preparations for Mitral valve op - British Heart Fou...

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preparations for Mitral valve op

funnyfennel profile image
25 Replies

Hi everyone. I need advice on what to take into hospital and what I need at home afterwards.

For example. Do they provide a front opening bra and if not which are the most comfortable ones to buy.

Do I need a bath stool? I have handles on my bath and do not see how I can firt a bath bench. Are their experts that I can ask?

Does the Heart Foundation have a buddy scheme>

Any tips welcome

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funnyfennel profile image
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25 Replies
Calliope153 profile image

I woke up in a front fastening bra which was provided by the hospital patient charity. Not every hospital provides them - I bought three more.

That;s the link so you can order one if you need to. stupidly had a bath when I got home from the hospital. You really shouldn't have a bath because, even with bath handles and a grab bar, you take your weight on your arms.... I am on week 16 of recovery and I am still showering only. Hospital usual wash bag things and lip salve and lots of moisturiser. Lots to read/do. Front opening pyjamas or nightshirts.

At home triangular pillow.

There are a lot of posts listing the things to take in/ have at home..... just can;t find one at the moment! I had an emergency valve and aortic graft - no visitors because of Corvid - and it's been ok. You just have to take things slowly. Best wishes.

080311 profile image

Hello funnyfennel my hospital didn’t provide front opening bras I bought 3 non wired pure cotton, the normal things shower gel shampoo a very soft sponge I had a baby one. The hospital gave me a rolled up towel to hold to my chest if I needed to cough or sneeze my son went out and got a very soft baby blanket and that went everywhere with me became my security blanket! Use to sleep with my arms wrapped around it! 4 years on and it still sits on my bed just as a reminder! A V shaped pillow for when you get home you will be sleeping on your back for a little while.

Don’t know about a stool for the bath, it would help getting in but getting out could be a problem as putting a lot of pressure on your sternum lifting yourself up would be a no no, and I personally haven’t heard about a buddy scheme by the Heart Foundation.

After your op no lifting your arms above your head or lifting anything heavier than half a kettle of water for 6-8 weeks until your sternum is healed like any broken bone it as to heal. Remember it’s baby steps when you get home, listen to your body if it’s saying I am tired you rest.

I wish you lots of luck with your op.

Best wishes Pauline

funnyfennel profile image
funnyfennel in reply to 080311

Dear Pauline

Thank you for replying to me ,I am very anxious but trying to slowly get organised. Do not have many people to help as daughter just had another baby and do not want her to realise how much of a state I am in. Do have friends who have offered to come and stay for the first few weeks , but they are not local. Have bought a travel kettle to put in the box room upstairs for morning coffee, so as not to face the stairs until after washing etc. Where did you buy the bras? I dont know whether to get with zips or hooks, or stretchy. would big pillows be ok or is a V pillow best?


080311 profile image
080311 in reply to funnyfennel

My daughter-in-law bought the bras on line I think they have hooks and eyes quite a few so needed my glasses on to get it fastened! I know some people have found the bra sometimes rub the scar but I didn’t have any problem one of the nurses said if I did a cotton hanky between the bra and the scar normally works. If you are on your own you will require help to get the white stockings on! My poor husband was nearly demented trying to get them on me! Caused a few laughs😂 a V shaped pillow is a help but you could try using ordinary pillows in a V shape. I slept with my arms wrapped around my rolled up blanket but the first time I could get on my side was bliss😊

I know it’s a worrying time for you but believe me when I say the thoughts in your head are much worse than the reality of the op and after you will be so much better. From your post you have a new grand child so you need to be fit for all the running round !

Take good care let me know how you are doing,

Pauline x

funnyfennel profile image
funnyfennel in reply to 080311

So many thanks Pauline, I am having an emotional day.....but feeling less lonely....did you use a "grabber" or was your husband help enough >>!!

080311 profile image
080311 in reply to funnyfennel

I couldn’t have got the stockings on by myself your sternum isn’t strong enough to put that much pressure on. They will show you in hospital how using a plastic bag it helps!! It’s a laugh a minute 😂 Having an emotional day waiting is normal and after your op the same you have to let your brain catch up with what your body as been through. But believe me it will be alright.

Pauline x

funnyfennel profile image
funnyfennel in reply to 080311

I think a treat of two more pillows will do and then they can be moved around as necessary...?x

12 days later..ordered a V pillow !!

Pewse profile image

Your doctor should provide you with a list of medications to stop, prior to your op. Some hospitals provide front fastening bras, but not all. Suggest you get a couple yourself. You’ll need the usual washing things too as well as something to read. I forgot to take in lip salve - do take some in, my lips became very dry as did the skin on my legs/body. Shower instead of getting into the bath. Take things really easy in order for the wound to heal properly. Good luck. 🙏

funnyfennel profile image
funnyfennel in reply to Pewse

Got the lip balm !x

Lyndaloo494 profile image

Hi there, I am now 5 weeks post valve op. I was in hospital 3 weeks, during the last week I was showering independently and washing my long hair myself. First few days home I had a friend to mind me when stepping out of the shower and drying but after that I've done fine myself. A shower seat won't fit in bath as I was given one from a friend. I even managed to get those awful stockings on on my own 🙄

I'm lucky not to have needed a bra at all, but have soft ones for when I do go out.

I had a grabber to pick up anything I dropped and a V shaped pillow. Amazing how well I've slept on my back since home. Best wishes to you x

funnyfennel profile image
funnyfennel in reply to Lyndaloo494

That was very helpful, thank you. why id you stay in hospital for 3 weeks?

My boobs are quite big and on the information, they say its essential to have x2 front fastening bras. I normally just wear a pullon stretch one, so its hard to know what to buy. Have not had my pre op but feel since I am pretty much alone, that I should make as many preparations as possible.

You seem to be doing very well. I am 69, are you younger.

Thank you again x

Lyndaloo494 profile image

I'm 48, wee enough boobs to go braless. Lol. I was in for 3 weeks as after my initial surgery I needed opened back up just over 24hrs later due to a bleed in the chest wall. So double open heart, then after 2 weeks was due home and developed Afib so they kept me in a bit longer to let medication work. So I suppose after 3 weeks I was a bit more independent than others getting home after maybe a week x

funnyfennel profile image
funnyfennel in reply to Lyndaloo494

Gosh, thats a lot for you to manage, well done and thanks for sharing x

JennyRx profile image

M&S do front fastening bras for breast cancer patients which might work. I had to wear some after breast cancer surgery and found the zip up ones easiest and most comfortable.

funnyfennel profile image
funnyfennel in reply to JennyRx

Thank you...x

kasinc88 profile image

Hi. I had my MVP op last year when I was 58. A grabber is definitely handy when you get home. I bought front fastening pyjamas but didn’t wear them much as I found it possible to slip a loose top over my head without lifting my arms up in the air. I was in hospital for 2 weeks as an echo showed bleeding around my heart and I got really bored. Books magazines puzzles and music on my phone with headphones kept me sane. I would say that if anyone offers to come and stop with you say yes!! They wouldn’t offer if they didn’t mean it. Especially if you have more than one offer they could do a few days each. I wouldn’t have coped on my own.

Btw I feel really well now. Have just been on holiday to Wales walking round the coastal path and spotting dolphins 😊. It was well worth it all. You’ll be a new woman this time next year if not before x

funnyfennel profile image
funnyfennel in reply to kasinc88

Thank you, just ordered a grabber ! And x2 pairs of inexpensive front buttoning p.j.s...?? I usually wear a t shirt and mens pj bottoms so thought they might not work post op..... Did you stay in the hospital gowns and did you have to dress in the daytime?

kasinc88 profile image
kasinc88 in reply to funnyfennel

Hi. I only stayed in hospital gowns when I was in ITU and high dependency. When I was back on the cardio-thorassic ward I wore my own pyjamas. There were signs in the ward encouraging people to get dressed but noone did. I did for the last few days to try to convince them I was fit to go home!

funnyfennel profile image
funnyfennel in reply to kasinc88

Also, yes 2 friends have offered to come, but perhaps first one could do a few days, then a break and come back?!! Am concerned that it may be boring and and not very nice for them with an emotional convalescent.....

kasinc88 profile image
kasinc88 in reply to funnyfennel

Say yes please! My sister came for a few days, then my daughter and then friends came in shifts. You can always offer to do the same for them if they ever need it or promise to take them for a nice meal out/weekend away if it makes you feel better. I found a lot of people are just incredibly kind and want to help. I lost count of the number of people who offered to bring bread and milk round to the house for me - ironic as I am wheat and lactose intolerant!

Kappacino profile image

I took my android tablet in with me for entertainment. Hospital wi fi is poor or expensive so I used my mobile as a hotspot and tethered my tablet to it. That way I could watch TV, YouTube, listen to podcasts and read books. Dont forget to take charging leads, Barts did not mind me plugging in ... just dont unplug anything lol. Also, too up your mobile data.

funnyfennel profile image
funnyfennel in reply to Kappacino

My tablet has given up the ghost sadly and tethering and hotspots all sound a little over my head, but will consider as dont have a date yet so as long as I remain stable and do not over exert it may give me time to sort out a tablet....

so no free wifi then?

Kappacino profile image

Oops oh yes dont forget headphones

funnyfennel profile image
funnyfennel in reply to Kappacino

Found headphones and loaded BBC sounds onto my mobile,,also got a long charging lead ...getting there x

Lyndaloo494 profile image

I only wore gowns in ICU/HDU. I got dressed in the ward. Found shorts or cropped leggings handy during the day as was quite hot and easier when wearing the stockings. Hated them 🙄

I was lucky all private rooms with TV and free WiFi but does get a bit boring at times so book or magazines. Took a few daily walks for a wee nosey around the wards. x

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