I'm new here -hello: Hi all, I am a 6... - British Heart Fou...

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I'm new here -hello

archeryqueen profile image
35 Replies

Hi all, I am a 63 year old female with no known heart problems,

I have been getting on and off central chest pain since early March. In June I went to A&E by ambulance after speaking to 111, had the bloods taken, ECG - all ok. Spoke to my GP last Friday as I had a really bad anxiety attack Thursday, she tells me the pains I have been getting since March are due to Anxiety as I was bullied online. had a few painful episodes since, but in the early hours of Tuesday - 03:00, I was woken with a pain between the shoulders. It went straight into my chest, I cannot explain how bad it was, it was the worst yet excruciating , with pain going into my jaw, heavy arms with tingling., this went on for a few minutes and the ache in the shoulder blades is still there.

I don't know what to do as my brother died of a massive heart attack 12 years ago, after they used an AED 5 times on him, he was 54 and a football manager and very fit. Should I ring my GP again and let her know, I don't want to pester them

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archeryqueen profile image
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35 Replies
mikeyboy6 profile image

Absolutely, i personally would recommend phoning 999 and getting to the er to have it checked, its never pestering when it comes to heart health.

Rose54 profile image


I would phone 111 and ask for advice

But you do need to phone 999 for those sort of pains better to be safe than sorry

080311 profile image


Any pain that is as you described needs checking out you are not pestering anyone, a trip to A&E is called for.

Let us know how you get on.

Best wishes Pauline

archeryqueen profile image
archeryqueen in reply to 080311

Too afraid they think I am wasting their time especially as the doc said it was anxiety

080311 profile image
080311 in reply to archeryqueen

Please listen to what I and other’s are saying, you have no need to be afraid, any chest pain needs checking out. Take a deep breath and phone for help.

archeryqueen profile image
archeryqueen in reply to 080311

Thank you all, if it comes back I will call if it comes again, I cannot really explain how bad the pain was, not a word to describe it, and I am on omeprazole which my husband, who has two blocked valves takes for food that is spicy, I dont eat spicy food and being in the middle of the night, was not heartburn either so I am a little wary of ringing 999

Tindy2 profile image
Tindy2 in reply to archeryqueen

Please phone 999 the next time. I too was having pains in chest, jaw and Back. I thought it was very bad reflux ( which do suffer with ) . After 2 episodes and drinking Gaviscon like pop , that didn’t help at all

my husband insisted he phone an ambulance. I was taken to A&E a blood test showed my triponon was significantly raised, I was told I had definitely had a heart attack and needed a stent . Please don’t ignore this

Tempo57 profile image
Tempo57 in reply to archeryqueen

Dear archeryqueen,

You are not pestering them. This is your health and life we are discussing and the pains you describe are not normal and IMO certainly not attributable to anxiety. It may be due to something simple such as a trapped nerve, but nonetheless you need to been see by someone other than a GP who is only a ‘Jack of all Trades’ who has no equipment with which to analyze you. Please go to the ER room and get checked.

Good luck and let us know the outcome. Best wishes, T57

Surreychica_1 profile image
Surreychica_1 in reply to archeryqueen

I would take a lot of notice of what you GP says. If you have pain like that ring 999 emergency and get to AandE. I should know as I have had to constantly repeat myself before I got any help when my doctor kept saying there was nothing wrong. I had blocked arteries and needed stents. It is their job to check you out, that is what they are there for.

Manhattan1 profile image

hi i have ischaemic heart disease and angina.. had to call 111 several times as i didn’t want to bother 999.. last time i had chest pain.. both the paramedics and 999 call handlers insisted that chest pain should be a 999 call.. even if it ends up being a false alarm.. they said they would rather come out even if it proved in the end not to be as serious as first thought.. than have someone too embarrassed to call 999 for help

Milkfairy profile image
MilkfairyHeart Star

Ask your GP if they are aware that many woman have their heart problems incorrectly attributed to anxiety.

The BHF started a campaign about this issue last year

Biology and Bias to tackle the inequalities in care that women heart patients can face.


Any chest pain that wakes you in the night needs investigating properly.

Ask to be referred to the Rapid Chest Pain clinic.

Good luck!

archeryqueen profile image
archeryqueen in reply to Milkfairy

Thank you! I will now make another appointment, based on your reply and my pain early Tuesday as I really do not want that pain again! never heard of the Rapid Chest Pain Clinic though, thanks...

archeryqueen profile image
archeryqueen in reply to Milkfairy

Another GP has just rung, and said she is referring me to the Rapid Chest Pain Clinic because of the pain and due to the fact that it was in the middle of the night and other symptoms. Got a bit of a polite telling off saying not to worry but if it happens again before I get to the clinic go to A&E, feeling a bit happier now another GP is taking it a bit more seriously

080311 profile image
080311 in reply to archeryqueen

That’s really good news, now you will be properly looked at and find out what’s going on.

Let us know when you hear something

Best wishes Pauline

Milkfairy profile image
MilkfairyHeart Star in reply to archeryqueen

Thank you for the update.

It is really good to hear you got a better response from the GP.

I hope the wait isn't too long and yes we all want to know how you get on!

archeryqueen profile image
archeryqueen in reply to Milkfairy

I will try and remember but I suffer from ME so will try :)

Handel profile image
Handel in reply to archeryqueen

Really glad you're getting somewhere. Never think you're bothering anyone.

If you need to blow off steam or just chat, this is the place to be xxx

Westie2012 profile image
Westie2012 in reply to Milkfairy

This is really interesting to know, I’m 46 and had been getting chest pain dizziness and breathlessness, I’ve been taken to A&E by ambulance a few times with it, assessed on the cardiac unit because of changes on my ecg, had blood tests and chest X-rays, thankfully all results were ok. A year went by and it happened again. I was reluctant to go as I didn’t think I needed to given previous episodes not being anything to worry about, the dr that saw me just put it down to anxiety, I asked if my ecg was ok and his reply was no it wasn’t normal but it might be normal for me then just said to go home and contact gp to get medication for anxiety. I’ve since had to have a holter monitor on for a week which has picked up heart pauses for almost 6 seconds and I’m waiting for an appointment to discuss the options of treatment. Thanks for this information

Milkfairy profile image
MilkfairyHeart Star in reply to Westie2012

I live with a type of angina which is difficult to diagnose and was told I couldn't have Cardiac chest pain because my coronary arteries are clear. I know otherwise now!

Microvascular angina and the less common vasospastic angina tend to effect women more often than men.

Under recognised and often overlooked .

I hope you get the answers you need.

Twobells profile image
Twobells in reply to Milkfairy

I got diagnosed with anxiety, all those apparent panic attacks where more than likely angina. Cut a long story short I actually had heart disease ended up having a silent heart attack. 999 best option as they can do ECG there and then. Also ask for a referral to a fast track cardiologists appointment. If your brother had heart disease then this raises your chances. Good luck.

Milkfairy profile image
MilkfairyHeart Star


Do come back and tell us how you get on.

In the meantime if you experience the pain again at rest as you have described please ring 111 or 999

archeryqueen profile image
archeryqueen in reply to Milkfairy

I have been online, as you can only get a Doctor to listen, asked them to ring or refer me to the RRC, and the pain in my shoulders is still there although I have no pain in my chest thank goodness. thanks I will keep you updated :)

Misstibbs profile image

That’s exactly where my pain was before an HA in the middle of my back so was shocked when the ambulance guys said you’re having a heart attack now! So don’t hesitate get it checked until you get a good explanation Take care

ashhussain profile image


I had a burning sensation in my chest. I ignored it, thinking it was just gas. Three hours later, it was still there, and I was curled up on bed with the pain.

My son took pity on me and called 999. They arrived within minutes, did the ECG test and told me that I had been having a heart attack! Was taken straight to the theatre and had a stent put in.

Became I left it for so long, my heart was damaged extensively.

Every minute counts, so please call 999 as soon as you get any pain near the heart.

I hope your condition is diagnosed correctly, so you can stop worrying.

Lizbeth61 profile image

Please get this checked out. Five weeks ago I started having chest pain same as you no known heart problems. Turned out my main left artery was 75% blocked. I had to have a stent fitted. Luckily I have private health care through work and went to see a cardiologist privately who immediately diagnosed the problem. You need a CT scan as my electrocardiogram was normal too. Consultant told me I was very close to having a heart attack.

Smileyian profile image

Yes yes yes......your symptoms are classical and need further investigation. Do follow up asap.

Fifimyangel profile image

Your not pestering your gp. That's their job. Phone up and demand more tests. It's your health. Push to be heard

Handel profile image

Hello archeryqueen and welcome to this lovely forum. Enough of the banter though.

This is very urgent. Call 999 immediately and please let us know how you get on.

Sending you virtual hugs xxxx

EmmyLaury12 profile image
EmmyLaury12 in reply to Handel

Hi archery queen,

I had pain down left arm and in my back / jaw in April

Thought indigestion my son in law rang 999 and paramedics told me I was having heart attack ecg confirmed this . Went to theatre -one stent fitted rt coronary artery blocked .

I feel a lucky lady at 63 to be here and still enjoying my grandsons - feel like I have a second chance in life .

If my son in law hadn’t have rang emergency services I may not have had this story to tell . I like you (and I’m a nurse )didn’t want to bother anyone . My son in law took over my situation and feel so very grateful he and emergency crew saved my life .

Please if you have any more episodes don’t hesitate ring 999 the sooner the better .

I really hope you go on ok this forum

Is great we are all here to

Help you if we can ,

Take care xxu

Mollhon profile image

Hello Archeryqueen,

I was just like you, didn’t want to bother anyone.....

One night I was just lying on my bed, when I felt a strange, not a pain, but a little pressure on my chest. It lasted a few minutes, then it kind of crept up to my jaw, again no pain at all.

My cousin had visited me a couple of weeks before, told me she’d recently been in hospital and had 2 stents fitted. I asked her what led to her having stents, she said she’d been over the field walking her dog, when she felt pressure on her chest, which then travelled to her jaw.

Well, I waited 3 weeks, but, because my cousin mentioned the feeling in her jaw, plus the fact there’s a lot of heart disease in my family, a cousin and uncle dropped dead in their early 50’s, another cousin, who was 45 and fit as a fiddle had a triple bypass.

So, I went to the Doctor, told her my story, she asked......are you sure you hadn’t eaten something spicy that evening? She was surprised I’d waited so long to come to the surgery.

She gave in when I mentioned my cousin and her symptoms.

I went for an angiogram, ( I’ll cut it short now ) I was kept in and had an emergency triple bypass, early the following morning.

So, don’t wait, don’t worry about bothering people. It’s your life.

P.s I was 63 at the time.

Good luck, keep well. X

Mrsbeevintage profile image
MrsbeevintageHeart Star

Hello, I am also 63 and it took 4 years before I persuaded my gp and a and e that my chest pain were not just anxiety , I even got told by a hospital consultant that I was a fit healthy woman who was waiting their time ! After being sat in a quite waiting area for 6 hours and having 1 ecg .. yes I suffer from anxiety but my pains were more than that . I finally got an appointment at a assessment clinic where I was seen by a nurse (no doctor) and she listened and sent me for a CT scan which showed severe blockages ! I was put straight on high doses of pills for angina , i was then put on a list for an angiogram but the angina became unstable, I was in hospital for 4 days in a very upsetting assesmant ward until I could be seen. I had the scan on my 61st birthday the result was that the CT scan had over read the severity of the blockage but the cross roads of my two main arteries are blocked by 30% not easy to stint so left alone and carry on taking the pills .... moral of my story is no one can really tell you what's wrong with you with out doing proper test ... go back and insist on at least at CT scan you are worth it , you are not a nuisance ... get an appointment with the doctor and ask for more test, you are goingvto be anxious if you are in pain and no one is taking you seriously ...ring 111 or go to And E , even phone an ambulance if you feel like that again . Hope you feel better soon Jx

Trinitex profile image

Please call 999 if this happens again, do not ring 111. I am an ambulance technician and I assure you that is the correct course of action.

Billy_Bedstead profile image

Hello Archeryqueen, I hope you are getting on OK and you're feeling less anxious - and confident enough to go get the care you deserve! Access to appropriate, timely care is your right so don't be scared to ask for it.

I am new to this too; it is anxiety provoking but I have had some lovely people here reaching out to me.

take care


archeryqueen profile image
archeryqueen in reply to Billy_Bedstead

Hi Billy, I am not really anxious about it just distressing that I was labelled as such by my GP in a non face to face consultation. Thanks for the support though, I have had lovely messages from everyone here

Twobells profile image

If this happens again and you can get to an a &e yourself or someone take you. Tell them you think you are having a heart attack. They will take it seriously. My so called 'anxiety' nearly cost me my life. I had triple bypass as an emegency. The hospital's are there to help you. Take Care and keep us updated.

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