Hubby stopped taking the tablets doc gave him as he was having bad side effects. He had a very bad night on Sunday with his stomach and was quite poorly all day yesterday. Decided that our gps don’t seem to care and just keep giving him tablets which do not help, this has gone on since last October. I went on line and found a consultant at the nearby private hospital and have an appointment today at 5. We have all the hospital letters etc since HA in 2016 and hope this doc can help hubby. We are not well off just ordinary pensioners but feel we needed help which gps under pressure cannot give and just reach for the prescription pad.
Time to pay for answers.: Hubby stopped... - British Heart Fou...
Time to pay for answers.

It is important to explain your thoughts properly to your gp.In my case I was being treated with various inhalers and meds for breathing problems and thought I was getting nowhere. My daughter came to my gp with me and explained our thoughts in a different way. It was found out my breathing had been affected by pressure on my lungs from a previously undiagnosed condition. My gp just needed the facts presented in a different way. My mind is focussed on production processes and doesn’t explain physiological issues very well. Have you askedfor referral? Good luck.
Phoned gp surgery yesterday and asked for referral letter to be e mailed to consultant , receptionist very helpful. I always go with my hubby to make sure he mentions everything. I think they are at a loss as they referred hubby to geriatician in January 2018, saw him end of June, he was sent for an endoscopy and although we have results he is still suffering. We cannot go back to geriatrician until October as he only visits hospital once a week. Cannot see hubby suffering so, his weight is plummeting so we need answers now. Thank you for taking the time to reply.
Hi Bazmack. Sorry to hear about your hubby. Sometimes the side effects of medication can be quite distressing. I developed allergies to 4 of my tablets and another replacement one! But it has taken since March until now to work out each one by stopping and starting one at a time (a difficult and frustrating experience!). However I feel much better now so it may take some doing. After you see the consultant if you’re happy with them then ask if you can transfer to their NHS list. I think you should also return to your GP and book a longer slot and have an open discussion with them and also see if you can get an earlier appointment than October. It’s hard but hopefully persistence will pay off. Take care. Sending positive thoughts. Zena
Thank you Zena. We have lost confidence in gp practice and will have to change, we have been with this one over 40 years and seen many doctors come and go. We have tried to bring other appointment forward but due to holidays it isn’t possible. Hubby was referred at 69 years old which apparently is young for this clinic. Have a good day.
That’s such a shame as a good GP is worth their weight. Hope all goes well this afternoon. Take care. Zena

Hope it goes well and progress is made. Although I was treated on the NHS after my initial consultation at the Urgent Chest Pain Clinic I decided to go privately for the angiogram as after waiting six weeks I did not want to wait for a further four months. I had the diagnosis (four narrowed cardiac arteries) and was on anti-anginals (isosorbide mononitrate) within two weeks.
Hi, I can't blame you. I've just had to pay a fortune for a private test by the same team who I'd have to wait another 2-3 months to get on the NHS and it was costing me a lot in travel insurance because I was waiting for tests. Hope he gets sorted.
Thank you for your reply, we have kept our travel insurance company up to date with hubbys condition and they have not increased fee yet.
I know you can feel so alone when waiting for appointments/answers etc. I hope you find peace of mind soon.
I’ve had some crap gps and some awesome gps that look after into other solutions as well as meds and often give both advice and meds. I was told to go to the other gp in my village and got better doctors and still have a 10 min appointment but they are able to see how other things can help and I’m nhs.
I really hope your consultant can help your husband just a shame you have had to pay