keeping well in the winter: just been... - Asthma Community ...

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keeping well in the winter

4 Replies

just been on the NHS Direct website and in their Mind Body section on the lefthand side of their homepage (I think) there are some useful tips food obviously, staying warm obviously too but also about tai chi increasing your immune system by 50%!! Have a look if you have a minuite.

Sandi X

4 Replies

T'ai Chi

I was lucky enough to have had the opportunity when studying Buddhism at school to take a ten week course in T-ai Chi, and I found it extremely worthwhile, and would love to take it up again. It's great for improving flexibility and calming the mind as it's very meditative (I'm a complete hippy!) and also does a lot for muscle strength as well . and I believe the physical and psychological benefits to the immune system are also excellent.

Try it out!

Emz x

I used to do yoga, and really enjoyed it, and found it very beneficial, in terms of stress relief, flexibility and so on. I couldn't swear to any material health benefits, but I'm not ruling the possibility out! It was quite a rigorous, active form of yoga, so I couldn't keep up with all of it, but they were happy for me to work at my own pace and sit out if I couldn't do some of it.

I'd love to join a yoga programme again, but I can't really find one that's suitable; there was a woman who was starting up a programme of yoga specifically designed for severe asthmatics, but I don't think the classes ever started, because of lack of numbers. It would be good though, if there were such a class - presumably in a class like that, I wouldn't get quite so many strange looks if I stopped to have a neb!

Take care all,


PS - I'm curious to know how you would measure a 50% increase in your immune system, though! I'm not poo-pooing the idea - just not really sure how one would go about confirming that.

Thanks Emily and Crazybaby - Yes thats true just how can you quqantify any real improvement in ones immune system there are just so many variables. Still a good selling point I dare say!

The local classes I found have started and apparently you need to start at the beginning. I will have to keep an eye out for new the ones after Xmas - though usually a sticky time for me.

I do actually go to yoga - a lovely teacher masses of knowledge and experience. I think I may be getting the same sort of benefits from my classes and bits of home practice rather than spreading myself out too thinly. I do tend to get excited about new things to help but the extra rushing about these classes cause probably have the opposite effect on my asthma. Perhaps only becuase I'm in contact with more people and more viruses in an enclosed space!

I generally try and do my gently yoga and stretching exercises each morning along with a cat - when I remember I think it keeps my chest open and used plus the cat especially gives me an indication of when things are going downhill as I tend to cough when stretching forward and breathing in.

Have you tried a video at home Emily I know some of them work at the wrong pace but unlike a teacher at least you can stop them!

Its good and frosty here this morning - need to go out - only in the car and of course where else but to the chemist but will wait till it warms up a bit.

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