Having a down day, guessing everyone has them. Had quite a painful episode of angina yesterday. Was an hour late taking the Isorobide Mononitrate and the angina kicked in as I nipped to the loo and back. This is the thing that’s keeping me going. I felt really sick with the episode. But had taken the Isorobide so was fighting to keep that down as I knew it was due to kick in.
Having had a clear Coronary Angiogram the Hospital handed me back to the GP instructing them to take me off the beta blockers and statins back in Feb. With the additional statement of perhaps consider tests for my esophagus I’m in limbo land. I’ve agreed to go for whatever tests they want to do to get a diagnosis. As it seems they rule things out. I’m just waiting now.
One thing I did do yesterday during the episode was take an ECG using my iWatch when I could. Then took another 15 mins later. I can’t interpret the readings but there are clear differences so I’ve emailed them across to my GP to see what they make of them. I’ve been getting niggles between 3.30 and 6.30 each morning until I take the Isorobide. So I’m following the email up with a call.
Today I feel tired, I’m at the start of a journey to help my parents move house, they both have Alzheimer’s. So I could really do without my own health playing up right now.
Moan over. Thanks for listening. Think this forum is the one place I can talk where people genuinely get it.