Hi I have just recently been told my cholesterol is too high at 8.9, my blood pressure is also too high so am seeking ways to improve my health by diet and exercise, which is difficult with a new knee, apart from changing from butter to benecol I’m not sure what else to do, my GP just told me to look at BHF website. Any advice gratefully received.
Trying to do better : Hi I have just... - British Heart Fou...
Trying to do better

Hi Chrisxal,
It is great that you are going to be making some lifestyle changes to lower your blood pressure and cholesterol levels,but in this instance did your GP mention taking statins? 8.9 is too high( ideally it should be less than 5). If you have any family history of heart attacks,this also counts as a significant risk factor for cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack and stroke. We all need some cholesterol to keep our cells healthy,but we don't want to make too much either! I hope by looking at our website you will be able to find further useful information, but it would also be worth having a further discussion with your GP who may want to measure it again to make sure that reading was accurate.
If you would like to talk things through further with one of the nurses on the heart helpline the number is 0300-330-3311. There is someone there Monday- Friday from 9-5.
I hope I've helped.
Take care,
Thank you Philippa, there is history of heart disease and heart attack in my family which worries me. My GP said he would give me 3 months to see if I can reduce it by diet and exercise if it doesn’t come down then it will be statins. I was surprised when I asked what changes I need to make to be told to either google it or look on BHF website.
Hi Chrisxal, Both my husband and I were found to have high cholesterol levels. My husband chose to lower his level by diet alone and it worked for him. He is now down below 5. I chose to use diet and statins (history of heart problems in my parents and now myself too) and my level is around 4 now. We eat a generally low fat diet and he has porridge every morning. Little tweaks to diet and lifestyle can make a noticeable difference. Good luck!
There is a lot that can be done with diet but it sounds like you may have Familial Hypercholesterolaemia. I would ask for a referral to a cardiologist to look at your risk factors, genetics and family history closely. They can also do more detailed blood testing than the GP will do.
The good news is in your case you know now before you've had any coronary events. Possibly your family members did not have that knowledge that their cholesterol was so high.
Do have a look at nutritionfacts.org where Dr Michael Gregor has many articles about lowering cholesterol. In your case, however your cholesterol is well above 5, so you may have to start statins or an injection to really bring your heart attack risk down to an acceptable level in tandem with trying dietary measures.
So get yourself a good cardiologist and keep trying to do better as you say in your headline for this thread. Every little change helps- each one adds more progress to your goal of preventing coronary artery disease. Perhaps even consider changing the GP that you see because you are going to need close follow up until your cholesterol gets into an acceptable range.
Now the less convenient news: Cheese, butter and full fat dairy have to go I'm afraid, as will most animal foods in time. Alternatively you can opt for high dose statins and the cholesterol lowering injection - the choice is yours and it will get cleaer to you what you are prepared to accept as time goes on.
You can do this. You've made a great start by reaching out here- there are lots of people in the same boat who have had great success with bringing their cholesterol down with a range of approaches including statins where necessary.
Very best of luck and determination. Do feedback how you get on.
Wow thanks for the reply but it all sounds a bit scary.
Hello there - just to echo this point - the NICE guidance tells us that based on your cholesterol levels and your family history you should be screened for familial hypercholesterolaemia (FH). If you'd like to talk to one of our genetics nurses you can call 0300 456 8383 9am-5pm Monday to Friday as we will be able to give you more information on next steps.
You can read a little more in the NICE guidance here: nice.org.uk/guidance/cg71/c...
We also have a web page on FH: bhf.org.uk/heart-health/con...
I hope this helps,

Thank you, I must admit I wasn’t too concerned but after reading the responses to my original post I am now more concerned so have made an appointment with my GP. But the earliest appointment I can get is 4th July.
Glad to hear you've made an appointment - if you'd like to call GIS or send an email to hearthelpline@bhf.org.uk we can get some more details from you and see what services might be in your area. Genetic testing for this condition is patchy across the UK, but the treatment remains the same. It's also a good idea for any siblings or children you have to have their cholesterol checked too.

Thanks my son has just been checked and his is 5.5. My 3 brothers all have had heart attacks so are monitored regularly.
I got mine down consistently to 2.8-2.9 through diet, allowing me to progressively cut down my statin medication. Its common to immediately think that cutting fats reduces cholesterol. Its not true and not that simple unfortunately. Some earlier responses you received touched on some of the foods which help. Note also that currently, total cholesterol is considered by most as being less important than relative amounts of it, and of triglycerides, to HDL (so called good cholesterol). I reduced my saturated content (in particular dairy and reduced red meats and got better cuts) and increased my monounsaturates. But I believe the biggest helpful factor is to reduce refined sugars. Simply put, they can attach and create versions of LDL that are "very bad".
I’ve swapped my spread and swapped oils for heart healthy oils. There is a large list on the Daniel plan website and lowered salt content. I’m still struggling with it especially wiv others wanting to eat crap around me.
Mine is at 9:5 bro, youre doing better than me although I was at 10:5 last year without any medications.
Thanks, I hoping for positive changes.