Hi I am here due to my long term partner last year woke up one morning and said to me "my breathing is off" little did we know that from that day to today we would be on a journey that has completely turned us up side Down. To keep a year long story short after being diagnosed with cvd with 70% in one of his arteries that required a stent he has also a mild regurgitation on the aortic valve and enlarged aorta. He was a very fit 44 year old careful what he ate and didn't get any chest pains but just this breathing that is still here a year later, at first we thought it was covid and the gp also did too but if went on for a few months for us to referred to cardiology. The only way that he can describe it is a suffocation feeling that can sometimes stay for hours at a time or just be in the background, he can be sat not doing a thing or it can be there as soon as he wakes up. He never has a clear day and after speaking with the GP's and cardiac rehab no one can tell us what it is that is causing the breathing. He has had numerous tests including ecg, ekg, pet scan and ct all of which showed the valve and the arteries and after the stent the cardiologist said I don't think this is going to cure the breathing and sent him to respiratory which he has received the all clear from that side. My question to you is does anyone else have any breathing issues or feelings like this?I feel stuck as I have no answers for him and watching the man I love just sink deeper and deeper into a depression I just am at a loss as to where to turn. The gp just has no answers and just says let's see how you get on and here we are months and months later with still no answers. We are thinking that it is possibly the valve due to the breathing came on suddenly one day and that hasn't been repaired because of it not being beyond the recommended leak for intervention. Any help just knowing if any of you hearties have had this same restriction in breathing I would be so grateful. Because no one has said that what he has been diagnosed with would cause the breathing is just making it feel that something has been missed. Thank you so much much for taking the time to read this.
breathing issues: Hi I am here due to... - British Heart Fou...
breathing issues

So very sorry to read what's been happening with your partner, Emma. The past year has been tough for everyone but you've had more than your share of additional worries. I'm afraid I have no experience of his symptoms but I am sure others on here will contribute if they can. Sending lots of hugs xx
Hi Emma I have had SOB (shortness of breath) for the past 14 months and like your partner have had all the heart tests angiogram heart scan 3 ECGs and lung function test …CT…2 chest X-rays and have been diagnosed with mitral valve regurgitation and coronary small vessel disease…been given more meds for this but no explanation for the SOB… I can only walk approximately 20 yards and then it starts…going up a slope or stairs is a big fat No. I was fit and walking my 2 dogs as well as doing voluntary work before this started…I am older than your partner so can imagine how devastating this is for him…I get so frustrated that nobody seems to know…I have another telephone appointment with the Chest Doc next month so will see what he says…good luck and hope he feels better soon.
Hi there have very bad breathing problems one of my meds I was on made my breathing worse prasgural I think it was ,know Dr said it could be copd I don't think so I have no crackling in my lungs or chest but it is scary when grasping for breath

Hello I am sorry to hear this and completely sympathise. Have you had a diagnosis or are you still waiting?I hope you feel better soon x