If the Bisoprolol was a small dose (1.25mg is the smallest tablet) it may not have a very large effect on heart rate, but if you already had Bradycardia prior to the heart attack it might be enough to cause the problems you have described.

All drugs have adverse side effects and I would ask your GP if you could take one of the drugs alone for a period of time, say a week or two, before adding the next drug for a similar period, and so on. In this way you should be able to find out which drug is giving you the most problems. I did this with my GP's support when starting on Apixaban and Bisoprolol for AF. Of course you are now doing this in reverse, having just stopped the Bisoprolol!

If you don't already do so, you might want to measure your BP and HR at home, since in these days of telephone appointments it's useful to be able to provide figures rather than just symptoms. I would also insist on a face to face appointment with your GP to discuss your treatment and medication.

Best wishes,


alex1232 profile image
alex1232 in reply to Engineer46

I have no idea about my BP or HR before the HA. Thank you for taking the time to answer my query. The point is I'm off from Bisoprorol 5 days now and still dizzy among other weird sensations

Engineer46 profile image

Ramipril has a variety of side

Your GP should be able to advise alternatives if you continue to have problems with lightheadedness. Now you are off the Bisoprolol the only drug that should affect your blood pressure is the Ramipril (assuming that you aren't taking any drugs that you haven't already mentioned). Do you know what your present resting BP and HR are?

Best wishes,


alex1232 profile image
alex1232 in reply to Engineer46

HR 50 -55 . BP 95 100 -65 70

Engineer46 profile image
Engineer46 in reply to alex1232

Those BP readings are in the NHS healthy range:

Your resting HR is at the low end of the “normal” range of 50-100 but may be normal for you. After five days off Bisoprolol it should no longer be reducing your HR. Were you on the lowest dose of 1.25mg?

Taken alone without knowledge of your medical history, those readings might be typical for a very healthy athlete. However, your dizziness indicates a lack of sufficient blood flow to the brain when you stand up, so please contact your GP, as it could be due to the Ramipril or something else entirely.

Best wishes,


alex1232 profile image
alex1232 in reply to Engineer46

I was on 2.5 Bisoprorol and on 5 mg rampiril. Now only 1.25 rampiril. 80mg atorvastatin. 10mg prasugrel. 75 mg aspirin. Folic acid and iron tablets. Thank you so much Paul for taking so much of your time on a Sunday to answer me.

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