Reflux Help!: Is there anything i can... - Asthma Community ...

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Reflux Help!

15 Replies

Is there anything i can do? I am on loads of medication and it just isnt working!

I am fed up of bringing food back up as liquid and the burning sensation.

Taking Esomprezale and dompredione.

Any suggestions welcome!

I just would like a nights sleep (sitting up does not make any difference)

15 Replies

Is there a specialist you can see for it?

I think in severe cases operations can be done to relieve it think its called a nissen fundoplication.

hope you feel better soon.


I know what you mean...

Hey Plumie,

Im suffering bad too at night, feel like im having a heart attack!

im sitting up at night time too to try and sleep, likewise any suggestions welcome.

Your taken the meds you should derinately go back to your doctor and say its not working, like the other girl said maybe you should have an operation?

when im next at the docs im going to tell them my nausea isn't helped by the meds and the heartburn is quite bad....

talk soon plumie

kel x

Spoke to Resp nurse, she says hammer gaviscon until she can talk to my consultant and try and keep my asthma under as much control as possible.

Hi I had really bad acid reflux which made my asthma worse and it made me cough all night I found if I hadn't had anything to eat my asthma was really bad !

I did a a lot of research and a course in Nutrition and found a lot of my symptoms allergies being one of them we due to Candida !

So I stopped eating sugar and started taking Digestive enzymes and this worked !

I found out that acid reflux is due to low stomache acid and the food is not being digested so it sits there for a long time which is why it comes back up !!!

I didn't need to take the medicine the doctor gave me for the acid reflux any more as this worked for me !

I hope this helps

I have discovered bread makes it worst, i use to have a problem with candida before from the yeast and i think it has come back so i am going to avoid yeast again for a while and see if it settles down, but i may also try sugar as well.

The trouble is i also hvae to avoid milk and egg so at this rate i wont be eating anything. which i did tell my consultant as i joke i would! Star child i cannot message you.

You need to stop eating sugar as this feeds the yeast, you can message me now !

KateMoss profile image


I have had some irritations in the oesophagus, not sorted by extra doses of Zoton (Lansoprazone) (I can take an extra one at night as advised) so I have concluded that it is candida albicans having a party again.

I take Fluconazole to start the evicition process and will now cut out the rest of the usual suspects... I have a low sugar diet anyway and lactose free so will try no yeast and perhaps cut out some wheat too.

I will give it a few days otherwise will resort to getting a course to clear up the candina ( five days of Fluconazole 50mg usually does it)

I have also got some Tea tree lozenges (Thursday Plantation) and also gargle with a bit of tea tree oil ( 3-4 drops!!) in a glass on water.

I do prefer natural methods but have to resort to conevtional medicine as well as compliemntary stuff!

Oh and high steroids don't help either!!!


Garlic and Onions kill the yeast too ! 2 cloves aday !

KateMoss profile image

OK, Garlic for tea!

Just to clear some confusion up...

The yeast present in bread is completely different from the ""yeast"" that lives quite happily in the human body. Baker's yeast is Saccromyces cerevisiae, wheras the most common ""yeast"" in the human body is Candida albicans. Candida albicans and its family are commonly present in the mouth, on the skin, and ""down below"" in small amounts. If things get slightly out of control, and they become overgrown, you get symptoms such as vaginal thrush, or, as Kate refers to, if you are on long term oral steroids or have inhaled steroids coming into contact with your mouth/throat, you may get oesophageal or oral thrush.

Candida, and other fungi, cannot survive in stomach acid as it is too acidic.

However, as Kate alludes to, oesophageal candida can cause reflux-like symptoms.

KateMoss profile image

Hi Cathbear,

Thanks for the clarification on the yeasty bugs!

Yes, I know there are lots of different yeast fungi and I am sceptical about the bread yeast link. The Allergy Bible is also sceptical too about it though some people seem to think it has an effect. The effect is probably reactions to those yeast fungi types completely independent from the Candida albicans.

Did Microbiology as specialist subject for A level Biology.... there are loads of yeast and fungi in our diets and trying to cut out all yeasts would make eating very restricted. eg no marmite!


Yep Kate - very difficult indeed - a bit like trying to cut out all carbohydrates in any form - extremely difficult.

I thinks it's a shame doctors don't recognize yeast in the gut as being a real health problem, yeast thrives in the gut if it out numbers the good flora !

Antibiotics kill good and bad bacteria when this happens you have to replenish the gut with good bacteria by taking a probiotic (tablet form) else candida can take hold.

I wish my doctor had told me about candida when I was there every month with thrush and other problems. Cutting out sugar and all refined foods changed my life and stopped my thrush, acid reflux and loads of other problems.

I think all doctors should be trained nutritionists they could help a lot of patients just by changing their diet.

Its such a shame doctors treat the symptom and not the cause.

Yeast in the gut really *shouldn't* be a problem in the grand majority of people, unless you have a serious immune deficiency - and I'm not just talking about immune suppression caused by taking regular systemic steroids. (NB - don't panic Kate or anyone else with oesophageal thrush - by ""gut"" I mean intestines/bowels, not oesophagus).

Yup, antibiotics can cause a general Domestos-type effect and many people benefit from taking a pro-biotic - containing good bacteria - to help prevent antibiotic-associated diarrhoea.

Starchild, I think you'll find a lot of general medicine is about treating the cause and not the symptoms. I'm sorry you had a bad experience, but please don't tar all doctors with the same brush.

I am talking about my experience and in my experience my doctor has never offered me any advice on diet.

Had she have done this it could have stopped a lot of discomfort a long time ago.

All I have ever been offered is a pill for the symptom without ever trying to find the cause of the symptom. Its almost like here you go I'm not going to find out why your having this problem because I have loads of people waiting to see me so take this pill and live with it.

If we found out the cause of these problems in the begining it would save people a lot of money and discomfort than just giving everyone medication !

I'm all for medication if theres no other choice, but why not find out if there is another option ?

Again I'm not tarring everyone with the same brush this is just my experience.

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