Ha ha - you still can’t kill me off - British Heart Fou...

British Heart Foundation

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Ha ha - you still can’t kill me off

9 Replies

Morning all. I paid yet another visit to the wonderful Lancashire Cardiac Centre yesterday (got my own parking space) for yet another stent. So well looked after and now resting at home but boy my wrist hurts after this one for some reason. That’s three stents now and as my Belgian Cardiologist friend says “I’ve the full metal jacket”.

As a slight aside, a work colleague said to me in a message “at least it wasn’t bad enough for a bypass”. It’s interesting that people have this perception that a bypass means that somehow your condition is worse than someone who has had stents when in fact it’s nothing to do with that but generally because the blockage was somewhere that couldn’t be a stented or the blockage was too big to be stented etc.

As heart survivors it’s good we can help educate people who for no fault of their own, don’t understand heart disease - the symptoms, the treatments and the life long physical and emotional effects

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9 Replies

Wishing you a speedy recovery. I found that thing on the wrist so painful. Although an amazing thing to think of really. The whole angiogram experience totally blew my mind!

in reply to fedupoffeelingtired

You’re right it’s almost surreal when you think what has been done to you. My first two stents were done when I had my heart attack and I was so dosed up on Morphine I don’t remember feeling too much afterwards.

When I think back to my Dad... he had 7 heart attacks, a stroke and both legs amputated because of his circulation. They couldn’t do a think for him other than Warfarin and a hospital bed for 6 weeks. Now, they can stent virtually everywhere and even after an MI, you’re home inside of a week. Bloody marvellous.

My wrist aches a lot today. Think I’ll milk this a little bit to get even more sympathy from the better half 😀

Rose54 profile image

Take Care

Hope you recover soon

I thought when angiogram was done I had died at one point as I had my eyes closed and it all went dark .

I didn't realize thay turned lights out .

It made them laugh

in reply to Rose54

That’s made me laugh too

Maisie2014 profile image

Ouch not another one! I hated having mine done so don’t envy you. Take care and rest.

HectorsDad profile image

I feel like saying ‘congratulations’ which is daft, so hope you know what I mean.

HectorsDad profile image

And.. I think the angiogram part hurts more with ‘repeat offenders’. I’ve had two in there which were ok (on consecutive days) no 3 was through the groin, which was a bit more hassle (being lent on there for 5 mins by a 6 stone junior doctor when it bled was weird😅).

No 4 was through the wrist again. Two very painful attempts failed as they ‘couldn’t get very far up’ so switched to the other artery in the wrist (Ulnar) which was fine in the procedure but very painful for three weeks after.

Hoping I don’t need no 5- still my wife has ‘offered to lend a hand’😂

Ha ha ... she could start a sideline... home stenting 😀

Subo21 profile image

Had 4 stents through right wrist for MI Stemi in Indonesia whilst on holiday and remember excruciating pain in arm whilst Drs trying to insert, and remember arm aching for a good few weeks after. Also then discovered after visit to have next angiogram in UK that radial artery in right arm no longer has pulse. So they went in through groin this time as said they would save other wrist insertion arteries in case of emergency. So grateful to Drs in Bali and our NHS and for growth in medical development particularly Stents.

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