Hello people,
I'm new here so I hope this is the right place to come to for some advice.
I'm an 18 year old female and I have a tiny abnormality on one of the valves in my heart, I used to see a pediatric cardiologist for that regularly but was always told that it's basically nothing. A few years ago I started having some "skipped beats" every now and then and the feeling that my heart was beating too hard sometimes. Again my cardiologist said it's nothing to worry about and normal in people my age.
About 2 weeks ago however, I started to experience these palpitations more frequently, sometimes accompanied by a very fast heart beat. This had been going on for a week when I decided to go swimming with my sister. Suddenly I realized that my heart rate was getting high again, even though we were just relaxing in the pool. Went back to my room about an hour later, my heart rate was 180bpm. I had some pain in my left jaw but didn't think anything of it and eventually fell asleep. I woke up 1.5 hours later, and my heart beat was still very fast, around 200 bpm this time. The jaw pain had gotten worse and I was very dizzy and nauseous. By the time I went to bed some hours later, I felt okay again. Since that day, I've been very fatigued and feel a bit short of breath (however I have asthma so might be just that). Has anyone ever experienced somehing similar or has some advice/idea why this happened?
Normally I'd just see a cardiologist but I live in a small village now and there are only pediatric ones nearby. The last time I saw a cardiologist was in November 2017 I think and everything was fine back then.
Thank you all!