When I had an angiogram recently because of angina would it have identified problems with the arteries that supply blood to the brain. The ones that if blocked could lead to a stroke?
Brain Arteries: When I had an angiogram... - British Heart Fou...
Brain Arteries

If that was the standard cardic angiogram via the wrist or groin then no. My cartoid arteries were checked via ultrasound before my bypass. Like the femoral artery quite easy to check via ultrasound as simple layout.
The entry was via the wrist, fortunately, as I was dreading via groin. Because of what the angiogram showed I did have an ultrasound scan immediately, would this have covered the carotid artery?
Are you having any symptoms leading you to be concerned there may be some blockage, and if yes, have you brought it up with the GP or cardiologist?
Yes there is a symptom that I think about. For some years I have had issues of feeling faint when my head is twisting to one side or the other. There were typical moments like I was up a ladder once, leaning over, with head twisting to see what I was doing and I just about got down the ladder as I felt myself begin to faint. Felt I avoided fainting as my neck position returned to normal, but not before a few wobbles. Similarly, doing side neck stretches at a Pilates class I again had to stop because I began to faint and wobble. There have been other, lesser, times.
Well, that must have been worrying to be up on a ladder and go wobbly, yikes! Have you brought this up with the GP or cardiologist?
It was only a few steps off the floor putting up a mirror, so probably not life threatening 😉 wife noticed me wobbling before I did and yelled.
Discussed with GP but in context of spinal stenosis. Arteries have never been considered prior to my recent onset of angina.
I think if it were me I'd bring it to the cardiologist's attention saying something along the lines of 'could a blockage in my neck be causing this?', and I'd do it as soon as possible - at the least bringing it up could result in 'not a worry' from the consultant, or your consultant could order further investigation done to check/rule-out blockage. Win-win either way.