Hello I’m new here aswell , has anyone had LVH ? I had an Echo and it seems I have this , il be seeing the heart clinic next week , would appreciate any information . Patricia .
Heart failure : Hello I’m new here... - British Heart Fou...
Heart failure

Left ventricular hypertrophy. It will depend how mild/severe this is, best to discuss with your cardiologist. I had this on one echo & by the next echo a year later it had gone so have an in depth chat when you see the heart clinic, write any questions down beforehand so you don't forget anything. Best wishes & welcome to the forum.
I’m new here too. Diagnosed with leaking mitral valve and severe regurgitation. Appointment Tues with cardiologist on 12th too. Let’s hope we both get reassuring info. Scary business!
Welcome to you too. Not long until Tuesday when hopefully you will get answers and the way ahead with a treatment plan. Best wishes x
Hello Freddiemercury47,
Welcome to the forum, not somewhere you ever thought you would be joining. Love your user name.
When we are given a diagnosis of HF it’s so scary, they should find another name, it’s just that our pump needs a bit of help at the moment.
Being told we have a heart issue I felt like the ground had opened up under my feet and my life flew out of the window and this new life flew in. Waiting to see the cardiologist is difficult and our imagination takes over. But we have lots of members on the forum who have had the same diagnosis and have improved with medication and diet and exercise.
Again welcome to the Hearties family.
Best wishes Pauline
Thankyou so much you made me laugh , yes I loved Freddie Mercury also love Cher seen her live last year. Yes it’s scary hope il know more on Tuesday Thanks again for making me smile 😄
Hi how did you get on last Tuesday? Hope it was good news
Hi , I just did a long reply only to find it didn’t come on .. the nurse confirmed LVH and BP and fast heart beats , but said water wasn’t in my lungs . So why are my legs like elephants ? that’s the reason I went to the drs in the first place , so bit worried they’ll stay that way , haven’t got the meds yet must be on order to my chemists but one of them is Ramatril can’t remember the name of the beta blockers , don’t know much about Ramatril , next appt is 20th December , I didn’t feel at ease with this nurse , I always dowith others so I’m not sure why , hope it’s a different one next time but I doubt it , hope things ok with you .
How are you getting on now as I was recently diagnosed mild mr mild LVH
Hi since then I have been much better , I was put on different meds but by bit and the last two Dappy and spirolactlone ( may spelt wrong) have been better breathing bit more energy and BP dropped which is good , waiting for angiogram next , let us know how you get on , best wishes .