Had the heart Cath. Total breeze. As far as I remember the Doctor said there was no problem with my arteries. Staff were wonderful and friendly and the Cath itself was no problem. Thanks so much everyone for all your support. Jane x
What The Hell Was I Worried About 😊 - British Heart Fou...
What The Hell Was I Worried About 😊

Hi Jane. Had my angiogram early jan prior to AVR via OH on the 11th. Angiogram via wrist without anesthetiser. No problems either. Glad yours went well. Jon.
Great news, why do we worry and overthink things😂😂
So pleased all went well. And that your arteries are nice and clear too.
One down.. ✔️.... x
Are you feeling like doing a jig😂 such a relief when it’s over and done with. Sleep well tonight.
Pauline xx
Glad to hear this!
Great ! I told ya Now you know what it is like you won't have to worry if the medicos decide they want to do another check in the future. Stay safe and be happy.
So glad everything went well. The smiley face on your post says it all.
Love and best wishes
Love this reaction. In hindsight, I think the heart Cath (mine through wrist) was most stressful part of my whole AVR journey. Now you've bagged that, the op. etc will seem a breeze.
Thats great news. But why must they insist on giving you the results when you are still coming round?? In my case I was still half asleep and only vaguely heard what was said - which meant I didnt know the result until sometime later!! Fortunately all was OK and I am sure if there had been something wrong they would have been on to it, but would have been nice to be told when I was alert enough to take it in, I could have had a bit of a celebration!!