Had a stent fitted in 2016, 85% blockage another blockage could not be done as NICE guidelines need to be above a certain %, the cardiac surgeon said most probably need another in 4 years time (now) at 57. All genetics so now I feel that unconscious bias of waiting for the inevitable, but I did have angioplasty two years ago said all fine, why do I fear every twitch and aches can you due to exercise and diet keep at bay or will? Any insight from others would be good, Thanks in advance.
When Again??: Had a stent fitted in... - British Heart Fou...
When Again??

Hello and welcome to the forum! A friend had angioplasty over 20 years ago and needed no more intervention until last year when the angina returned and he needed a double bypass. However, he had had the stress of a kidney transplant the previous year. So eat healthily, exercise and take your medication as prescribed, and you could be fine for many years. And stop worrying - it's not good for you!
Thank you, Michael, I think that's the issue Angina been coming back slowly but surely but I do take your words of wisdom Thanks
Hi there. I’ve not had any stents fitted but did have a quintuple bypass in April this year 2 fully block 2 75% block not sure about the fifth. Anyway, keep up with the fitness gentle and regular, I still get twinges and such but that’s normal. I think we fear the twinges but focus on them due to the conditions. Good luck 😉
If you've been assigned a cardiac nurse, talk with her/him about the returning angina. If no nurse to phone, book a tenner (ten minute consult) with your GP. You say in your reply to Michael the angina is returning 'slowly but surely', coupled with the 85% blockage, someone medical needs to know about that angina making a return.
Many thanks for support
Why do you think it's genetic? Have you no risk factors at all?
Cardiologist comments, brother triple bypass, mother angina meds since 50, grandmother heart attack 63.
Diet mainly was my risk and Stress, Stress now left Nhs on call was very stressful so reset life career and all.