Has anyone had this done ?Wondering about local and general anaethetic in relation to this. Pelvic exam. was pretty traumatiuc so not looking forward to another investigation.
Hystoscopy: Has anyone had this done... - British Heart Fou...
I had this done. One pill the night before to help with relaxation of the cervix. This was the most painful procedure I have ever experienced. There has been quite a bit of talk in it over the years on Women's Health site. May be a good spot to search for support.
I had a transvaginal internal examination and had to ask them to stop it after 10 minutes or so as it was too painful. Now they want to look inside uterus. Not sure i can face another.Cannot get my head around Womens Health. site. Looks like a magazine.format.
I almost had them stop the procedure. Ask what they can give you for pain. Based on what you experienced during the ultrasound hopefully they will see the need.
I have read really nasty reports about this procedure. I had a hole closed in my heart 10 years ago and I had sedation which made it very easy and virtually painless.I think of the things that troubles me about the hypo. is the next best thing other than a general is an injection into the cervix!!
I wonder if they can give you some form of conscious sedation where you won't be out but relaxed enough to tolerate the procedure. I would have opted for that if I was given a choice.
Speak to the MD. I hope things go ok for you.
I had to have one done under general anaesthetic. That was easy peasy. When you get past a certain age, exams like that are impossible otherwise. Please be assertive and insist on G.A.
All best wishes - hope you can get a helpful answer from gynae.
I had mine done under general anaesthetic as they tried to do it without any pain relief and it was horrendous. As marypw said, insist on a GA
Thank you for your reply. A general a may not be my best optiondue to heart issues. I am going to ask the neccesity of the procedure as they do have some images from the trans pelvis internal exam. but felt the need to investigate further. Not sure I can stand it though .Maybe medication will be able to resolve the problem which is becoming clearer the more I think about it. I seem to be stuck between a rock and a hard place.
I had a pelvic scan early Feb which showed a polyp, a week later a Hystereoscopy (rapid referral as checking for cancer at that stage) honestly please don’t worry - the consultant and nurses were fabulous and know it’s an invasive procedure for a woman - took paracetamol & ibuprofen 30 mins before appointment then local anaesthetic injected in cervix - uncomfortable for a minute but after that felt nothing at all, and was all sorted in under 15 mins - thankfully biopsy showed no abnormalities - I’m 56 and post menopausal if that helps reassure you? Hope you get in ok xx