High cholesterol: Hi all. Just joined... - British Heart Fou...

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High cholesterol

Peachy19pink profile image
35 Replies

Hi all. Just joined to see if I can get any info. My doctor has diagnosed my with high cholesterol. I'm only 34. I believe it's down to the last 2 years or eating unhealthy and drinking every evening. Since finding out I've ate well, stopped drinking (unless out) but I'm worried constantly incase something happens to me. I've been referred to lip clinic so will go from there. Any tips or info will be appreciated.

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Peachy19pink profile image
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35 Replies
MichaelJH profile image
MichaelJHHeart Star

Hello and welcome to the forum! Were you told the figures or just 'high'?

Peachy19pink profile image
Peachy19pink in reply to MichaelJH

I asked and was told it was 8 and should be 5.

MichaelJH profile image
MichaelJHHeart Star in reply to Peachy19pink

As your current levels put you at cardiovascular risk I think the target should be 4 or below. Unless your diet was truly appalling I doubt you will get it much below 6 without drastic dietary changes (e.g. raw fruit, veg and nuts only). Whilst their is a lot of negativity about stains they may be appropriate in your case. Besides reducing cholesterol they also reduce irritation (often a precursor to plaque formation) and stabilise any plaque.

The plus point is that the problem had been spotted early and can be tackled. As Chappychap says use your energy to your advantage and not negatively.

Peachy19pink profile image
Peachy19pink in reply to MichaelJH

Thanks I agree. I keep telling myself that as least it's been picked up sooner rather than later! Lifestyle change is in full swing. And I've lost 9lb since finding out 3 weeks ago. I'm just scared to have a night out or go for a meal in I have a heart attack. 😣

MichaelJH profile image
MichaelJHHeart Star in reply to Peachy19pink

No need to stay in eating salad - just be sensible. Grilled fish with salad and a few new potatoes is fine whilst a double cheeseburger with bacon and a side of fries is not! In the same vein a glass of a decent red is OK unless otherwise advised- drinking the bottle is not! My cardiologist said "You should not drink a lot so make sure it is good quality"!

Peachy19pink profile image
Peachy19pink in reply to MichaelJH

Me and sensible in the same sentence! ( that's a first ) ha. But I'm dedicated to this so all advice is taking on board. Thanks again.

Chappychap profile image

Lots of great advice from the British Heart Foundation,


Turn worry to your advantage...use it to stiffen your resolve and make big, permanent changes to your life style.

Good luck!

Peachy19pink profile image
Peachy19pink in reply to Chappychap

Thanks for the advice. I will certainly have a look.

benjijen profile image

Biggest thing is, don't worry. You're already changing your diet. Eliminating most processed foods and junk foods is good as is cutting down on alcohol. Everyone is different so no one can tell what your next blood test will show. It takes time for changes to take effect but you're doing the right thing.

Peachy19pink profile image
Peachy19pink in reply to benjijen

Thank you. I feel 100 % better than walking up every day feeling rough of the 1 and half bottles of wine I would drink on an evening.

MichaelJH profile image
MichaelJHHeart Star in reply to Peachy19pink

I think you are very lucky your GP picked up the cholesterol problem as that level of alcohol consumption could have lead to liver disease or heart failure. A friend in his early fifties has both liver disease and bladder issues as the result of a similar habit. Keep up the good work!

Peachy19pink profile image
Peachy19pink in reply to MichaelJH

Yes.i agree. I was only drinking to help my anxiety at night but I would wake up feeling even worse. So that defo hasn't help with my cholesterol. It's so easy for some people to reach for alcohol for a quick fix. So glad it didn't catch hold of me and I was able to stop.

Clerkenweller profile image

Plenty of excellent diet advice on the BHF site. Nobody has talked about regular exercise which is almost as important for cholesterol and really important for the heart. Get those trainers on!

Peachy19pink profile image
Peachy19pink in reply to Clerkenweller

My dog is getting more power walks than ever ! Thanks for advice

Zoesgranny profile image

You’re actually lucky that your high cholesterol has been diagnosed so early. I was 54 and I was told that I have the wrong sort, i.e. can’t be fixed by diet as I actually produce it. Sometimes it’s inherited.

Nevertheless, you’re never too early in making lifestyle changes so you’re doing all the right things - but worrying about it isn’t one of them😊. Just because you have it doesn’t mean you’re about to have a heart attack.

Keep doing what you’re doing ad if it turns out you’re like me then taking statins isn’t the end of the world. Good luck - and don’t worry.

Peachy19pink profile image
Peachy19pink in reply to Zoesgranny

Thank you.

Deanosbeano profile image

Change your diet

Use the cholesterol lowering spread

Drink the cholesterol lowering drinks

Take the statins

I takes 3 months for any intervention to show in blood tests . Mine went from 6.5 to 3.5 in first 3 months and now it's 2.1 some 12. Month later .

I still ate eggs and other cholesterol containing food but in moderation

Peachy19pink profile image
Peachy19pink in reply to Deanosbeano

My doctor didn't feel the need for me to start statin right away. Just referred me to clinic so will.just go from there well done for getting your level so low

Deanosbeano profile image
Deanosbeano in reply to Peachy19pink

Well I would take the drinks and spreads anyway if they approve . If you don't need the stations then it sounds like he ain't to concerned so that's a bonus

Peachy19pink profile image
Peachy19pink in reply to Deanosbeano

I will give them a try. Thank you.

caplan profile image
caplan in reply to Peachy19pink

have they checked you for thyroid too, my cholesterol is partly in my inherited genes so do best I can and don't take statins

Peachy19pink profile image
Peachy19pink in reply to caplan

Hi. Yes that was the whole purpose of my blood test ( to check thyroid) that was fine. Just flagged up on cholesterol.

Adaboo profile image

Hi, I changed my diet when I found out mine was 7.35. In under 8 weeks it had gone down to 5.02. Its lower now. I cut out sugary stuff which was my downfall, I don’t eat processed food anyway, but also cut out any unnecessary fat, drank lots of water and walked more. I also took benecol after dinner which helps. We do produce cholesterol as our bodies need it, please don’t stress about all this as stress is harmful to our bodies. Good luck 🙂

Peachy19pink profile image
Peachy19pink in reply to Adaboo

I will try not to. Do you take medication? Or was it just lifestyle changes ?;

Adaboo profile image
Adaboo in reply to Peachy19pink

Just lifestyle changes , I have read loads about cholesterol, statins etc. Have a google on it, it’s fascinating. It seems most agree now it’s inflammation that damages us inside and the cholesterol goes to the damage like a plaster. As we produce cholesterol I’m not sure we can stop that happening, so we have to stop the inflammation.

thomasyedlin profile image

Am not sure if this question is for me, hope it is. I think is lifestyle change because I stopped going to the gym as much as I use to while I was much younger

Peachy19pink profile image
Peachy19pink in reply to thomasyedlin

I think exercise plays a big part in keeping us healthy. I am guilty of not doing enough. After being at work all day then seeing to my 3 kids I just don't have the energy. Maybe that was because I was wanting to relax with a glass of wine .

Qualipop profile image
Qualipop in reply to Peachy19pink

Looking after 3 kids is exercise believe me.

Maisie2014 profile image

Hello. My father died of a heart attack at age 49. From then on I decided to live healthier. I lost two stone in weight and continued to watch my diet. I exercised at the gym for three to four times a week with high interval training and walking, swimming. I thought I was immune and refused to take statins. My cholesterol was 4.8 and doctors said it was good. I am now 68. 10 weeks ago I had a heart attack and stent fitted for 90% blocked artery. I was told my cholesterol was not low enough. I now take a high dose of statins along with all the other medications but at least I’m still here. You can’t always control it fully through diet and exercise. Take care.

Peachy19pink profile image
Peachy19pink in reply to Maisie2014

I'm sorry to here that. But your right. Least your still here. Nothing heart related runs in my family, but I will be taking the medication if needs be. Thank you for your comment x

Handel profile image

It's all been said! You're doing everything right so please don't worry. Glad the dog is getting power walks! Brilliant for you too!!

Lots of love and good luck xxx

Peachy19pink profile image
Peachy19pink in reply to Handel

Thank you very much. Just received my lipid appointment for mid June so give me time to try and lower is naturally xx

Rhinet34 profile image

Hi , my cholesterol level was 8.3 a number of years ago , was told I needed to go on statins , I refused and said I’d lose weight instead which I did nearly 4 stone , last year a had a heart attack out of the blue and 3stents fitted , I’m now on a number of tablets , statins being one of them 80mg , I’ve Ben fine on them and really wished I’d listened to the advice I’d been given , I’ve got coronary heart disease and losing weight didn’t help ...

Peachy19pink profile image
Peachy19pink in reply to Rhinet34

If I need medication I certainly will take it to help xx

Peachy19pink profile image
Peachy19pink in reply to Peachy19pink

If you don't mind me asking how old were you when you were diagnosed xx

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