Recent Microvascular Angina diagnosis - British Heart Fou...

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Recent Microvascular Angina diagnosis

fwsh17 profile image
11 Replies

Hello, I am a 29F. I was recently diagnosed with SVT and then Microvascular Angina. My cardiologist doesn't seem very concerned and my appointments are getting further and further a part. To be honest I'm scared. I can't sleep or enjoy life. I have two young boys and I've been left to learn about this disease from the internet. Any and all advice, experiences and information is very much welcome. Thank you!

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fwsh17 profile image
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11 Replies

Hi fwsh17,I was diagnosed with Microvascular Angina around 3 years ago. I remember being very scared at the time, particularly as there was no-one to talk to (until I found this forum) and very little information out there about the condition.

How were you diagnosed and have you had any scans, i.e. an MRI Perfusion scan? Are you on any medication?

MVA can be difficult to manage, main triggers for me are physical exertion or exercise, getting cold and stress. Although pain can randomly hit me as well.

A hot water bottle on the chest will help a lot with the pain, even better get yourself a Warmie ( microwaveable soft toy heat pouch), they are brilliant. Wrap up warm, wear gloves and a scarf over your mouth when it's cold. It takes some perseverance but learning relaxation techniques helps a lot as well.

Use your GTN spray when you need to!

There are a few of us with MVA on the forum so I'm sure you'll get more advice... you're not alone!!

fwsh17 profile image
fwsh17 in reply to

Hey thank you for responding sorry that I didn't notice! The only tests I've had are an echo and a stress test both were normal. My cardiologist put me on diltiazem (a CCB) and that helped a lot. But over time my BP got so low that I had to stop taking it. MVA is still relatively new to cardiologists here in the USA and sometimes I feel like my cardiologist isn't taking it very seriously.

in reply to fwsh17

Sorry for delayed reply...MVA won't show up on an echo or stress test, I believe the only way to "see" it is with a Perfusion MRI which is where a drug is administered during the scan which stresses the heart and brings on the condition, which then hopefully shows up on the scan. It doesn't always show apparently, but the elevated pain response from someone who has MVA should convince you of the diagnosis. It's difficult to find information to read but there is some out there, albeit technical and hard to decipher!

Milkfairy profile image
MilkfairyHeart Star

Hello fwsh17

Welcome to the forum.

You have had some great advice from MintTeaPlease.

I have lived with coronary vasospastic angina for over 9 years. I have microvascular and vasospastic angina.

Is your diagnosis of microvascular angina presumed or confirmed by a Cardiac perfusion MRI or a specialised angiogram?

It is important as there are several causes of Microvascular angina. The most common is due to microvascular dysfunction. This is when the blood vessels fail to dilate or stay dilated in response to extra demands like exercise.

Microvascular dysfunction is much more common in women. Usually starts when they are in their midlife.

The other less common cause is when there are temporary transient constrictions of the small blood vessels or coronary arteries.

This is coronary vasospastic angina.

Vasospastic angina is more common in younger men and women.

The treatment of microvascular dysfunction and vasospastic angina are different.

The BHF has this information about MVA and vasospastic angina.

You may find this website helpful too.


fwsh17 profile image
fwsh17 in reply to Milkfairy

I am so sorry! I didn't realize people responded to my question! Thank you for all the info! My cardiologist presumes I have it. Only tests I've had are a stress test and echo which were normal. A few ECG's which have been normal and abnormal. Here in the US MVA and things like it are not well known.

fwsh17 profile image
fwsh17 in reply to fwsh17

I was prescribed the CCB diltiazem which worked really well but my BP started dropping so I had to stop taking it.

Milkfairy profile image
MilkfairyHeart Star in reply to fwsh17

Where in the US are you based?

fwsh17 profile image
fwsh17 in reply to Milkfairy

Nebraska but have a lot of family in North Carolina.

Milkfairy profile image
MilkfairyHeart Star in reply to fwsh17

I have sent you a message.

Leigh10 profile image

Hi! I was diagnosed with coronary microvascular disease about a year ago via a cardiac perfusion MRI and CT angiogram. I'm a decade older than you, but I also have a small child and can commiserate with the struggle to balance resting/caring for yourself with the demands of parenting. One thing that's helped me is to be careful not to overdo it when I'm having a good day. When my pain is low and I feel energetic, I sometimes think, "oh good! I can tackle my to-do list, go to the store, knock out some work tasks and do 10 other things!" But that feeds into a vicious cycle where the next day I will feel totally depleted and unable to even keep up with my son. It's been helpful for me to do a little less than I feel capable of doing on good energy days -- it stabilizes my energy levels over time.

I'm not sure how it works in the U.K. (I'm in the U.S.), but I've occasionally sent my cardiologist a note between appointments if I feel like a medication isn't doing anything or if I have new symptoms. He's told me not to be shy about letting him know what's going on, even if it's between appointments, and that we should collaborate on my care. I'm fortunate, though, because he is at a research hospital here in the U.S. and seems really knowledgeable about microvascular angina. I know that's hard to find sometimes.

It really does get easier to handle this condition when you can start to recognize your own patterns and triggers. Hang in there!

fwsh17 profile image
fwsh17 in reply to Leigh10

Sorry I didn't realize people responded to my post! I'm in the US as well but my experience has been so different. It took going through 3 cardiologists to finally get one that didn't dismiss me because of my age. Any suggestions on finding a cardiologist that specializes in MVA? My cardiologists presumes I have it I haven't had many tests though

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