After I walk 1/2 mile me feet go to sleep. Doc says circulation is okay. Any ideas
Tullymore: After I walk 1/2 mile me... - British Heart Fou...
How did the GP define your circulation as OK? Was a Doppler/ABPI (ankle brachial pressure index) done? A nurse felt the pulse at my ankle and declared everything OK. Six weeks later the ABPI was measured and the circulation issue found to be severe!
Thanks Michael, had my feet tested by the cardiologist twice. Seems fine. He said there are tiny blood vessels around the toes that can cause problems when you get older. I’ve come off Bisoprolol with not much difference. He said then to come off the statin for a month just to eliminate things. Really weird that I can walk so far before it happens.
Any numbness in your thigh too? If so it could be a trapped nerve or a disc problem if it affects both feet
Pinched nerve in your lower back. You can repair it yourself with a certain back stretch. If you get a "nice" pain in your lower back when you bend over a table and bend your back then it certainly is a nerve.