Hello everyone , my name is Kay. I am 68 and was diagnosed with AF about three years ago. Having been very fit and active all my life this condition has come as a shock as I find myself so debilitated by it.
I am told that my medication is doing it’s job , that things are ‘ under control’ BUT here’s the thing ! I cannot walk anywhere near a normal strolling pace ....I cannot walk more than about 10 metres without the support of two sticks or a “wheeled granny stroller” which when I do walk with it , I HAVE to sit down every minute or two to regain my breath and my energy before I continue!
I have been doing some sitting pilates , some sitting and standing tai chi for several months now and gaining marginal amounts of progress from this .
I really want to be able to return to skiing with my family and friends but right now if I cannot sustain a gentle walk then what hope is there ?
My big question is ........does anyone else find that even the simplest of tasks , like taking a shower, drying your hair or just standing to cook a meal is bordering on impossible ??????? It is SO DARNED FRUSTRATING! and it feels like no one is listening when I explain the immediate onset of upper back pain when I attempt to do anything, but as soon as I stop and sit ...the pain just goes with ing a few seconds !!! Is it to do with the AF or is perhaps something else ....has anyone out there experienced this almost immediate onset of exhaustion and tension in their backs????