AUK 10Km Run - Please Support the KA ... - Asthma Community ...

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AUK 10Km Run - Please Support the KA Team!

36 Replies

Hello Everyone!

It's that time of year again - the AUK 10K run takes place at Dorney Lake, Windsor on Easter Saturday (March 22nd). Once again a group of volunteers from the Kick-Asthma Children's Holidays are getting together to variously run the 10k, the new 2x5K relay, and support loudly from the sidelines (as well as promoting the hols).

We - and especially I - would be very, very, grovellingly grateful if you could spare a few pennies to support our cause. What cause? This one *points upwards* - Asthma UK. We'd love to beat last year's achievement of £2,500 (which was a bit astounding). Our online fundraising site is - or you can PM me for details if you wish to sponsor us by cheque.

Last year I wanted to run it in less than an hour - and I managed 1hr 0mins 6s - gutted! Really want to beat that this this space. A number of the team aside from myself are also asthmatic, so your support would mean a lot to them, too.

Right, I'll cut the waffle now.

Thanks for reading,


(Moderator hat with ""go faster"" stripes)

36 Replies

I'm going to be deeply cheeky and bump this ;)

No nepotism Steve-do you think you are an MP--heheh !!

LOL, heaven forbid! :P

I also noticed Steve donated £100.

*thinks £10 will suffice, is student :P*

Well, there are a lot of 'em in the team; I just pay pro-rata!

Bumping this up and then off to justgiving to do as I'm told

Wow CathBear that was a cracking total last year, well done! Lets hope you can beat your time and your total, will send some pennies. Go KA Team and especially CathBear, love Lois xx

yaf_user681_28534 profile image

Bumpity bumpity BUMP!

*whistles innocently*

*hoiks thread back up to the top*

*continues to whistle innocently*

PS thanks to all who have sponsored us thus far! It is very, very much appreciated :-D

Cheeky bumpity bump...with added ""pretty please with a cherry and pink icing"". x

*whistles casually again as she bumps thread back to the top*

Thanks for all donations so far...very good start to the fundraising total!! x


Hoiking this back to the top. Not quite half way yet - £699 so far - anyone like to have the honour of breaking the 700 mark?x

Yay!! Thank you!!

Next marker - £750 for the half way point!!

KateMoss profile image

Bumpity Bump ! Stick me down for some sponsorship!!!!!( WIll PM you!)


Thank you Kate - and everyone who has sponsored the team so far.

We have now broken the half-way barrier - thanks everyone!

Next stop - £800!

Just need to stamp envelope then mine is away in the post this very day!

Good Luck!


A big big hip hip hurrah - we've broken the £1,000 barrier!

Onwards and upwards - our target is £1,500. Any further contributions very much appreciated.

Just a week to go....scary thought for the day: this time next week it'll all be over. *eeeek*

Envelope went in post y'day. Good luck all!


yaf_user681_28534 profile image




good luck!


PS-did I notice a new target?

Yes indeed. We reached the £1,500 target....maybe yesterday? The day before? So we've upped it.

Please pray for good weather on Saturday, or at least for it to be not cold and not too windy, else I'm not going to manage to rake in the extra promised cash for doing it under an hour :(

Just wanted to wish all of you the very best of luck for Saturday!!

Depending on Sean and the weather hopefully we will see you there :-)

KateMoss profile image

Just wishing Good Luck to the KA Team!!

Hope is isn't too snowy - good job your not running in Essex! We have snow forecast!

Love & Huggs & Lucozade!



Thank you! Julie - will hopefully see you and the family there! Keeping fingers crossed!

Well, the Beeb can't seem to make its mind up what the weather will be doing on Saturday - I have checked three times this week and three times it's said something diferent!! I think I'll just have to wait and see...

yaf_user681_30003 profile image

Just popping in from West Kensington to wish you all good luck tomorrow. Won't be there in body, but mind will be with you all the way.

Loads of love and hugs and Hotel Chocolat Hot Chocolate drinks for after




Good Luck 2moro :)

Hope it isnt too windy and cold for you



Just wanted to wish you all luck to everyone entering. Take care. Hope wether is nice for you all.

Just popping in to wish u all luck.

Take care and have fun!


GD luck! xx

yaf_user681_28534 profile image


And fingers crossed for good weather...

Good Luck all - hope the weather's good for you!! Claire and Ollie

Many thanks for the good wishes.

Weather was unfortunatley absolutely horrendous - freezing cold, driving wind, rain, hail, sleet and snow.

Sadly didn't make it round under and hour but considering conditions I was very happy with a time of 1hr 1min 37s (the fastest runners reckon the conditions took about 5mins off their times).

Sean made it round the 2k but had a text from Julie to say he's struggling a bit now, all credit to him for making it though.

Off to get some food in now and to continue warming up.


KateMoss profile image

Woo Hooo!

Well done Team KA and Sean!! Weather has been all four seasons here today - windy, sunny, rain, hail & snow!

Chequies will be posted!

Hope your all warmed up now!

Take care

Love & hot soup!



Well done everyone :o)

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