Guys I don’t want to sound like a pansy but can I please ask advice. I had my OHS back in June but my sternum still gives me pain. A stinging type of pain or pressure pain if I’m leaning forward. Is this normal after nearly 6 months. Feels like I whinging all the time 😩
Pain: Guys I don’t want to sound like a... - British Heart Fou...

Hello Achingheart
I had stinging pain it felt like someone was pulling an Elastoplast off! My surgeon explained to me that when they open us up nerves can get damaged and it can take 6-8 months to sort themselves out. As for the sternum healing it takes time as any broken bone and sometimes you get an aching from it. The sternum is joined together with wire and after 18 months new bone grows over these wires the surgeon said my sternum would be stronger than his after the 18 months.
Remember you have been through major surgery and we all heal at different speeds.
Take good care Pauline
Hey, don't think along those lines. Have you seen the operation on you-tube? Some one comes along and cuts through you sternum with a "hospital grade" circular saw and then wrenches your ribs apart while they get a machine to take over your breathing and so on.......It's major stuff! Of course you are going to feel all sorts of pain, I had very odd sensations and I only had stents inserted, you body does not like this sort of intervention. Just give it time, it will get easier. How are you otherwise?

Oooo thank you so much for that description - it made me laugh luckily for you 😂😂😂
If you’re feeling pain or discomfort then you’re not a pansy so please don’t diminish how you’re feeling. Whether it’s this pain or another one, it could be important so be honest with yourself and seek proper medical advice - whether from the BHF nurses, your GP or surgeon (via their secretary, number should be on hospital letters).
All the best to you and your loved ones.
Hi Achingheart, sorry to hear you're in discomfort. Sadly, in my case at least, it was normal for me. At six months post CABG I was still having a lot of chest discomfort and was having to take painkillers on an almost daily basis. In fact, at nearly 2 years post-op I am still having issues with my chest. If it concerns you though have a chat with your GP, you certainly not being a pansy and it's best to get their opinion. Best of luck.
I had OHS in May. I actually said to my husband earlier, when I have a really deep belly laugh I’ve noticed that my chest still feels uncomfortable! X
Please don’t put yourself down. You have had major surgery and it takes time to heal. Maybe you pulled yourself earlier, thus delaying your recovery. I was told to take paracetamol to dull the pain.
If it gets worse then you would be wise to get medical help. But if it eases then this should be ok.
You could phone the staff on here. Or the ward where you were treated.
It took me 20 weeks then I felt really great.
Good luck
Hi achingheart, don’t put yourself down, it’s normal to still the pain, it takes the surgeon a couple of hours to do what they got to do then takes us a year or 2 to recover so give yourself time, you won’t wake up one day and be pain free but it gets easier over time. Are you using bio oil or anything to help? I’m 13 months post OHS and still feel some pain, still wearing a bra day & night to prevent pulling on scar. Do speak to GP or cardiologist though if your pain is more than discomfort. Wishing you well in your recovery
I still get the same occasionally after 3 years but most of the time it is okay. Take care x
Hi Achingheart
Good Morning!
You’ve had major heart surgery only 6 months ago.
Some people on here recover so quickly it makes your eyes water!
Most people on here take many months to recover at a more moderate pace.
You are recovering but it’s not a case of - all done now and back to normal.
6 months is still early to expect a full recovery. I’m 10-11 months down the line and can say that I still have the occasional twinge in my sternum when overdoing things. Gardening for instance.
If you have bad pain then please ring you GP for advice.
You are doing very well if it’s slight twinges. They will go in a few months or even weeks now. You are definitely not a pansy either 🤣
It was well over a year before I could bend over to tie my laces without feeling discomfort, it takes time.Andy
Morning, I had my triple 1st July and still get aching in chest every evening, as I’m a side sleeper I end up taking a painkiller in the middle of the night 2/3 times a week, my consultant said it was perfectly normal up to a year, especially in cold weather, so don’t worry 😊
Dear Achingheart
Please don’t worry about your pain, contact your team and they will be able to help you get over the worry that your having.
I also still have twinges of pain at the oddest moments, but I look upon my pain { after talking to my heart failure nurse that it was all normal } as a reminder of the operation I went through that allowed me to write this reply to you.
Take care
I had OHS exactly 6 months ago and still get tightness/pain around my sternum especially at night when I’ve been sitting down on the sofa for a while and then stand up. Also still have numbness across my chest. The nerves have been damaged and take a long time to repair. I hope this reassures you.
Morning Achingheart,no, you're not a pansy, it's only early days really. It's a massive unnatural invasion of your body that you have underwent!
I have had AVR in July 2020.
Around 5weeks after that my scar still wasn't healing and started changing appearance for worse, I discovered it's gone keloid.
My scar hurts/ itches non stop! Inside in my chest I often feel twinges, sometimes very sharp, right under the skin. I have no idea if it has to do with the scar. Or is it due to possible nerve damage?
Luckily I don't have any pain during the night. But as soon as I'm awake I have pain.
Worst times are when after sitting down for a while I stand up, thus my upper torso straightens and that is awful, it's as if my skin is being pulled into all directions. When I'm upright and move about it doesn't hurt.
I must admit that my scar looks and feels much worse now - 17 months after my surgery than it was two weeks post op!!!
I'm just unlucky developing the keloid, I don't know when it's going to get better/stop hurting...
But I'm aware of the fact that I wouldn't be here now if I didn't get the new valve!
So, daily discomfort is just a small price to pay for having my life lengthened.
I hope you'll feel better soon!😊
Hi Nadeje, i too have keloid scar and 14 months post op, i still get the same feelings like you do after sitting for a while etc, i thought it was just me thinking it would take forever to recover due to the complications. As horrible as the scar looks i do believe it’s a reminder of how lucky i am to be alive, this time last year i was so critical i thought i wouldn’t see Christmas. A little bit of pain makes sure i don’t overdo things either
Hi Aching heart,I am 61 years old and as fit as a fiddle before my CABG x4. I have just celebrated my 1 yr post surgery anniversary. As other people say on here, my chest also still hurts. I am carrying around a baby elephant most of the time and sometimes it grows quickly and becomes an adult elephant. Only when I am horizontal my chest does not hurt, but then I feel the wire scratch against the inside of my chest. Arm and chest exercises have made it easier over the many months. Also the strange non-feeling in the top of the chest, possibly from nerve damage and scar tissue, where they took out the mammary arteries is still there. I hope my brain will get used to the different senses soon. This is not complaining, but rather stating facts. I was an athlete before all this and really in tune with my body. It is extremely difficult to get used to a body that feels suddenly so alien to you.
Share your experiences and others will learn from it, as I have learned so much from others on this site. Thank you all for your support.
The recovery process seems to take forever, but does slowly get better, from previous posts it seems that many people experienced different timescale.
I am 6 years post op and still get pains. It is so different for everyone. Some pain free in a matter of months some never. The pain I have is ok no pain relief is needed.
Hi Achingheart .
I had my OHS in July 2020. I'm not totally pain free after all these months. My sternum and ribs are still quite tender and like you when I also lean forward. I think everything just takes time. Don't be so hard on yourself and you are not a pansy for feeling pain.
Like Lateguitarist said, it's pretty major stuff.
Take care of yourself 😀😀😀
Thank you all so much for your comments and advice. What would I do without you all. It really does make me feel supported. Thank you again xx