Pain after stent 8 weeks ago - British Heart Fou...

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Pain after stent 8 weeks ago

4 Replies

Hi all. New to this site.

I’ve been reading the few posts about people suffering pain after having stents fitted.

I suffer pain and can’t see a doctor because of the restrictions. Still waiting for a stress test and not feeling any better. My quality of life is in the gutter since having this done and I regret it since I’ve found out from cardiologists online that you can clear your arteries through diet alone. The worst thing I ever did is have this operation as I suffer everyday and worry with no support after the first 4 weeks your on your own.

Classes have stopped so only online. No monitoring during exercise so too scary to do it.

I live alone with a disabled son who I look after so it’s worse worrying about what will happen to him if anything happens to me. If they can’t take care of my health then what chance do I have,

Phone calls from doctors are not enough. Reading peoples messages have been the only source of help for me so I am thankful for this site and it’s information from like minded people.


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4 Replies
EmmyLaury12 profile image

Hi Val

So sorry to hear that you are struggling post stent.

I had my HA April this year and had 1 stent fitted .

I wasn’t well at all for a month after stent fitted . I had two more A&E admissions thinking I was having another HA the anxiety was overwhelming.

Having my medication tweaked and the help of an online supportive Gp I got through what I can honestly say was the worst time in my life health wise .

I would say to you it’s early days try the cadiac rehab if running in your area it’s the best thing ever and being with the cadiac nurses physios somehow make you feel more confident with exercise and safe somehow .

Also take again to your Gp and voice your concerns I did and when they knew I was so desperate in the beginning they did listen to me and help me .

I wish you the very best Val and I’m sure in time you’ll get there because I did and a lot more did too on this forum.

I feel you are a bit fragile at the moment like I was but hopefully soon you’ll get well again .

Take care ,

Sheila x

COYW profile image

Hi Val. I’m lucky enough not to have had any pain from two stents 18 months ago. However I was very anxious so I took anti anxiety medication and still do. Feel much better and seem able to ride out the moments that make me think I’m having a HA. Also the medication has allowed me to return to quite a high level of fell running and cycling - for a 63 year old anyway 😀. I know it might be different for you with your caring responsibility but try to get outside and walk as fast as you think is safe. Monitor your heart rate and see how it changes over time.

Lizbeth61 profile image

Hi Valdan, I really sympathise as I had one stent fitted three weeks ago and suffer chest pain intermittently which causes me great anxiety. Saturday was a bad day but Sunday and today I have no pain as yet. Is your pain constant? My consultant told me it could be the artery stretching to accommodate the stent. He also put me on some anti acid medication to see if that helped as he said it could also be indigestion caused by the aspirin. Ive been told it can take quite a long time for the uncomfortable feeling to go. If I knew that the pain was to do with the stretching of the artery then I think I could relax but its the not knowing that's the worse. Before this happened I was running and never stood still now I am afraid to push myself and the best thing they say is exercise. You are not alone Val so hope that gives you some comfort. Take care

Hi Lizbeth61. My pain is intermittent and can happen any time of the day but it’s worse at night when I’m on my own. Since coming on here I’ve found the support from others has helped me overnight, it’s amazing and this is what’s missing, talking to others and reading what others are saying has helped me enormously.

I worry more about my son and what will happen to him if anything happens to me so I think that’s making it worse.

I started doing 15 minutes walk on the tread mill at 3 miles an hour yesterday and feeling ok today so I’m going to keep up with that.

The cardio clinic here is closed so I was told to go online to do the exercise, unmonitored which is not good enough.

I don’t get any support now from cardio and I’m still waiting for a stress test.

I’ve found that separating the drugs throughout the day instead of taking them all at once has helped as they make me feel ill.

I stopped the aspirin as I’m already on a blood thinner so that’s helped with the stomach problems. I did talk to the doctor before doing this and they said it was ok, just wondering why I would be on aspirin in the first place. Doing that has reduced the need for omeprazole. I’m sensitive to drugs.

I don’t take statins as I can reduce cholesterol through diet.

It’s been quite a shocker all this happening to me as I’ve always been fit and healthy and exercise with a good diet. I’m just happy now I’ve found likeminded people I can talk to about this.

Stay well and try some gentle exercise at home.

Best wishes ...val

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