Hi everyone,so they say i have had a massive heart attack with 100% main artery blocked hence i have been fitted a stent,i feel fine,just worried that there might be complication later on,but i’ll have to just wait and see.all i can do is help myself and hope that nothing goes wrong.
Heart attack: Hi everyone,so they say i... - British Heart Fou...
Heart attack

Sounds like you’ve got a v healthy attitude. And you are absolutely right! Lots of it is down to us, after they’ve scooped us up and patched us up.
Let us know if you have any specific questions
(or achievements/experiences). We’re interested, and here to help.
Hello and welcome as Kristin says your attitude is great, you have joined us Hearties and on the heart mended road just general things listen to your body when it’s tired rest, start with gentle exercise.
Being on the forum there is always someone who will answer any questions you have and lend a ear to listen to any worries you have, or a shoulder to lean on.
Wishing you a great recovery
Hiya and welcome to the club you really never wanted to join - great avatar showing what a stent does for a blocked artery!
You sound as though you're ready to move forward sensibly after your HA and stent 'adventure' and you'll find lots of tips, support on 'bad days', and camaraderie here.
The main thing now is making sure your medics know if you want cardiac rehab when it starts back up once the pandemic is over - everyone here who has taken up the offer of cardiac rehab says it is the best thing they've done after their heart event.
Thank you all ,wish you all a pleasant weekend.💐
I had a similar HA in January and felt like I could conquer the world straight after but very quickly realised it would take a lot longer. Listen to your body, it will tell you when you've done enough/too much.
The emotions are tough, especially if everyone around you panics when you talk about them as they worried they'll get "that call" again. I have a lot of friends that worry if I don't answer the phone when they call, they forget I might be in the loo, in the garden or even asleep lol
I promised myself I would do things just for me going forward and started by moving from Kent to County Durham. Life is looking pretty good even if I have to do some of it a bit slower 😁 (sorry for the novel!)
Great news they have stented and you feel fine. Time now to stop it happening again. Lifestyle changes to exercise and diet maybe. Time to find a new life as your old normal life needed stenting. It's much easier than you may think and is a great enlightening experience. Time to move on.
You will be fine my Friend, eat good healthy food and do moderate exercise.
I had the same thing 16 months ago, and am fine, have lost weight and got fit. I am probably healthier and fitter than ever. There is hope and I am thankful to our NHS every morning when I awake for another precious day.