drop in PF & lightheadednesss - Asthma Community ...

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drop in PF & lightheadednesss

3 Replies

I have a nasty cold from my dad, my PF has dropped 160 since this morning, its now sitting around 340ish. my chest and back feel really tight. I've had lightheadedness with severe asthma attacks which I've had low sats with, but never when I've not had many other symptoms.

could the lightheadedness and drop in PF be related at all?

3 Replies
Asthma-girl profile image

If you are still having these symptoms it might be worth speaking NHS Direct or out of hours doctor.

saw gp yesterday about something unrelated, got told probably my BP a bit low as PF was normal & sats were normal.

Light headedness is a drop in oxygen levels. It depends where you live. Either go out of hours or go a and e.

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