Other than your GP, what healthcare professional... - Ataxia UK
Other than your GP, what healthcare professionals do you currently see? (you can tick as many answers as you like)
An eye specialist
An eye specialist and a cardiologist x
talk about a rock & a hard place ! IF a GP knows about ataxia, he/she then puts every problem down to it !
Podiatrist/chiropodist: cardiologist: urologist. Daily carers to wash, dry and apply prescribed skin creams, and dress me makes a fantastic difference.
Handtherapist, hydrotherapist, parkingsons nurse, parkingsons support worker,
Eye specialist.
My Other is an ENT Professor at the Neuro Hospital, Queen Sq. . London
orthooptist I think that is how you spell it [eye specialist for double vision ]
Personal Trainer (initiially in collaboration with neuro physio)
Social Worker
Don't see anyone at the moment Only a recent visit to my GP.
My local Doctors Surgery are not up date concerning anything about SCA6/Ataxia.
I put other because i currently see my Optician, my Urologist, a Cognitive Behaviourial Therapist, a Hand Consultant, and one of the two Ataxia Nurses in the UK.
Anyone that I see, I have sought myself. Otherwise once I was diagnosed I wouldn't have seen anyone!
I see a neurologist and a neuro physiotherapist, currently, and will be seeing a geneticist in January: these are Ataxia related. For Breast Cancer experienced in 2011, I continue to to have regular check-ups from a breast consultant, an oncologist and a plastic surgeon. I use a specialist breast nurse alongside my GP as initial points of contact and advice.
Referred to a Parkinson's Specialist Nurse but then my diagnosis has been changed to MSA-C from CA
My GP knows nothing about ataxia - visits to the Ataxia Centre are about once every two years, so I have to manage on my own. Apart from that I see a podiatrist.
My gp knows nothing and I saw 2 neurologist and they say good luck, nothing we can do
Every time you go to the GP with a problem its all ways your ataxia
A neurologist I used to see once a year but hasn't called me for 3 years
my gp doesnt know what to do to help me we know that there isnt any local support groups but there has to be either a specialist nurse or neurologist that specialises is ataxia that i could go and see im sick of trying to cope on my own
an Clinical Neuropsychologist