Hi guys should there be a follow up with hospital after HA and steering. If so how long after
Post HA follow up: Hi guys should there... - British Heart Fou...
Post HA follow up

Hi I think my first follow up was about 3 weeks after stenting (no HA).
Thanks for replying hutch. Had 2 stents in February after heart attack and no follow up. I would have thought they would want to check stents were settled in and clear. What would I know eh!
Hi my follow up was approx 8-10 weeks after. It wasn’t much though. Checked my blood pressure then saw a consultant for about 10mins if that! So I ended up up seeing him privately
I was considering this route as since heart attack about 30 seconds of face to face cardiologist time. Most of which was spent discussing me condition to the students. Felt rather like exhibit “a” rather than the patient. Was the private consultation worth it. Did it make any difference to your treatment? I will have my check up early November. If the same bums rush I will see a good cardiologist privately
Private consultation worth it for the mind. I actually saw same guy as in NHS. He’s very nice just was constrained by nhs funding and resource. Was good to get explanation of condition and regularly check ups and some stress tests helped with confidence. He’s also reduced my mess over 2 years whereas the standards hospital & GP patter is u will take this lot for life! IE they throw us all in same pot.
I didn't see a cardiologist until4 months afterHA only after a&e doctor admitted me. Said that's the only way I'd see one. He treated me for 10 days trying to find cause of fainting spells. Haven't seen him since. Rehab nurse is liasing between us apparently. I'm waiting on reveal device being fitted. I don't understand why when iv got all these problems that he hasn't followed up on anything. As good as hurses are they're not doctors. It's so frustrating
When did you have your HA. How do you know you'll get a follow up in November. Were you told?sorry just looking for answers and no one seems to be giving them
I had my HA on June 23rd. After emergency ambulance ride I was taken directly to the cath lab. Here I was now in some distress as my LAD was totally blocked.
The cardiology team did a great job in first doing the angiography then a thrombectomy and finally placed a stent. All this took about 45 minutes. I felt very relieved at the fast and effective treatment.
After this while on the ward a cardiologist on his rounds looked at my notes briefly told me to expect moderate damage and that was the last time I saw him.
However while in hospital an echocardiogram was carried out and an appointment for a rubidium ct scan was made. For two weeks later.
Pretty much that was it. I was kept in the intensive care for a day then moved to the cardiac care ward for a couple of days. After three days not including admission day I was released with a bag of drugs and a few leaflets.
Cardiac rehab phoned a week or so later and I arranged to go. Also physio for rehab. This was at my local hospital luckily for me a few hundred meters from my home. The rehab team were ok. The physio team excellent ( Trafford general)
I made appointment to see my GP to get on the radar with them and make sure they were aware my condition.
On my discharge sheet along with the drugs was a comment to repeat echo in a couple of months. This has just been done and a repeat check up with the cardiologist in November. All my treatment took place in Manchester Royal Infirmary so far. However I have requested I move to Wythenshawe as that is the main heart centre of expertise locally. My experience is you need to call the admin of the doctors to chase results of tests etc. other than that it seems to work well. My doctors were competent and arranged follow ups. My GP has also raised his game regards bloods for titration of drugs etc.
Your situation sounds very different regards follow on. Have you tried writing to the doctor in charge of your case and highlighting your concerns regarding follow up.
I read huge amounts as I was very worried about the results of my first echo, I think we have to educate ourselves so we are aware of the options. And also so we can discuss our condition with the doctors from a position of knowledge albeit as a lay person.
I would speak to your GP worry is not something you need to add to your condition.
I am unsure what my next appointment will be like. My results from rubidium scan showed damage in more detail and possibly I have to consider another angioplast to aid blood flow to areas of the heart currently starved. In the meanwhile I have lost 16 kg and am walking daily. My aim to help my situation as much as I can. Prior to next check up.
Apart from short time from the busy hospital cardiologist I feel my treatment so far has been excellent and it certainly achieved best practice on the day of the emergency.
As regards information pretty much from discharge a stream of letters came with the appointments. I return to work after six weeks off and it is over a thousand miles from Manchester however if an appointment comes I return home regardless as missing appointments can result in you being bumped back to your GP or so the letters say.
Good luck I hope you get some information regards your treatment plan soon.
Regards. M
Thanks for that jobe. You've obviously got more problems than me. I was in ccu for 3 days after HA then sent for angio and had 2 stents in lad. All cardiologist said when finished was home tomorrow. Haven't seen or heard from him since. After 7 weeks at home was invited to rehab which I did and that's when things started to go wrong. I started getting dizzy and passing out in class. Ended up in a&e a few times and doctor eventually admitted me saying that was the only way I'd see a cardiologist. I saw a different doctor and he kept me in for 10 days doing tests. I was constantly on telemetry whilst there. Had tilt table test and stress test which was useless as a few minutes into I took one of my dizzy spells and they stopped it. He finally diagnosed me with pots and discharged me without any information or advice on disease or any follow up. He tried me on 2 different meds to lower heart rate but had to stop them as I was very symptomatic. My gp admitted me a few weeks ago so I'd be referred to cardiology again as she had no answers either. I was there for 2 hrs and my rehab nurse came over and spoke to doc telling him I was waiting on 24hr heart and bp monitors which he organised and I was sent home again without seeing the elusive cardio man. All my care has been chased by rehab nurse. Results of monitors suggested I need to have a reveal device fitted. Told this by nurse after chasing up results for a week. I thought he would have at least saw me himself to discuss this treatment why I was having it etc. But alas no. So I'm just waiting on implant continuing to pass out at least 3 times a wk. Have bradi and tachicardia with no meds to control it. I really feel I've just been left on a limb. It it wasn't for rehab nurse I don't know where I'd be. Sorry for going on a bit just had to get it out. Shiona
I felt there ought to be one also. I had a HA 5 weeks ago and haven't heard a word from hospital or GP. I've seen the cardiac rehab nurse once with no date given for any other meeting. I have two other arteries quite badly blocked and should be getting an out patient Appointment for another angiogram but no news on that either. Feels as if I've just been dumped. Oh I did have two blood tests to check liver and kidneys were ok after2 and 4 weeks. I have no iea whether the stents are ok, how bad he other arteries are, what I should or shouldn't be doing or how much it's safe to do
Same here qualipop. I just find it totally unacceptable. Seems to be a postcode lottery as lots on here have had great care
I'd be worried sick if, like you I was passing out. At least your rehab nurse is approachable and available. No idea where mine is or even her name; she just seems to have rubbed me out as not being able to do any exercises instead of coming up with something I CAN do. I think , every time you pass out, every single time, you should call an ambulance. I know it's a waste of time and will take up most of your day but eventually they will see you so often they may realise they have to do something about it. You do sound to have a caring GP who can at least get you admitted. What worries me most is the inability to get any explanations or answers. I have a 75% blockage of the LAD which worries the hell out of me yet they don't seem concerned at all because it isn't 90%. Is there any other hospital you could be taken to? Maybe say you were visiting a friend in a different area and you passed out and they were the closest.
Funny I was thinking that myself. There's another hospital not too far. That's where I was sent to have angio and stents fitted. Might just try that next time. I keep trying to tell myself there won't be a next time but there always is. Don't get me wrong generally I'm doin well. Most days I forget iv got heart problems. I look and feel healthy and then out the blue bang. It's back. Just find it very hard to move on.