Insensitive : Anyone else fed up with... - British Heart Fou...

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12 Replies

Anyone else fed up with the fact its the elderly and those with underlying health issues constantly in the media as been the reason for the increases in deaths .

12 Replies
Mirador19 profile image

Yes I agree with you totally, and the fact they report that those with underlying illnesses won’t be on top of the list for treatment whether that be true or false is something we don’t need to keep hearing.

Barb959 profile image

Yes it’s not good. I am struggling with a chest infection at the moment and breathlessness so it’s not very reassuring if I needed to go into hospital. Stay safe every one 😘😘😘

Kristin1812 profile image
Kristin1812Heart Star

The unspoken strategy seems to be ....let the young get the virus, they don’t get it so badly, and they will then be immune, and the future of the race is more secure (remember measles parties?). The old and vulnerable should stay at home. They soak up hospital resources if they get it. If they don’t get it this time they’ll get it on the next round.

Of course it’s true, the young have more potential future years ahead of them. Can’t argue with that!

Vic67 profile image

I agree, it’s almost with a sense of relief that some commentators announce more deaths in a tone that comes across “ but don’t worry they all had underlying health problems”- it is insensitive. I would also suggest it causes complacency as the young, fit and healthy will think it’s only the frail and elderly that catch the disease and ignore government advice.

Amikatari profile image

There's a covid support group in my area that I was in the process of volunteering for (from home - I was hoping to do admin and phone), but I was disturbed by a post from its founder on its Facebook page.

He said 'We are receiving reports of elderly or vulnerable people going out to shops/exercise when they shouldn't be. If you are in a vulnerable group and are going out AT ALL, even within the law, you are not being brave, you are not soldiering on, you are putting the NHS WORKERS and ALL OF US at risk. We are here to help so stay indoors and contact us!' (his capitals).

Do you find his attitude disturbing too, and would you be put off from helping his organisation? I find it discriminatory, authoritarian and actually rather chilling (especially his use of the word 'reports', as though he thinks he's an authority figure and wants people to spy on each other and report back to him!) Everyone replying to his post seems to support his approach, but since he runs the page and is its only admin, I suspect he could be deleting comments by people who disagree!

isobelhannah18 profile image
isobelhannah18 in reply to Amikatari

I agree totally-with you of course, not him!

Alison_L profile image
Alison_L in reply to Amikatari

Clearly he hasn't read (or understood) the instructions.

Amikatari profile image
Amikatari in reply to Amikatari

As an update, I was feeling ill and anxious the other day, and contacted my GP, full of fear that I might need medical attention and be denied it in the current climate. She reassured me that the surgery is still open for crucial appointments if needed for people with serious existing conditions and without covid symptoms. Without mentioning the stuff from the 'support' group above, I expressed my fear of leaving my home to visit the surgery if needed, for fear of social judgement and discrimination. She reassured me that I must visit if needed and that the biggest threat she is seeing to patients with existing conditions is their reluctance to access medical help in the current climate for exactly those reasons. It is a bigger threat and worry to us than the risk of catching C-19.

I then shared that information as a comment on the Facebook post, and was immediately shut down by patronising comments from the founder and an immediate private message rejecting my previous offer to help the group (which I would have withdrawn anyway because of his approach). He insisted that vulnerable people are not allowed out for any reason and that it is the law and that we should access help from his group instead. I pointed out that the group is no substitute for seeing a doctor if needed. He then refused to 'debate' further.

He is clearly only accepting volunteers who do not question his views and influencing them to forbid the people they are helping to leave their homes for any reason. He is trying to control the vulnerable people in our community and going above the law. It is dangerous and I do not want to wait until someone is found dead in their home before something is done about him. So I have reported him to the Deputy Town Mayor, who also happens to be a doctor. I will continue to update you on this situation if anyone's interested, and actually it's helping me to have an outlet here, as the issue has caused me so much upset and anxiety the last few days.

Thanks for listening. Love to all xx

isobelhannah18 profile image

Even before Covid19 there was a lot of ageism about.

2-10-0 profile image

I agree, they always say the person had underlying health conditions or was over 60 or 80 as though it does not matter. The reporting in the media seems to be biased against the elderly, which will cause resentment among the young and fit because they feel that they are being restricted and it is the fault of the elderly.

In reply to Amikatari. I agree this situation has brought a few little dictators to the surface, who think they are above the rest of us.

I won't go into detail but have similar experiences.

What is wrong with someone going out for exercise, what ever age group or health condition, so long as they are sensible,do not go near or visit any one else or drive to crowded beauty spots or parks.

The over 70's are instructed to stay at home but it is impossible to get a home delivery slot. Waitrose will not let anyone register for home delivery unless you register on the government site first, which will not accept you unless you have one of the listed conditions, cancer, immune deficiency illness etc. Therefore you have to go shopping or starve. I do not know where all these groups are that are supposed to shop for you. If they are administered by the people Amikatari contacted they are probably running around filled with their own self importance, with their heads up their backside. That is my rant for the day.

Kristin1812 profile image
Kristin1812Heart Star

I always like a good rant, even if I don’t agree with it!

Lots of places are now delivering. When we were really stuck we contacted a local Catering Supplies company. They are so pleased as they are building up a new domestic market, now all the local restaurants, hotels and pubs are closed. That or go bust.

Their food is fine, and they have some stuff the supermarkets don’t.

Age UK is helpful, too.

Maisie2014 profile image

Can we please stop knocking the young! All this me me me is so negative. My information is that everyone is being treated if they need it. People are being asked to behave responsibly and take care of themselves. This attitude of older people not giving in and doing what they want to do regardless is selfish and endangering other people’s lives. There is lots of support out there but there are obviously bullies if some of the previous posts are anything to go by. Stay safe. Stay in.