Are you a member of an Ataxia UK Branch or Suppo... - Ataxia UK
Are you a member of an Ataxia UK Branch or Support Group?
no group held to far to travel
I'm unawre of what the groups do or if it'd interest me, I dont believe there is a group nearby.... I live in Bexhill East Sussex and i understand the nearest group is in Tunbridge wells which is approx 30 miles away.
There isn't one close enough. I live in East Barnet - anyone else nearby?
I Believe The nearest one To Rotherham is in Sheffield and is held in the mornings, I would have to get 3 buses to get there as I do not drive and my husband is at work .

I am not a member of my local group because I do not feel particularly in need of support. My symptoms are mild and they do not interfere with my life. If they did, then perhaps I would think differently.
I would definately attend a group,however there seems to be none in the highlands,,my son,s condition has deterioated quickly+i am struggling to come to terms with it all,,,heaven knows how he feels!!!! Help
I am a member of the West of Scotland Ataxia support group. Our meetings are held every four weeks at Maryhill, Glasgow.
all the groups in my area are to far away/inaccessible by bus ect and as many people who do are in wheelchairs ect I do not want to see a potential future
Sort of the opposite reason as Johnpa. I do not want to be a reminder of other member's potential future. I'd like to join a group because I don't know anyone with ataxia, but I wouldn't feel comfortable.
Didn't realise that there were support groups. My partner was diagnosed with Ataxia two years ago and any support would be helpful
If you tell us where you are from Enazena then we will be able to tell you where your nearest Ataxia branch/support group may be. Iain
Am a member of the Dorset Group who meet in Poole.I live in Wiltshire as of two years ago but have been going to Poole Group for four years as used to live in Wimborne.Usually have a good laugh as well.Not bothered about the future.Have got used to mourning the past.
No support group near me. Im now going through the process of starting up a group
None that I know of!
Difficulty logging on, will try again
I live in the United States, not much support here!
don't know of any ...north lanarkshire
US Citizen living in NY State